The 5.1 version of the Alliance Treaty Obligations and Provisions (ATOP) project provides data regarding the content of military alliance agreements signed by all countries of the world between 1815 and 2018.
The authors hope the project will be useful in understanding (1) the conditions under which leaders sign formal alliance agreements and why they do so; (2) why leaders design alliances with varying obligations and provisions; (3) the effects of alliances on subsequent behavior and the role of design features in influencing these effects; and (4) the success of alliances in eliciting compliance, and the role of design features in influencing this success.
Last updated by source: 2022-08-09
Dataset type: | Time-Series |
Dataset level: | Country |
(Leeds et al.,
Member of an Alliance 0. Not a member of an alliance 1. Member of an alliance An alliance defined as a formal agreement among independent states to cooperate militarily in the face of potential or realized military conflict. Formal international agreements are defined as official acts exchanged between authorized state representatives on behalf of their countries
More about this variableConsultancy Obligation 0. Has no Consultancy obligations 1. Has Consultancy obligations Coded 1 if the alliance member promises to consult with one or more alliance partners in the event of crises with the potential to become militarized conflicts. The consultation obligation must be (1) specific to militarized crises, and (2) imply a goal of policy coordination. A general promise to consult on issues affecting the interests of the signatories or to consult on important international problems is not enough to qualify as a consultation pact for our purposes, unless the agreement further specifies that the signatories will consult upon issues of security with the goal of policy coordination.
More about this variableDefensive Obligation 0. Has no defensive obligations 1. Has defensive obligations Coded 1 if the alliance member promises to provide active military support in the event of attack on the sovereignty or territorial integrity of one or more alliance partners. A promise to treat such an attack on one alliance member as an attack on all alliance members qualifies as a promise of defensive support.
More about this variableNeutrality Obligation 0. Has no Neutrality obligations 1. Has Neutrality obligations Coded 1 if the alliance member promises not to join a conflict between one or more alliance partners and a third party on the side of the ally’s adversary. This promise implies both that the state will not participate actively in the conflict on the side of the adversary and will not facilitate the effort of the partner’s adversary in any way. A general promise not to “take part in any coalition directed against the other party” is not specific enough to qualify as a neutrality promise. Either the agreement must specify that the state will remain neutral or that it will not aid the third state in any way.
More about this variableNon-Agression Obligation 0. Has no Non-Agression obligations 1. Has Non-Agression obligations Coded 1 if the alliance member promises not to use force against one or more alliance partners to settle disputes. The member must promise specifically to refrain from the use of force in relations with the alliance partner, to refrain from participating in any action against the alliance partner and/or to settle all disputes peacefully in relations with the alliance partner. A statement that the parties respect one another’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, or that their relations reflect perpetual friendship, is not sufficient to constitute a nonaggression provision, but a statement that their relations will be based on the principle of nonaggression is. In addition, in order to qualify as a nonaggression pact, the alliance agreement must include language that reflects an active promise. A statement that the parties “believe in the inadmissability of force in international relations and hope to strengthen mechanisms for the peaceful resolution of international problems” does not qualify as a nonaggression provision because it does not include a commitment by the members to refrain from the use of force or to settle all disputes peacefully.
More about this variableNumber of Alliances Total number of alliances the state is a member of.
More about this variableOffensive Obligation 0. Has no offensive obligations 1. Has offensive obligations Coded 1 if the alliance member promises to provide active military support under any conditions not precipitated by attack on the sovereignty or territorial integrity of an alliance partner, regardless of whether the goals of the action are to maintain the status quo.
More about this variableTransition Year. 1 if any commitment starts or ends in the given year, indicating that some commitment is not in effect for the full year.
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