Data Sources

A data source is the main provider of data. It may be the creator or main distributor of a dataset. It can be an institution, a sole author, or several researchers who devote efforts into making the data available.
QoG Code: aid

Michaël Aklin and Johannes Urpelainen
QoG Code: au

Data on the establishment of environmental ministries from the article: Aklin, M. and Urpelainen, J., 2014. The global spread of environmental ministries: domestic–international interactions. International Studies Quarterly, 58(4), pp.764-780.

Michèle B. Baettig, Simone Brander, Dieter M. Imboden
QoG Code: bbi

Data used in the article: Bättig, M.B., Brander, S. and Imboden, D.M., 2008. Measuring countries’ cooperation within the international climate change regime. Environmental Science & Policy, 11(6), pp.478-489.

Thomas Bernauer, Tobias Böhmelt, and Vally Koubi
QoG Code: bbk

Data on environmental non-governmental organizations used in the article: Bernauer, T., Böhmelt, T. and Koubi, V., 2013. Is there a democracy–civil society paradox in global environmental governance?. Global Environmental Politics, 13(1), pp.88-107.

Change in Source of Leader Support
QoG Code: chisols

The 'Change in Source of Leader Support' (CHISOLS) data is an effort by Michaela Mattes, Brett Ashley Leeds and Naoko Matsumura.

Luciana Cingolani
QoG Code: cingolani

Luciana Cingolani is Assistant Professor of Public Administration at the Hertie School. She is also an affiliate of the Centre for Digital Governance and an Expert of UNESCO’s Inclusive Policy Lab. Her career has focused on the quality of governance and institutions.

Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters
QoG Code: cred

The Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) at the Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) has been active for over 40 years in the fields of international disaster and conflict health studies, with activities linking relief, rehabilitation and development. The Centre promotes research, training and technical expertise on humanitarian emergencies, particularly in public health and epidemiology. CRED's research scope includes two main axes: natural disasters and crisis situations caused by civil strife, conflict or others. CRED studies broader aspects of humanitarian crises and emergencies, such as socio-economic, gender and environmental issues, with a strong focus on the special needs of vulnerable groups such as women and children. By providing a wealth of data on health issues arising from disasters and conflict, CRED seeks to improve needs-based preparedness and responses to humanitarian emergencies.

ETH Zurich
QoG Code: dr

The Energy Institute
QoG Code: ei

The Energy Institute (EI) is the chartered professional membership body for people who work across the world of energy. Their purpose is creating a better energy future for our members and society by accelerating a just global energy transition to net zero.

Holzinger, Knill, Sommerer
QoG Code: envipolcon

ENVIPOLCON is the acronym of ‘Environmental governance in Europe: the impact of international institutions and trade on policy convergence’. The project was carried out between 2003 and 2006 by the following universities: University of Konstanz, Germany University of Hamburg, Germany Free University of Berlin, Germany University of Salzburg, Austria Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands The project was supported by the EU, RTD programme ‘Improving the human research potential and the socioeconomic knowledge base’, contract no. HPSE-CT-2002-00103. Link does not fit below:

QoG Code: eu

Fund for Peace
QoG Code: ffp

GenDip: Gender in Diplomacy
QoG Code: gendip

The GenDip program is led by Professor Ann Towns, Wallenberg Academy Fellow, and consists of a research group at the Department of Political Science of the University of Gothenburg as well as an international research network, the GenDip Network. The program is funded by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation and the Swedish Research Council.

The Growth Lab at Harvard University
QoG Code: glhu

Led by Ricardo Hausmann, the Growth Lab at Harvard's Center for International Development works to understand the dynamics of growth and to translate those insights into more effective policy-making in developing countries. The Growth Lab places increased economic diversity and complexity at the center of the development story and uncovers how countries move into industries that offer increased productivity.

Redonda, von Haldenwang and Aliu
QoG Code: gted

The Global Tax Expenditures Database (GTED) is led by the Council on Economic Policies (CEP) and the German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE).

HUMAN Surveys
QoG Code: hum

International Country Risk Guide - The PRS Group
QoG Code: icrg

Established in 1979, The PRS Group is the world’s leading quant-driven political and country forecasting and risk rating firm. With its early intellectual roots firmly planted in academe and in joint research with the US State Department and the CIA, the firm now stands alone in the sector by interfacing its longstanding data series with artificial intelligence to produce truly outstanding, predictive results. PRS is also a world leader in the production of corruption risk data and geospatial satellite analysis, and is the only firm of its kind to be recognized by the courts in commercial litigation as authorities in the field.

International Environmental Agreements Database Project
QoG Code: iead

The International Environmental Agreements (IEA) Database Project seeks to foster analysis of international environmental agreements (IEAs) by providing a "single source" repository for most information related to IEAs and the evaluation of their influence. Initiated in 2002, the Database seeks to provide a reliable list of all historic and current IEAs.

Emanuele and Marino
QoG Code: ipwe

Vincenzo Emanuele and Bruno Marino

International Social Survey Programme
QoG Code: issp

The ISSP evolved out of pre-existing general social surveys. Its origin was a bilateral collaboration between the respective national studies of National Opinion Research Center (NORC), University of Chicago and Zentrum fuer Umfragen, Methoden, und Analysen (ZUMA, now part of GESIS-Leibniz Institute of the Social Sciences), in Mannheim, Germany.

Center for Systems Science and Engineering
QoG Code: jhu

Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University

QoG Code: per

Davide Romelli
QoG Code: romelli

Davide Romelli is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at Trinity College Dublin, a Research affiliate of IM-TCD (International Macro-TCD) and SUERF – The European Money and Finance Forum and a Research fellow of the BAFFI-CAREFIN centre, Bocconi University. Prof. Romelli is also Associate Editor of the International Journal of Finance & Economics.

Michael L Ross
QoG Code: ross

O'Reilly and Murphy
QoG Code: sci

Data used in the article: O'Reilly, C. and Murphy, R.H. (2022), An Index Measuring State Capacity, 1789–2018. Economica, 89: 713-745.

QoG Swedish Agency Database
QoG Code: swedat

This database (Dahlström, Holmgren, Björkdahl, Hazell, Khomenko, Svensson and Åberg, 2018) consists of a comprehensive sample of administrative agencies in the Swedish executive bureaucracy between 1960 and 2014. The data was originally assembled for the project "The Politics of Administrative Design" (financed by the Swedish Research Council through grant 2014-947), which focused on how partisan shifts in government can affect the staff, structure, and process of public bureaucracies.

QoG Code: ucdp

United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division
QoG Code: unim

The Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs conducts demographic research, supports intergovernmental processes at the United Nations in the area of population and development, and assists countries in developing their capacity to produce and analyse population data and information.

Nyrup and Bramwell
QoG Code: wgov

World Justice Project
QoG Code: wjp
