Enterprise Surveys

Data source: The World Bank Group

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World Bank Enterprise Surveys offer an expansive array of economic data on 180,000 firms in 154 countries. The data is presented in a variety of ways useful to researchers, policy makers, journalists, and others.

Business environment and performance indicators are created by computing weighted averages of businesses’ responses to questions in the Enterprise Survey using sampling weights. Indicators are displayed at the country level but can be viewed by firm subgroups in the original source.

Dataset type: Time-Series
Dataset level: Country


When using this dataset, please cite as:
• The World Bank. (2024). World bank enterprise surveys. https://www.enterprisesurveys.org/en/enterprisesurveys

Variables in this dataset:

Bribery Depth
QoG Code: ens_brdep

The depth of Bribery is the percentage of instances in which a firm was either expected or requested to provide a gift or informal payment during solicitations for public services, licenses or permits. This measure uses data from 6 survey questions for each firm. For purposes of computation, a refusal to answer a particular survey question is considered an affirmative answer.

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Bribery Incidence
QoG Code: ens_brinc

The percent of firms experiencing at least one bribe payment request across 6 public transactions dealing with utilities access, permits, licenses, and taxes.

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Giving gifts to get a construction permit
QoG Code: ens_con

Percentage of firms expected to give gifts or informal payments to get a construction permit.

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Corruption as a Major Constraint
QoG Code: ens_cor

Percentage of firms identifying corruption as a "major" or "very severe" obstacle.

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Giving gifts to get electricity
QoG Code: ens_el

Percentage of firms expected to give gifts or informal payments to get an electrical connection.

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Giving gifts to secure government contract
QoG Code: ens_gcon

Percentage of establishments that consider that firms with characteristics similar to theirs are making informal payments or giving gifts to public officials to secure government contract.

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Giving gifts in meetings with tax officials
QoG Code: ens_gme

Percentage of firms expected to give gifts or informal payments during meetings with tax officials.

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Value of gifts to secure a government contract
QoG Code: ens_gval

Percentage of establishments that consider that firms with characteristics similar to theirs are making informal payments or giving gifts to public officials to "get things done” with regard to customs, taxes, licenses, regulations, services etc.

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Giving gifts to get an import license
QoG Code: ens_iml

Percentage of firms expected to give gifts or informal payments to get an import license.

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Competing against unregistered or informal firms
QoG Code: ens_infir

Percent of firms competing against unregistered or informal firms.

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Informal Sector as a Major Constraint
QoG Code: ens_info

Percentage of firms identifying practices of competitors in the informal sector as a major constraint. The computation of the indicator is based on the rating of the obstacle as a potential constraint to the current operations of the establishment.

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Operation Years without Formal Registration
QoG Code: ens_inye

Average number of years firms operated without formal registration. This indicator is computed only for the firms that did not have a formal registration when they started their operations in the country.

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Court system as a Major Constraint
QoG Code: ens_law

Percent of firms identifying the court system as a major constraint.

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Giving gifts to get an operating license
QoG Code: ens_opl

Percentage of firms expected to give gifts or informal payments to get an operating license. Spontaneous refusals to the question are treated as a “Yes”.

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Giving gifts to public officials "to get things done"
QoG Code: ens_oth

Percentage of establishments that consider that firms with characteristics similar to theirs are making informal payments or giving gifts to public officials to "get things done” with regard to customs, taxes, licenses, regulations, services etc.

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Formal Registry before Operations
QoG Code: ens_reg

Percentage of firms formally registered when they started operations in the country.

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Giving gifts to get water connection
QoG Code: ens_wat

Percentage of firms expected to give gifts or informal payments to get a water connection.

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