State Capacity, Minority Shareholder Protections, and Stock Market Development

Data source: Guillén and Capron

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A longitudinal dataset on the adoption of minority shareholders' legal protections and the development of the stock market in 78 countries between 1970 and 2016.

Last updated by source: 2017-11-10

Dataset type: Time-Series
Dataset level: Country


When using this dataset, please cite as:
• Guillén, M., & Capron, L. (2016). State capacity, minority shareholder protections, and stock market development. Administrative Science Quarterly, 61(1), 125–160.

Variables in this dataset:

   Minority Shareholder Rights
QoG Code: gc_shr

The ten key legal provisions identified as most relevant to the protection of minority shareholder rights are coded by a team of legal scholars coded between 0 and 1. The measures are not dichotomous because intermediate scores between 0 and 1 are possible. The sum of the scores for each of the ten legal provisions are the value of the variable, ranging from 0 to 10. The ten legal provisions protecting the rights of minority shareholders: 1. Powers of the general meeting for de facto changes 2. Agenda-setting power 3. Anticipation of shareholder decision facilitated 4. Prohibition of multiple voting rights (super voting rights) 5. Independent board members 6. Feasibility of directors' dismissal 7. Private enforcement of directors' duties (derivative suit) 8. Shareholder action against resolutions of the general meeting 9. Mandatory bid 10. Disclosure of major share ownership

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