IMF GFS - Expenditure by Functions of Government (COFOG)

Data source: IMF Government Finance Statistics

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The IMF Government Finance Statistics (GFS) database contains fiscal data for all reporting countries in the framework of the Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014 (GFSM 2014). It includes detailed data on revenues, expenditures, transactions in financial assets and liabilities, and balance sheet data and includes data for the general government sector and its subsectors (e.g., central government, local government, state government and social security funds). GFS data are compiled by country authorities and reported to the IMF Statistics Department annually.

The data reported in the QoG Datasets is retrieved from Expenditure by Function of Government (COFOG) dataset, as the percentage of total expenditure by general government.

Please bear in mind, these data is produced and owned by the IMF, so please comply with their terms of use when working with this dataset.

Last updated by source: 2024-09-11

Dataset type: Time-Series
Dataset level: Country


When using this dataset, please cite as:
• International Monetary Fund. (2024). Government finance statistics - expenditure by function of government (COFOG).

Variables in this dataset:

   Expenditure on defense (% of total gen. gov. exp.)
QoG Code: gfs_def

Total expenditure on defense, as the percentage of general government expenditure.

More about this variable

   Expenditure on economic affairs (% of total gen. gov. exp.)
QoG Code: gfs_ecaf

Total expenditure on economic affairs, as the percentage of general government expenditure.

More about this variable

   Expenditure on education (% of total gen. gov. exp.)
QoG Code: gfs_educ

Total expenditure on education, as the percentage of general government expenditure.

More about this variable

   Expenditure on environment protection (% of total gen. gov. exp.)
QoG Code: gfs_envr

Total expenditure on environment protection, as the percentage of general government expenditure.

More about this variable

   Expenditure on general public services (% of total gen. gov. exp.)
QoG Code: gfs_gps

Total expenditure on general public services, as the percentage of general government expenditure.

More about this variable

   Expenditure on housing and community amenities (% of total gen. gov. exp.)
QoG Code: gfs_hca

Total expenditure on housing and community amenities, as the percentage of general government expenditure.

More about this variable

   Expenditure on health (% of total gen. gov. exp.)
QoG Code: gfs_heal

Total expenditure on health, as the percentage of general government expenditure.

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   Expenditure on public order and safety (% of total gen. gov. exp.)
QoG Code: gfs_pos

Total expenditure on public order and safety, as the percentage of general government expenditure.

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   Expenditure on recreation, culture and religion (% of total gen. gov. exp.)
QoG Code: gfs_rcr

Total expenditure on recreation, culture and religion, as the percentage of general government expenditure.

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   Expenditure on social protection (% of total gen. gov. exp.)
QoG Code: gfs_sp

Total expenditure on social protection, as the percentage of general government expenditure.

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