Green Growth

Data source: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

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The OECD Green Growth database contains selected indicators for monitoring progress towards green growth to support policy making and inform the public at large. The database synthesises data and indicators across a wide range of domains including a range of OECD databases as well as external data sources. The database covers OECD member and accession countries, key partners (including Brazil, China, India, Indonesia and South Africa) and other selected non-OECD countries. The indicators have been selected according to well-specified criteria and embedded in a conceptual framework, which is structured around four groups to capture the main features of green growth: (1) Environmental and resource productivity: indicate whether economic growth is becoming greener with more efficient use of natural capital and to capture aspects of production which are rarely quantified in economic models and accounting frameworks; (2) The natural asset base: indicate the risks to growth from a declining natural asset base; (3) Environmental dimension of quality of life: indicate how environmental conditions affect the quality of life and wellbeing of people; (4) Economic opportunities and policy responses: indicate the effectiveness of policies in delivering green growth and describe the societal responses needed to secure business and employment opportunities.

Dataset type: Time-Series
Dataset level: Country


When using this dataset, please cite as:
• Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). (2020). Green growth indicators database.

Variables in this dataset:

Population connected to public sewerage, % total population
QoG Code: gg_asew_pop

The percentage of the total population with access to public sewerage.

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Population connected to sewerage with primary treatment, % total population
QoG Code: gg_asewp

The percentage of the total population with access to public sewerage that includes a primary treatment process. Warning: this variable has some negative values, which falls outside the expected range for percentage variables. Check the original dataset for explanations or updates.

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Population connected to sewerage with secondary treatment, % total population
QoG Code: gg_asews

The percentage of the total population with access to public sewerage that includes a secondary treatment process.

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Population connected to sewerage with tertiary treatment, % total population
QoG Code: gg_asewt

The percentage of the total population with access to public sewerage that includes a tertiary treatment process.

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Built up area per capita
QoG Code: gg_buapc

The number of square meters of built-up area per inhabitant (m2/person).

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Built up area, % total land
QoG Code: gg_buapt

The built up area expressed as a percentage of total land area.

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Energy intensity, TPES per capita
QoG Code: gg_ei

The energy intensity calculated as TPES (Total Primary Energy Supply) per capita (toe/person).

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Environmentally related government R&D budget, % total government R&D
QoG Code: gg_envrd_gbaord

Environmentally related government R&D budget measures government budget appropriations or outlays for environmentally related research and development (R&D). It is expressed as a percentage of total government R&D expenditure.

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Environmentally related R&D expenditure, % GDP
QoG Code: gg_envrd_gdp

The environmentally related research and development (R&D) expenditure, expressed as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP).

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Environmentally related taxes, % GDP
QoG Code: gg_envtax_gdp

Total revenue gathered from environmentally-related taxes, fees, charges, tradable permits, deposit-refund systems, environmentally motivated subsidies, and voluntary approaches used for environmental policy, as percent of gross domestic product (GDP). The tax bases covered include: - Energy products (including vehicle fuels); - Motor vehicles and transport services; - Measured or estimated emissions to air and water, ozone depleting substances, certain non-point sources of water pollution, waste management and noise, as well as management of water, land, soil, forests, biodiversity, wildlife, and fish stocks. Same as oecd_etr_gdp.

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Environmentally related ODA, % total ODA
QoG Code: gg_eoda

The environmentally related Official Development Assistance (ODA) expressed as a percentage of total ODA.

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Energy public RD&D budget, % GDP
QoG Code: gg_erdgdp

The public budget for energy related research, development, and demonstration as a percentage of national gross domestic product (GDP).

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Development of environment-related technologies, % all technologies
QoG Code: gg_etp

The number of environment-related inventions expressed as a percentage of all domestic inventions (in all technologies). Indicators of technology development are constructed by measuring inventive activity using patent data across a wide range of environment-related technological domains (ENV-TECH, see link below), including environmental management, water-related adaptation, and climate change mitigation technologies. The counts used here include only higher-value inventions (with patent family size = 2).

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Development of environment-related technologies, % inventions worldwide
QoG Code: gg_etpw

The number of environment-related inventions expressed as a percentage of environment-related inventions worldwide. Indicators of technology development are constructed by measuring inventive activity using patent data across a wide range of environment-related technological domains (ENV-TECH), including environmental management, water-related adaptation, and climate change mitigation technologies. The counts used here include only higher-value inventions (with patent family size = 2, meaning inventions filed in two or more jurisdictions).

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Fossil fuel public RD&D budget (excluding CCS), % total energy public RD&D
QoG Code: gg_ffrd

The public budget directed at research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) related to fossil fuels, including oil, gas, and coal and excluding RD&D related to CO2 capture and storage (CCS), expressed as a percentage of total energy RD&D public budgets (directed at all forms of energy).

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Forest resource stocks
QoG Code: gg_frs

The growing stock of standing trees expressed in million cubic meters (m3).

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Forests under sustainable management certification FSC, % total forest area
QoG Code: gg_fsmc

The share of forest area with a long-term management plan under the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification expressed as a percentage of the total forest area.

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Intensity of use of forest resources
QoG Code: gg_iufr

The intensity of use of forest resources measured as the ratio of actual fellings over annual productive capacity (i.e. gross increment).

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Mortality from exposure to ambient ozone
QoG Code: gg_mao

The mortality from exposure to ambient ozone expressed in deaths per million inhabitants.

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Mortality from exposure to lead
QoG Code: gg_ml

The mortality from exposure to lead expressed in deaths per million inhabitants.

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Mortality from exposure to ambient PM2.5
QoG Code: gg_mpm

The mortality from exposure to ambient PM2.5 expressed in deaths per million inhabitants.

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Mortality from exposure to residential radon
QoG Code: gg_mr

The mortality from exposure to residential radon expressed in deaths per million inhabitants.

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Municipal waste generated, kg per capita
QoG Code: gg_mwgpc

The waste collected by or on behalf of municipalities expressed in kilograms (kg) per person.

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Municipal waste incinerated, % treated waste
QoG Code: gg_mwipt

The municipal waste incinerated expressed as a percentage of all waste treated.

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Municipal waste disposed to landfills, % treated waste
QoG Code: gg_mwlpt

The municipal waste disposed to landfills expressed as a percentage of all waste treated.

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Municipal waste recycled or composted, % treated waste
QoG Code: gg_mwrpt

The municipal waste recycled or composted expressed as a percentage of all waste treated.

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ODA - all sectors - climate change mitigation, % total ODA
QoG Code: gg_oda_ccm

The Official Development Assistance (ODA) targeting climate change mitigation expressed as a percentage of total ODA.

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Percentage of population exposed to more than 10 μg/m3 of PM2.5
QoG Code: gg_pm25ex10p

The percentage of population exposed to a fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentration greater than 10 micrograms (μg) per cubic meter (m3). The World Health Organization (WHO) provides air quality guidelines based on scientific evidence and expert advice. 10 μg/m3 is the air quality guideline (AQG): These are the lowest levels at which total, cardiopulmonary and lung cancer mortality have been shown to increase with more than 95% confidence in response to long-term exposure to PM2.5.

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Percentage of population exposed to more than 35 μg/m3 of PM2.5
QoG Code: gg_pm25ex35p

The percentage of population exposed to a fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentration greater than 35 micrograms (μg) per cubic meter (m3). The World Health Organization (WHO) provides air quality guidelines based on scientific evidence and expert advice. 35 μg/m3 is interim target-1: These levels are associated with about a 15% higher long-term mortality risk relative to the Air Quality Guideline (AQG) level, which is 10 μg/m3.

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Mean population exposure to PM2.5
QoG Code: gg_pm25exm

The average mirogram concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) per cubic meter exposed to the population. This environmental and health hazard is measured by population-weighted concentration estimates (See OECD dataset "Exposure to PM2.5 in countries and regions").

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Petrol tax, USD per litre
QoG Code: gg_pt

The tax rates per litre of petrol expressed at constant 2015 US dollars using purchasing power parity (PPP). The tax rates are calculated as the arithmetic average of the household excise tax for the unleaded premium 95, unleaded premium 98, and unleaded regular petrol, and are deflated using the Consumer Price Index.

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Renewable energy supply, % TPES
QoG Code: gg_re_tpes

Renewable energy supply is defined as the contribution of renewables to the total primary energy supply (TPES).

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Renewable electricity, % total electricity generation
QoG Code: gg_reperegen

The percentage of the national electrical supply generated from renewable sources.

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Renewable energy public RD&D budget, % total energy public RD&D
QoG Code: gg_rerd_erd

The percentage of all public energy related research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) that is directed towards renewable energy.

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Threatened bird species, % total known species
QoG Code: gg_tbs

The number of threatened bird species expressed as a percentage of total known species within a country.

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Threatened mammal species, % total known species
QoG Code: gg_tms

The number of threatened mammal species expressed as a percentage of total known species within a country.

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Threatened vascular plant species, % total known species
QoG Code: gg_tps

The number of threatened vascular plant species expressed as a percentage of total known species within a country.

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Water stress, total freshwater abstraction as % total available renewable resources
QoG Code: gg_wsa

The total freshwater abstraction as a percentage of available renewable sources, as a proxy for water stress (scarcity). Abstraction refers to any process of water removal, extraction, or diversion for human use. A higher percentage indicates greater water stress.

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Water stress, total freshwater abstraction as % total internal renewable resources
QoG Code: gg_wsi

The total freshwater abstraction as a percentage of available internal renewable sources, as a proxy for water stress. Internal resources refer only to river flows and groundwater from rainfall within the country. Abstraction refers to any process of water removal, extraction, or diversion for human use. A higher percentage, therefore, indicates greater water stress.

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