International Environmental Agreements Database Project

Data source: International Environmental Agreements Database Project

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International Environmental Agreements (IEA) include efforts to regulate human interactions with the environment that involve legally binding commitments ("agreements") among governments ("international") that have environmental protection as a primary objective ("environmental").The IEAs include:
- instruments designated as convention, treaty, agreement, accord, or their non-English equivalents, and protocols and amendments to such instruments;
- instruments, regardless of designation, establishing intergovernmental commissions;
- instruments, regardless of designation, identified as binding by reliable sources (e.g., by a secretariat, UNEP, or published legal analysis); or
- instruments, regardless of designation, whose texts fit accepted terminologies of legally-binding agreements.

Intergovernmental "soft laws," such as action plans, agreed measures, codes of conduct, declarations, resolutions, and similar policies that are not binding are excluded. European Union (EU) directives are also excluded due to their unique status.

Dataset type: Time-Series
Dataset level: Country


When using this dataset, please cite as:
• Mitchell, R. B. (2020). International environmental agreements database project (version 2020.1).
• Mitchell, R. B., Andonova, L. B., Axelrod, M., Balsiger, J., Bernauer, T., Green, J. F., Hollway, J., Kim, R. E., & Morin, J.-F. (2020). What we know (and could know) about international environmental agreements. Global Environmental Politics, 20(1), 103–121.

Variables in this dataset:

Number of IEAs entered into force for the first time
QoG Code: iead_eif1

The number of international environmental agreements, amendments, and protocols that entered into force for the first time (before any withdrawals), in the recorded year.

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Number of IEAs entered into force for the second time
QoG Code: iead_eif2

The number of international environmental agreements, amendments, and protocols that entered into force after the first withdrawal, in the recorded year.

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Number of IEAs entered into force for the third time
QoG Code: iead_eif3

The number of international environmental agreements, amendments, and protocols that entered into force after the second withdrawal, in the recorded year.

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Number of IEAs in force, counting terminated IEAs
QoG Code: iead_inforce

The number of international environmental agreements, amendments, and protocols in force, including international environmental agreements that have been terminated.

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Number of IEAs in force, not counting terminated IEAs
QoG Code: iead_inforce_noterm

The number of international environmental agreements, amendments, and protocols in force, not counting terminated international environmental agreements.

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Number of IEAs ratified per year
QoG Code: iead_rat

The number of international environmental agreements, amendments, and protocols ratified in the recorded year. The users are encouraged to use "entry into force" instead of signatures and ratifications.

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Number of IEAs signed per year
QoG Code: iead_sig

The number of international environmental agreements, amendments, and protocols signed in the recorded year. The data on signatures are incomplete. Signatures are fewer than ratifications or entry into force because secretariats, e.g., the UN Treaty Series, often do not keep track of signatures. The users are encouraged to use "entry into force" instead of signatures and ratifications.

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Number of terminated IEAs per year
QoG Code: iead_term

The number of international environmental agreements, amendments, and protocols terminated in the recorded year.

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Number of first withdrawals from IEAs per year
QoG Code: iead_withdraw1

The number of first-time withdrawals from international environmental agreements, amendments, and protocols in the recorded year.

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Number of second withdrawals from IEAs per year
QoG Code: iead_withdraw2

The number of second-time withdrawals from international environmental agreements, amendments, and protocols in the recorded year.

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