Index of Public Integrity

Data source: ERCAS European Research Centre for Anti-Corruption and State-Building

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"The Index of Public Integrity (IPI) aims to capture a snapshot of this balance in 114 countries for which data is available. It is a composite index consisting of six components. For the 2015, 2017 and 2019 editions, the components were: administrative burden, trade openness, budget transparency for opportunities, and judicial independence, e-citizenship and freedom of the press for constraints.

Starting from the 2021 edition, administrative burden and trade openness have been replaced by administrative transparency and online services due to unavailable alternative data on the original components (based on the World Bank Doing Business project, which closed). Please see the page of the original source for more detailed information about the methodology of this index.

A more extensive explanation of the methodology and the original composition of the IPI can be found in the following peer-reviewed publication:

Measuring Control of Corruption by a New Index of Public Integrity – Mungiu-Pippidi, A., Dadašov, R. Measuring Control of Corruption by a New Index of Public Integrity. European Journal on Criminal Policy Research 22, 415–438 (2016)."

Last updated by source: 2021-12-02

Dataset type: Time-Series
Dataset level: Country


When using this dataset, please cite as:
• Mungiu–Pippidi, A., Dadasov, R., Martinez–Kukutschka, R., Alvarado–Pachon, N., Dykes, V., Kossow, N., & Khaghaghordyan, A. (2019). Index of public integrity. European Research Centre for Anti-Corruption; State-Building (ERCAS).

Variables in this dataset:

Administrative Burden (index)
QoG Code: ipi_ab

Administrative Burden measures the extent of domestic bureaucratic regulation. Am excessive administrative burden and too many regulations open doors for discretion and red tape, thereby resulting in a high risk of corruption. Consists of the simple mean of standardized values of: number of procedures required to start up a business; time needed to start up a business; number of tax payments per year; time to pay taxes. The indicators are taken from the World Bank Doing Business Data 2016. This mean value has been transformed to be in range between 1 and 10 with 10 implying the lowest administrative burden.

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E-Citizenship (index)
QoG Code: ipi_e

E-Citizenship captures the ability of citizens to use online tools and social media and thus exercise social accountability. Internet media in general and social networks in particular are indispensable components of citizen empowerment. Simple mean of standardized values of the: Fixed broadband subscriptions (% population); Internet users (% population); Facebook users (% population). The first two variables were taken from International Telecommunication Union's ICT Dataset 2015, the latter from the Internet World Stats 2015. The value has been transformed to be in range between 1 and 10 with 10 implying the highest score for E-Citizenship.

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Index of Public Integrity (overall)
QoG Code: ipi_ipi

"The Index of Public Integrity (IPI) aims to capture a snapshot of this balance in 114 countries for which data is available. It is a composite index consisting of six components. For the 2015, 2017 and 2019 editions, the components were: administrative burden, trade openness, budget transparency for opportunities, and judicial independence, e-citizenship and freedom of the press for constraints. Starting from the 2021 edition, administrative burden and trade openness have been replaced by administrative transparency and online services, due to unavailable alternative data on the original components (based on the World Bank Doing Business project, which closed).. Below you will find an outline of the methodology behind the IPI, detailing recent changes. A more extensive explanation of the methodology and the original composition of the IPI can be found in the following peer-reviewed publication: Measuring Control of Corruption by a New Index of Public Integrity – Mungiu-Pippidi, A., Dadašov, R. Measuring Control of Corruption by a New Index of Public Integrity. European Journal on Criminal Policy Research 22, 415–438 (2016)."

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Trade Openness (index)
QoG Code: ipi_tradeopen

Trade Openness measures the extent of regulation concerning a country's external economic activity. Open countries can control corruption better by removing room for discretion at the level of administrative trade barriers and thus allowing free competition. Made up from the simple mean of standardized values of: average number of documents required to export and import; time for exporting and importing. The indicators stem from the World Bank Doing Business Data 2015. Their value has been transformed to be in range between 1 and 10 with 10 implying the highest trade openness.

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