Luxembourg Income Study database and the Luxembourg Wealth Study database

Data source: LIS Cross-National Data Center in Luxembourg

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LIS, formerly known as The Luxembourg Income Study, is a data archive and research center dedicated to cross-national analysis. LIS is home to two databases, the Luxembourg Income Study Database, and the Luxembourg Wealth Study Database. The Luxembourg Income Study Database (LIS), under constant expansion, is the largest available database of harmonised microdata collected from multiple countries over a period of decades. The newer Luxembourg Wealth Study Database (LWS), is the only cross-national wealth microdatabase in existence.

Last updated by source: 2024-09-30

Dataset type: Time-Series
Dataset level: Country


When using this dataset, please cite as:
• LIS Cross-National Data Center in Luxembourg. (2024). LIS inequality and poverty key figures.

Variables in this dataset:

   Atkinson Coefficient (epsilon=0.5)
QoG Code: lis_atk05

Atkinson Index is a welfare-based measure of inequality, representing the percentage of total income that a given society would have to sacrifice in order to have (more) equally distributed incomes (more equal shares of income between its citizens). This measure depends on the degree of society aversion to inequality, where a higher value entails greater social utility or willingness by individuals to accept smaller incomes in exchange for a more equal distribution. In the calculation of this variable, the aversion parameter (epsilon) is set to 0.5.

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   Atkinson Coefficient (epsilon=1)
QoG Code: lis_atk1

Atkinson Index is a welfare-based measure of inequality, representing the percentage of total income that a given society would have to sacrifice in order to have (more) equally distributed incomes (more equal shares of income between its citizens). This measure depends on the degree of society aversion to inequality, where a higher value entails greater social utility or willingness by individuals to accept smaller incomes in exchange for a more equal distribution. In the calculation of this variable, the aversion parameter (epsilon) is set to 1.0.

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   Children Living in Single-Mother Families (%)
QoG Code: lis_clsmf

Percentage of children living in single-mother families.

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   Children Poverty Rates among Single-Mother (50%)
QoG Code: lis_cprsmf

This variable reports the percentage of single-mother families whose income falls below the poverty line as defined as half of the median of equivalised disposable household income. In combination with decompositions, the ratio refers to the percentage of each group, whose income falls below the above defined poverty line.

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   Children Poverty Rates among Two-Parent Families (50%)
QoG Code: lis_cprtpf

This variable reports the percentage of two-parent families whose income falls below the poverty line as defined as half of the median of equivalised disposable household income. In combination with decompositions, the ratio refers to the percentage of each group, whose income falls below the above defined poverty line.

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   Distribution of Children by Income Group (above 150%)
QoG Code: lis_dc150

This variable reflects the percentage of children whose household income is more than 150% of the median of equivalised disposable household income. Disposable Household Income refers to cash and non-cash income from labour, income from capital, income from pensions (including private and public pensions) and non-pension public social benefits stemming from insurance, universal or assistance schemes (including in-kind social assistance transfers), as well as cash and non-cash private transfers, after deduction of the amount of income taxes and social contributions paid. Disposable Household Income is equivalised at individual level as the total amount divided by the square root of household members. Before equivalisation, top and bottom coding has been applied by setting boundaries for extreme values of log transformed Disposable Household Income: at the top Q3 plus 3 times the interquartile range (Q3-Q1), and at the bottom Q1 minus 3 times the interquartile range.

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   Distribution of Children by Income Group (50-75%)
QoG Code: lis_dc5075

This variable reflects the percentage of children whose household income falls between 50% and 75% of the median of equivalised disposable household income. Disposable Household Income refers to cash and non-cash income from labour, income from capital, income from pensions (including private and public pensions) and non-pension public social benefits stemming from insurance, universal or assistance schemes (including in-kind social assistance transfers), as well as cash and non-cash private transfers, after deduction of the amount of income taxes and social contributions paid. Disposable Household Income is equivalised at individual level as the total amount divided by the square root of household members. Before equivalisation, top and bottom coding has been applied by setting boundaries for extreme values of log transformed Disposable Household Income: at the top Q3 plus 3 times the interquartile range (Q3-Q1), and at the bottom Q1 minus 3 times the interquartile range.

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   Distribution of Children by Income Group (75-150%)
QoG Code: lis_dc75150

This variable reflects the percentage of children whose household income falls between 75% and 150% of the median of equivalised disposable household income. Disposable Household Income refers to cash and non-cash income from labour, income from capital, income from pensions (including private and public pensions) and non-pension public social benefits stemming from insurance, universal or assistance schemes (including in-kind social assistance transfers), as well as cash and non-cash private transfers, after deduction of the amount of income taxes and social contributions paid. Disposable Household Income is equivalised at individual level as the total amount divided by the square root of household members. Before equivalisation, top and bottom coding has been applied by setting boundaries for extreme values of log transformed Disposable Household Income: at the top Q3 plus 3 times the interquartile range (Q3-Q1), and at the bottom Q1 minus 3 times the interquartile range.

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   Gini Coefficient
QoG Code: lis_gini

Gini Index measures the extent to which the distribution of the specified aggregate among individuals or households within an economy deviates from a perfectly equal distribution. The Gini index measures the area between the Lorenz curve and the hypothetical line of absolute equality. A Gini index of zero represents perfect equality and 1, perfect inequality.

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   Mean Equivalized Income
QoG Code: lis_meaneqi

The mean value of the Equivalized Income. Equivalised Disposable Household Income refers to cash and non-cash income from labour, income from capital, income from pensions (including private and public pensions) and non-pension public social benefits stemming from insurance, universal or assistance schemes (including in-kind social assistance transfers), as well as cash and non-cash private transfers, after deduction of the amount of income taxes and social contributions paid. Disposable Household Income is equivalised at individual level as the total amount divided by the square root of household members. Before equivalisation, top and bottom coding has been applied by setting boundaries for extreme values of log transformed Disposable Household Income: at the top Q3 plus 3 times the interquartile range (Q3-Q1), and at the bottom Q1 minus 3 times the interquartile range.

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   Median Equivalized Income
QoG Code: lis_medeqi

The median value of the Equivalized Income. Equivalised Disposable Household Income refers to cash and non-cash income from labour, income from capital, income from pensions (including private and public pensions) and non-pension public social benefits stemming from insurance, universal or assistance schemes (including in-kind social assistance transfers), as well as cash and non-cash private transfers, after deduction of the amount of income taxes and social contributions paid. Disposable Household Income is equivalised at individual level as the total amount divided by the square root of household members. Before equivalisation, top and bottom coding has been applied by setting boundaries for extreme values of log transformed Disposable Household Income: at the top Q3 plus 3 times the interquartile range (Q3-Q1), and at the bottom Q1 minus 3 times the interquartile range.

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   Percentile Ratio (80/20)
QoG Code: lis_pr8020

The 80/20 Percentile Ratio represents the income of individuals at the 80th percentile compared to one of individuals at the 20th percentile, based on disposable income.

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   Percentile Ratio (90/10)
QoG Code: lis_pr9010

The 90/10 Percentile Ratio represents the income of individuals at the 90th percentile compared to one of individuals at the 10th percentile, based on disposable income.

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   Percentile Ratio (90/50)
QoG Code: lis_pr9050

The 90/50 Percentile Ratio represents the income of individuals at the 90th percentile compared to one of individuals at the 50th percentile, based on disposable income.

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   Relative Poverty Rates among Children (40%)
QoG Code: lis_rprc40

Relative Poverty Rate among Children at 40% of the Median is the percentage of the children population whose income falls below the poverty line as defined as 40 % of the median of equivalised disposable household income. In combination with decompositions, the ratio refers to the percentage of each group, whose income falls below the above defined poverty line.

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   Relative Poverty Rates among Children (50%)
QoG Code: lis_rprc50

Relative Poverty Rate among Children at 50% of the Median is the percentage of the children population whose income falls below the poverty line as defined as half of the median of equivalised disposable household income. In combination with decompositions, the ratio refers to the percentage of each group, whose income falls below the above defined poverty line.

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   Relative Poverty Rates among Children (60%)
QoG Code: lis_rprc60

Relative Poverty Rate among Children at 60% of the Median is the percentage of the children population whose income falls below the poverty line as defined as 60 % of the median of equivalised disposable household income. In combination with decompositions, the ratio refers to the percentage of each group, whose income falls below the above defined poverty line.

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   Relative Poverty Rates among Elderly (40%)
QoG Code: lis_rpre40

Relative Poverty Rate among Elderly at 40% of the Median is the percentage of the elderly population whose income falls below the poverty line as defined as 40 % of the median of equivalised disposable household income. In combination with decompositions, the ratio refers to the percentage of each group, whose income falls below the above defined poverty line.

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   Relative Poverty Rates among Elderly (50%)
QoG Code: lis_rpre50

Relative Poverty Rate among Elderly at 50% of the Median is the percentage of the elderly population whose income falls below the poverty line as defined as half of the median of equivalised disposable household income. In combination with decompositions, the ratio refers to the percentage of each group, whose income falls below the above defined poverty line.

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   Relative Poverty Rates among Elderly (60%)
QoG Code: lis_rpre60

Relative Poverty Rate among Elderly at 60% of the Median is the percentage of the elderly population whose income falls below the poverty line as defined as 60 % of the median of equivalised disposable household income. In combination with decompositions, the ratio refers to the percentage of each group, whose income falls below the above defined poverty line.

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   Relative Poverty Rates - Total Population (40%)
QoG Code: lis_rprt40

Relative Poverty Rate at 40% of the Median is the percentage of the total population whose income falls below the poverty line as defined as 40 % of the median of equivalised disposable household income. In combination with decompositions, the ratio refers to the percentage of each group, whose income falls below the above defined poverty line.

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   Relative Poverty Rates - Total Population (50%)
QoG Code: lis_rprt50

Relative Poverty Rate at 50% of the Median is the percentage of the total population whose income falls below the poverty line as defined as half of the median of equivalised disposable or gross household income. In combination with decompositions, the ratio refers to the percentage of each group, whose income falls below the above defined poverty line.

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   Relative Poverty Rates - Total Population (60%)
QoG Code: lis_rprt60

Relative Poverty Rate at 60% of the Median is the percentage of the total population whose income falls below the poverty line as defined as 60 % of the median of equivalised disposable household income. In combination with decompositions, the ratio refers to the percentage of each group, whose income falls below the above defined poverty line.

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