Democracy Time-series Data Release 3.0, January 2009

Data source: Pippa Norris

Go to the original dataset webpage


This dataset is in a country-year case format, suitable for cross-national time-series analysis. It contains data on the social, economic and political characteristics of 191 nations with over 600 variables from 1971 to 2007. In particular, it merges the indicators of democracy by Freedom House, Vanhanen, Polity IV, and Cheibub and Gandhi, selected institutional classifications and also socioeconomic indicators. Note that you should check the original codebook for the definition and measurement of each of the variables. The period for each series also varies. This is the replication dataset used in the book, Driving Democracy.

Dataset type: Time-Series
Dataset level: Country


When using this dataset, please cite as:
• Norris, P. (2009). Democracy Timeseries Data Release 3.0.

Variables in this dataset:

Classification of Executives
QoG Code: no_ce

Classification of Executives: 1. Parliamentary Monarchy 2. Presidential Republic 3. Mixed Executive 4. Monarchy 5. Military State

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Electoral Family
QoG Code: no_ef

Electoral Family: 1. Majoritarian 2. Combined (mixed) 3. Proportional 4. No competitive elections

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Unitary or Federal State
QoG Code: no_ufs

Unitary or Federal State: 1. Unitary 2. Hybrid unions 3. Federal

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