Social Progress Index

Data source: Social Progress Imperative

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The Social Progress Index (SPI) is a well-established measure, published since 2013, that is meant to catalyze improvement and drive action by presenting social outcome data in a useful and reliable way.

The 2024 Social Progress Index uses its 12 components and 57 indicators to measure the social performance of 170 countries fully and an additional 26 countries partially.

It combines social and environmental outcome indicators to calculate an overall score for these countries, based on tiered levels of scoring that include measures in health, safety, education, technology, rights, and more. In addition to the overall scores, three broad dimensions of social progress are also measured: Basic Human Needs, Foundations of Wellbeing, and Opportunity. In all, the SPI measures at least some aspects of social progress across more than 99.85% of the world's population.

Last updated by source: 2024-01-05

Dataset type: Time-Series
Dataset level: Country


When using this dataset, please cite as:
• Harmacek, J., Krylova, P., & Htitich, M. (2024). Social progress index data. Social Progress Imperative. Washington, DC.

Variables in this dataset:

   Basic Human Needs (SPI)
QoG Code: spi_bn

Basic Human Needs is one of the three components of the SPI, which are used to calculate the overall Social Progress Index. It assesses a population's capacity to survive with adequate nourishment and basic medical care, clean water, sanitation, adequate shelter, and personal safety.

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   Foundations of Wellbeing (SPI)
QoG Code: spi_fob

Foundations of Wellbeing is one of the three components of the SPI, which are used to calculate the overall Social Progress Index. It highlights the extent to which a country's residents can gain a basic education, obtain information and communicate freely, benefit from a modern healthcare system, and live in a healthy environment conducive to a long life.

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   Opportunity (SPI)
QoG Code: spi_opp

Opportunity is one of the three components of the SPI, which are used to calculate the overall Social Progress Index. Indicators on personal rights, personal freedom and choice, inclusiveness, and access to advanced education are used to assess the level of opportunity.

More about this variable

   Social Progress Index
QoG Code: spi_ospi

Overall Social Progress Index. It aims to assess the capacity of a society to meet the basic human needs of its citizens, establish the building blocks that allow citizens and communities to enhance and sustain the quality of their lives, and create the conditions for all individuals to reach their full potential.

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