The Unified Democracy Scores (UDS) covers the time period 1946-2012. These scores incorporate updates to three of the ten original measures - Freedom House (2014), Polity IV (Marshall et al., 2012), and Van Hanen (2012) - that feature in the analysis that the authors report in their 2010 article. In addition, the most recent release added a recently developed measure of democracy - Economist Intelligence Unit (2012) - to its framework.
Last updated by source: 2014-03-14
Dataset type: | Time-Series |
Dataset level: | Country |
(Pemstein et al.,
Unified Democracy Score Posterior (Mean).
More about this variableUnified Democracy Score Posterior (Median).
More about this variableUnified Democracy Score Posterior (2.5 percentile).
More about this variableUnified Democracy Score Posterior (97.5 percentile).
More about this variableUnified Democracy Score Posterior (Std. Dev.).
More about this variable