Unified Democracy Scores

Data source: Pemstein, Meserve and Melton

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The Unified Democracy Scores (UDS) covers the time period 1946-2012. These scores incorporate updates to three of the ten original measures - Freedom House (2014), Polity IV (Marshall et al., 2012), and Van Hanen (2012) - that feature in the analysis that the authors report in their 2010 article. In addition, the most recent release added a recently developed measure of democracy - Economist Intelligence Unit (2012) - to its framework.

Last updated by source: 2014-03-14

Dataset type: Time-Series
Dataset level: Country


When using this dataset, please cite as:
• Pemstein, D., Meserve, S. A., & Melton, J. (2017). Democratic compromise: A latent variable analysis of ten measures of regime type. Political Analysis, 18(4), 426–449. https://doi.org/10.1093/pan/mpq020

Variables in this dataset:

   Unified Demo. Score Posterior (Mean)
QoG Code: uds_mean

Unified Democracy Score Posterior (Mean).

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   Unified Demo. Score Posterior (Median)
QoG Code: uds_median

Unified Democracy Score Posterior (Median).

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   Unified Demo. Score Posterior (2.5 percentile)
QoG Code: uds_pct025

Unified Democracy Score Posterior (2.5 percentile).

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   Unified Demo. Score Posterior (97.5 percentile)
QoG Code: uds_pct975

Unified Democracy Score Posterior (97.5 percentile).

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   Unified Demo. Score Posterior (Std. Dev.)
QoG Code: uds_sd

Unified Democracy Score Posterior (Std. Dev.).

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