V-Party provides expert-coded assessments of party organization and identity for most parties in most countries over 1970-2019. Using V-Dem methodology (Coppedge et al., 2020), in January 2020, 665 experts rated the policy positions and organizational capacity of political parties across elections in a given country. Specifically, as a general rule, experts coded data for all parties that reached more than 5% of the vote share at a given election. The expert-coded data are aggregated using V-Dem’s Bayesian Item Response Theory measurement model (Pemstein et al., 2020). The result is data on 1,955 political parties across 1,560 elections in 169 countries; in total 6,330 party-election year units. Typically, at least 4 coders provided their assessment per observation.
Last updated by source: 2020-10-01
Dataset type: | Time-Series |
Dataset level: | Country |
(Lührmann et al.,
(Pemstein et al.,
The variable measures the share of seats in the lower chamber taken by the parties, for which environmental protection is relevant to gain and keep voters, as agreed on by at least half of the coders in the V-Party dataset. The original variable from V-Party dataset - v2pasalie - measures the share of coders who answered "12: Environmental protection" to the multiple-choice question "Which of the following issues are most relevant for the party's effort to gain and keep voters?". We only keep parties that score 0.5 or higher on variable v2pasalie_12 and then calculate their share of seats in a given country-year using v2paseatshare variable - Seat share the party gained in the election to the lower chamber.
More about this variableThe variable measures the share of votes to the lower chamber received by the parties, for which environmental protection is relevant to gain and keep voters, as agreed on by at least half of the coders in the V-Party dataset. The original variable from V-Party dataset - v2pasalie - reports the share of coders who answered "12: Environmental protection" to the multiple-choice question "Which of the following issues are most relevant for the party's effort to gain and keep voters?". We only keep parties that score 0.5 or higher on variable v2pasalie_12 and then calculate their share of votes in a given country-year using v2pavote variable - Vote share the party gained in the election to the lower chamber.
More about this variable