The WhoGov Dataset

Data source: Nyrup and Bramwell

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The WhoGov dataset enables researchers to take a new approach to studying governing elites in autocracies and democracies. The authors provide bibliographic information, such as gender and party affiliation, on cabinet members in July every year in the period 1966-2023 in all countries with a population of more than 400,000 citizens. In total, the dataset contains data on 50,197 cabinet members in 177 countries, adding up to 8,057 country-years. WhoGov makes it possible to answer questions such as; what is the share of female cabinet members globally, which type of regime has the highest cabinet turnover, and have cabinets increased in size over time? and many others. The dataset is highly flexible and can be used to calculate countless variables of interest, including the number of female ministers, ministerial experience, cabinet turnover and cabinet size at the country-year level.

The data is based on cabinet compositions in July for all years apart from 1966, where data was only available for September and 1970, where we are using January instead of July. Apart from the cross-sectional dataset that is used for the QoG Compilations, within-country dataset is available in the original source.

Last updated by source: 2024-07-25

Dataset type: Time-Series
Dataset level: Country


When using this dataset, please cite as:
• Nyrup, J., & Bramwell, S. (2020). Who governs? A new global dataset on members of cabinets. American Political Science Review, 114(4), 1366–1374.

Variables in this dataset:

   Number of years the leader in office continuously
QoG Code: wgov_leadexp

The number of years the person has been leader of the country in a row, continuous. Thus, it starts over if the leader is removed. The count starts at 1, when the leader first appear as leader in the dataset. Therefore, the measure is imprecise for leaders, who came to power before 1966.

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   Number of cabinet ministers
QoG Code: wgov_min

Number of cabinet ministers. This number only include cabinet ministers.

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   Average age in cabinet ministers
QoG Code: wgov_minage

Average age for cabinet ministers (people included for wgov_min).

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   Number of women in cabinet ministers
QoG Code: wgov_minfem

The number of women in cabinet ministers (people included for wgov_min).

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   Number of people with military titles in cabinet ministers
QoG Code: wgov_minmil

The number of cabinet ministers with a military title. It should be noted that the authors have not done any extra checks on this variable, and solely have relied on the information provided in the "Chief of State And Cabinet Members Of Foreign Governments" directory. The information is based on national customs. Thus, in some countries military titles are consistently used, while this is not the case in other countries, and the authors therefore encourage researchers to be cautious when using this variable.

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   Average tenure for cabinet ministers
QoG Code: wgov_minten

The average tenure for cabinet ministers (people included for wgov_min).

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   Adjusted retention rate for cabinet ministers
QoG Code: wgov_mret

The share of cabinet ministers (people included for wgov_min), who were in office the previous year. This measure is adjusted for an expansion of the size of wgov_min, so wgov_min stays constant and the retention rate is therefore not influenced by an expansion of the cabinet.

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   Total number of government positions (inc. unoccupied and multiple positions)
QoG Code: wgov_tot

Number of entries for the country in the dataset. This number includes unoccupied positions and multiple positions held by the same persons.

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   Average age in government positions
QoG Code: wgov_totage

Average age for people in government positions, who were counted for wgov_tot.

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   Number of women in government positions
QoG Code: wgov_totfem

The number of women in government positions, who were counted for wgov_tot.

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   Number of people with military titles in government positions
QoG Code: wgov_totmil

The number of people in government positions with a military title. It should be noted that we have not done any extra checks on this variable, and solely have relied on the information provided in the ''Chief of State And Cabinet Members Of Foreign Governments'' directory. The information is based on national customs. Thus, in some countries military titles are consistently used, while this is not the case in other countries, and we therefore encourage researchers to be cautious when using this variable.

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   Average tenure for people in government positions
QoG Code: wgov_totten

The average tenure for people in government positions, who were counted for wgov_tot.

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   Adjusted retention rate for people in government positions
QoG Code: wgov_tret

The share of people in government positions, who were also in office in the previous year. This measure is adjusted for an expansion of the size of wgov_tot, so n_total stays constant and the retention rate is therefore not influenced by an expansion of the cabinet.

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