Worldwide Age Representation in Parliaments (WARP) Dataset

Data source: Sundström and Stockemer

Go to the original dataset webpage


The WARP dataset is a comprehensive and ongoing data collection effort that provides information about the numerical presence of age groups in lower house parliaments, spanning across the globe and over time.

To date, it contains over 800 elections in 150 countries. In more detail, we provide information on the mean and median age of Members of Parliament (MPs), as well as information of the share of young or older MPs. It also provides figures that compare the presence of a certain age group of legislators in relation to the same age group in the general population. Finally, it includes gendered figures, such as the presence of young female MPs.

Notes: If more than one observation is listed per year, the latest available data is taken as a country score of the given year. We also underline that the WARP dataset coverage of MPs changes across years and countries, and coverage data can be obtained from the original website.

Last updated by source: 2023-12-01

Dataset type: Cross-section
Dataset level: Country


When using this dataset, please cite as:
• Stockemer, D., & Sundström, A. (2022). Introducing the worldwide age representation in parliaments (WARP) data set. Social Science Quarterly, 103(7), 1765–1774.

Variables in this dataset:

   Age Representation Index (30 or under)
QoG Code: yri_agi30

The percentage of MPs aged 30 or under relative to the percent of citizens aged 30 or under in the population.

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   Age Representation Index (35 or under)
QoG Code: yri_agi35

The percentage of MPs aged 35 or under relative to the percent of citizens aged 35 or under in the population.

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   Age Representation Index (40 or under)
QoG Code: yri_agi40

The percentage of MPs aged 40 or under relative to the percent of citizens aged 40 or under in the population.

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   Age Representation Index (41 to 60)
QoG Code: yri_agi4160

The percentage of MPs aged 41 to 60 relative to the percent of citizens aged 41 to 60 in the population.

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   Age Representation Index (61 or over)
QoG Code: yri_agi61

The percentage of MPs aged 61 or over relative to the percent of citizens aged 61 or over in the population.

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   Female Representation in Parliament (under 30 years)
QoG Code: yri_fem30

The percentage of female MPs aged 30 or under of all female MPs.

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   Female Representation in Parliament (under 35 years)
QoG Code: yri_fem35

The percentage of female MPs aged 35 or under of all female MPs.

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   Female Representation in Parliament (under 40 years)
QoG Code: yri_fem40

The percentage of female MPs aged 40 or under of all female MPs.

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   Female Representation in Parliament (41 to 60 years)
QoG Code: yri_fem4160

The percentage of female MPs aged 41 to 60 of all female MPs.

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   Female Representation in Parliament (over 61 years)
QoG Code: yri_fem61

The percentage of female MPs aged 61 or over of all female MPs.

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   Mean age of MPs
QoG Code: yri_meanage

The mean age of MPs in the respective country.

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   Median age of MPs
QoG Code: yri_medianage

The median age of MPs in the respective country.

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   Percent MPs aged 30 or under
QoG Code: yri_mp30

The percentage of MPs aged 30 or under.

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   Percent MPs aged 35 or under
QoG Code: yri_mp35

The percentage of MPs aged 35 or under.

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   Percent MPs aged 40 or under
QoG Code: yri_mp40

The percentage of female MPs aged 40 or under of all female MPs.

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   Percent MPs aged 41 to 60
QoG Code: yri_mp4160

The percentage of MPs aged 41 to 60.

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   Percent MPs aged 61 or over
QoG Code: yri_mp61

The percentage of MPs aged 61 or over.

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