Denotes the fiscal year. Note that the budget data covers all agencies with their own lines in the national budget. If an agency is missing budget information for an entire fiscal year, then the agency did not have an independent budget line during that year. If an agency is missing budget information for a particular variable, then the budget line did not report any information for that variable (we have only coded a variable as 0 when the budget actually reports a 0). Further note that the parliament confirmed a new comprehensive budget law in late 1996 (SFS 1996:1059, effective from 1997), which substantially reformed the appropriations process. Among many other changes, the law realigned the fiscal year to follow the calendar year, which meant that all agencies received a one-time budget increase in 1997 to cover an additional six month's worth of funding.
Type of variable: Continuous
Last updated by source: 2018-09-09