Variable: Practice: head of state and gov. can be investigated and prosecuted in office

QoG Code: (aii_q16)

Dataset: Africa Integrity Indicators


Sub-score (0-100). Question no. 16. In practice, heads of state and government are investigated and prosecuted while in office if evidence suggest they committed a crime.

A 100 score is earned where all the following conditions are met:
1) criminal allegations against heads of state and government are investigated while they are in office,
2) heads of state and government are prosecuted when investigations find evidence of possible wrongdoing, and
3) legal punishment is imposed if/when they are found guilty.

A 50 score is earned where any of the following conditions apply:
1) not all allegations are investigated while they are in office,
2) not all investigations that find evidence of criminal activity result in prosecution, or
3) not all guilty verdicts result in legal punishment.

A 0 score is earned where at least one of the following conditions apply:
1) allegations against heads of state and government are rarely investigated while they are in office,
2) criminal evidence rarely results in prosecution, or
3) guilty verdicts rarely result in legal punishment.
A 0 also applies if the heads of state and government have immunity, therefore making it impossible in practice to investigate, prosecute or punish them.

Type of variable: Continuous

Downloaded by QoG on: 2024-11-05
Last updated by source: 2024-05-28



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This variable has information from the year 2013 to the year 2015