Variable: Overrun

QoG Code: (budget_overrun)

Dataset: Swedish Budget Dataset


Denotes the amount of budget overrun covered by the government (medgivna budgetöverskridanden, merutgift). Note that, before 1997, the government could authorize budget overruns unilaterally without concern for any formal expenditure ceilings, so long as the government deemed the additional funds necessary to assure the realization of the original funding objective.
footnote{The perhaps most notorious example of how these overruns could be used in practice are the so-called thousand crown grants (1000-kronorsanslag), which meant that an agency received about a hundred dollars for its initial budget, but with an implicit credit line to cover any additional expenditures.} From 1997 and onwards, the government can still authorize budget overruns, but only within the current expenditure ceiling or with parliamentary confirmation.
footnote{Further note that, for the years prior to 1981, this variable includes overruns financed via the Budget Equalization Fund (budgetutjämningsfonden) and regulated by special budgets (specialbudget).}

Type of variable: Continuous

Last updated by source: 2018-09-09


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