Variable: Municipal corruption: how often are you offered money or other favours

QoG Code: (swm_sk_Q5)

Dataset: Politics, Institutions and Services in Swedish Municipalities


Municipal corruption:
As an elected representative/in duty, how often are you offered money or other favours in order to make a decision that gains the person/persons offering?

On a scale of 1 "Never" to 3 "Quite rarely" to 5 "Very often"

Data from survey distributed 2011 by Statskontoret (Swedish Agency for Public Management) to politicians and bureaucrats in all Swedish municipalities. Data has been aggregated to the municipal level. Number of responding municipalities: 290.
Reference: Statskontoret (2012). Köpta relationer. Om korruption i det kommunala Sverige. Stockholm: Statskontoret.

Type of variable: Categorical


Quality of Government

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