Variable: Scalezone on Citizen Rights

QoG Code: (wel_scalezone)

Dataset: Data from Freedom Rising by Christian Welzel


Meaning: Categorical scale zones on the citizen rights index, distinguishing four categories from more completely to less completely autocratic, and then from less completely to more completely democratic.
Source: Welzel, Freedom Rising (2013: 255-256). Categorization is available in annual measures for most countries of the world from 1981 to 2010.
Scaling: 1 Complete Autocracy'': citizen rights score less equal 0.25; 2Incomplete Autocracy'': citizen rights score above 0.25 and less equal 0.50; 3 Incomplete Democracy'': citizen rights score above 0.50 and less equal 0.75; 4Complete Democracy'': citizen rights score above 0.75.
Links: Data sources, rescaling procedures and replication data are meticulously documented in the Online Appendix to Welzel's (2013) Freedom Rising at (p. 72). Test statistics documenting this index's superior validity in comparison to alternative democracy measures are reported in Welzel (2013: 267-271).

Type of variable: Categorical

Last updated by source: 2014-03-01



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Dataset No. Countries
Standard time-series: 192
OECD time-series: 36