Historical Index of Ethnic Fractionalization

Data source: Lenka Dražanová

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The Historical Index of Ethnic Fractionalization (HIEF) dataset contains an ethnic fractionalization index for 165 countries across all continents. The dataset covers annually the period 1945-2013. The ethnic fractionalization index corresponds to the probability that two randomly drawn individuals within a country are not from the same ethnic group. The new dataset is a natural extension of previous ethnic fractionalization indices and it allows its users to compare developments in ethnic fractionalization over time. The applications of HIEF pertain to the pattern of ethnic diversity across countries and over time.

Last updated by source: 2019-07-24

Dataset type: Time-Series
Dataset level: Country


When using this dataset, please cite as:
• Drazanova, L. (2019). Historical index of ethnic fractionalization dataset (HIEF). Harvard Dataverse. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/4JQRCL

Variables in this dataset:

   Historical Index of Ethnic Fractionalization
QoG Code: hief_efindex

Based on the annual percentage of ethnic groups in each country The Historical Index of Ethnic Fractionalization (hereafter, HIEF) calculates the degree of ethnic fractionalization (EF) using the most universally applied formula in the empirical literature, which is a decreasing transformation of the Herfindahl concentration index. Where EFc is the level of ethnic fractionalization in country c, i indexes ethnic groups and Si is the proportion of the population in unit c belonging to ethnic group i (i = 1, …, n).

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