Variable: Instruction Revoked (Date)

QoG Code: (agency_revoked)

Dataset: Swedish Formal Instruction Dataset


Lists the date when an agency instruction was revoked. Permanent revocations are usually issued as a generic executive order or law (depending on how the agency was authorized). Note, however, that when an agency receives a new mission or is otherwise subjected to some form of major reorganization, the agency can also receive a new instruction that revokes the old instruction. Consequently, the variable does not necessarily indicate that an agency ceases its operations (i.e. while an agency can only have one instruction at a time, it might well receive several different instructions throughout its lifespan).

9998 = Censored (i.e. still in effect by the end of the observation period)

9999 = Missing

Type of variable: Continuous

Last updated by source: 2018-09-09


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