Variable: Access to Information and Openness sub-index

QoG Code: (aii_aio)

Dataset: Africa Integrity Indicators


Access to Information and Openness. This sub-index from 0 to 100 is composed of:

  1. In law, corruption is criminalized as a specific offense.
  2. In law, there is an independent body/bodies mandated to receive and investigate cases of alleged public sector corruption.
  3. In practice, allegations of corruption against senior level politicians and/or civil servants of any level are investigated by an independent body.
  4. In practice, the body/bodies that investigate/s allegations of public sector corruption is/are effective.
  5. In practice, appointments to the body/bodies that investigate/s allegations of public sector corruption support/s the independence of the body.
  6. In law, the head of state and government can be investigated and prosecuted while in office if evidence suggests they committed a crime.
  7. In practice, heads of state and government are investigated and prosecuted while in office if evidence suggests they committed a crime.
  8. In law, there is a mechanism for citizens to report police misconduct or abuse of force.
  9. In practice, the mechanism for citizens to report police misconduct or abuse of force is effective.

Type of variable: Continuous

Downloaded by QoG on: 2024-11-05
Last updated by source: 2024-05-28


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