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Basic Cross-section - 2025
Basic Time-series - 2025
EU Regional - 2020
Environmental Indicators - 2021
OECD Cross-section - 2025
OECD Time-series - 2025
Standard Cross-section - 2025
Standard Time-series - 2025
Standard Cross-section
Version: 2025
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Accountability sub-index
QoG Code: aii_acc
Access to Information and Openness sub-index
QoG Code: aii_aio
Civil Service Integrity sub-index
QoG Code: aii_cilser
Elections sub-index
QoG Code: aii_elec
Public management sub-index
QoG Code: aii_pubm
Practice: the independence of the judiciary is guaranteed
QoG Code: aii_q02
Practice: national-level judges support the independence of judiciary
QoG Code: aii_q03
Practice: national-level judges give reasons for their decisions
QoG Code: aii_q04
Practice: the independence of supreme audit institution is guaranteed
QoG Code: aii_q07
Practice: appointments to audit institution support agency's independence
QoG Code: aii_q08
Practice: the supreme audit agency releases frequent reports
QoG Code: aii_q09
Practice: corruption allegations are investigated by independent body
QoG Code: aii_q12
Practice: bodies investigating pubsector corruption allegations are effective
QoG Code: aii_q13
Practice: appointees to bodies investigating pubsec corruption support independ.
QoG Code: aii_q14
Practice: mechanisms for citizens to report police misconduct/abuse are effect.
QoG Code: aii_q18
Practice: agencies that organize elections are protected from pol. interference
QoG Code: aii_q21
Practice: reports before after a national election are publicly available
QoG Code: aii_q22
Practice: candidates/pol. parties have fair access to state-owned media outlets
QoG Code: aii_q23
Practice: major public procurements involve competitive bidding
QoG Code: aii_q25
Practice: citizens can access results & procurement contracts related documents
QoG Code: aii_q26
Practice: companies guilty of violations cannot participate in future bids
QoG Code: aii_q28
Practice: citizens can access the financial records of state-owned companies
QoG Code: aii_q29
Practice: citizens can access natural resources exploitation financial records
QoG Code: aii_q30
Practice: civil servants' work is not compromised by political interference
QoG Code: aii_q38
Practice: civil servants are appointed and evaluated according to prof. criteria
QoG Code: aii_q39
Practice: citizen requests for public information are effective
QoG Code: aii_q42
Practice: citizens can access legislative processes and documents
QoG Code: aii_q43
Practice: asset disclosure process of senior officials branches is effective
QoG Code: aii_q45
Practice: the asset disclosure process for civil service members is effective
QoG Code: aii_q47
Practice: pol. parties disclose public donations (available to the public)
QoG Code: aii_q49
Practice: pol. parties disclose private donations (available to the public)
QoG Code: aii_q51
Practice: media organizations disclose their owner's identities to the public
QoG Code: aii_q52
Practice: journalists \& editors adhere to professional practices in reporting
QoG Code: aii_q53
Practice: the government does not promote the media's self-censorship
QoG Code: aii_q55
Practice: government doesn't promote the self-censorship of citizens online
QoG Code: aii_q56
Rule of law sub-index
QoG Code: aii_rol
Log Settler Mortality
QoG Code: ajr_settmort
Member of an Alliance
QoG Code: atop_ally
Consultancy Obligation
QoG Code: atop_consult
Defensive Obligation
QoG Code: atop_defensive
Neutrality Obligation
QoG Code: atop_neutrality
Non-Aggression Obligation
QoG Code: atop_nonagg
Number of Alliances
QoG Code: atop_number
Offensive Obligation
QoG Code: atop_offensive
Commitment start
QoG Code: atop_transyr
The Bayesian Corruption Indicator
QoG Code: bci_bci
The standard deviation of The Bayesian Corruption Indicator
QoG Code: bci_bcistd
Global Militarization Index
QoG Code: bicc_gmi
Heavy Weapons Index
QoG Code: bicc_hw
Military Expenditure Index
QoG Code: bicc_milexp
Military Personnel Index
QoG Code: bicc_milper
Dichotomous democracy measure
QoG Code: bmr_dem
Number of previous democratic breakdowns
QoG Code: bmr_dembr
Consecutive years of current regime type
QoG Code: bmr_demdur
Democracy measure, requiring min. 50% of adult women have the right to vote
QoG Code: bmr_demfsuf
Dichotomous democracy measure (incl. missing for some countries)
QoG Code: bmr_demmis
Democratic transition
QoG Code: bmr_demtran
No. of chambers in parliament
QoG Code: br_chpar
Is the country a colony
QoG Code: br_col
Is the country's regime communist / socialist
QoG Code: br_com
No. of coups
QoG Code: br_coup
Is the country in the Commonwealth
QoG Code: br_cw
Is the country a democracy
QoG Code: br_dem
Whether an election was postponed
QoG Code: br_elecpost
Typology of political institutions
QoG Code: br_elect
Whether an election was held during the year
QoG Code: br_elecyear
No. of failed coups
QoG Code: br_fcoup
Is the president interim/temporary
QoG Code: br_int
Is the country a monarchy
QoG Code: br_mon
Is the monarch female
QoG Code: br_monf
New constitution implemented
QoG Code: br_newconst
Is the political system presidential
QoG Code: br_pres
Is the president female
QoG Code: br_presf
Does the country have proportional voting
QoG Code: br_pvote
Did the main regime change
QoG Code: br_regch
No. of successful coups
QoG Code: br_scoup
Full suffrage
QoG Code: br_suff
Associational/Assembly Rights
QoG Code: bti_aar
Anti-Corruption Policy
QoG Code: bti_acp
Approval of Democracy
QoG Code: bti_aod
Basic Administration
QoG Code: bti_ba
Commitment to Democratic Institutions
QoG Code: bti_cdi
Conflict Intensity
QoG Code: bti_ci
Monetary and fiscal stability
QoG Code: bti_cps
Civil Rights
QoG Code: bti_cr
Civil Society Participation
QoG Code: bti_csp
Civil Society Traditions
QoG Code: bti_cst
Democracy Status
QoG Code: bti_ds
Equal Opportunity
QoG Code: bti_eo
Economic Output Strength
QoG Code: bti_eos
Economic Performance
QoG Code: bti_ep
Effective Power to Govern
QoG Code: bti_epg
Free and Fair Elections
QoG Code: bti_ffe
Freedom of Expression
QoG Code: bti_foe
Governance Index
QoG Code: bti_gi
Governance Performance
QoG Code: bti_gp
International Cooperation
QoG Code: bti_ic
Interest Groups
QoG Code: bti_ig
Independent Judiciary
QoG Code: bti_ij
Level of Difficulty
QoG Code: bti_lod
Economy Status
QoG Code: bti_mes
Organization of the Market and Competition
QoG Code: bti_mo
Monopoly on the Use of Force
QoG Code: bti_muf
No Interference of Religious Dogmas
QoG Code: bti_nird
Performance of Democratic Institutions
QoG Code: bti_pdi
Prosecution of Office Abuse
QoG Code: bti_poa
Political Participation
QoG Code: bti_pp
Private Property
QoG Code: bti_prp
Party System
QoG Code: bti_ps
Political and Social Integration
QoG Code: bti_psi
Rule of Law
QoG Code: bti_rol
Social Capital
QoG Code: bti_sc
Stability of Democratic Institutions
QoG Code: bti_sdi
Socio-Economic Barriers
QoG Code: bti_seb
Socio-Economic Level
QoG Code: bti_sel
State Identity
QoG Code: bti_si
Separation of Powers
QoG Code: bti_sop
Social Safety Nets
QoG Code: bti_ssn
QoG Code: bti_st
QoG Code: bti_su
Welfare Regime
QoG Code: bti_wr
Central Bank Independence unweighted index
QoG Code: cbi_cbiu
Central Bank Independence weighted index
QoG Code: cbi_cbiw
Component 1: Chief executive officer
QoG Code: cbi_cceo
Component 4: Limitations on lending to the government
QoG Code: cbi_cll
Component 2: Objectives
QoG Code: cbi_cobj
Component 3: Policy formulation
QoG Code: cbi_cpol
Year of law creating the central bank
QoG Code: cbi_create
Year of a reform that decreased central bank independence
QoG Code: cbi_dec
Regional Diffusion for CBI
QoG Code: cbi_difreg
Effect of the central bank reform on the weighted index
QoG Code: cbi_dir
Year of a reform that increased central bank independence
QoG Code: cbi_inc
Year of a reform that affects the central bank independence
QoG Code: cbi_ref
Whether the central bank is a regional organization
QoG Code: cbi_reg
Central Bank's governor and central bank board
QoG Code: cbie_board
Central Bank's governor and central bank board reform
QoG Code: cbie_boardref
Central bank independence in the constitution
QoG Code: cbie_cbiconstitution
Index of central bank independence (Jácome and Vázquez, 2008)
QoG Code: cbie_cwne
Central Bank's Financial independence
QoG Code: cbie_finances
Central Bank's Financial independence reform
QoG Code: cbie_financesref
Index of central bank independence (Grilli et al., 1991)
QoG Code: cbie_gmt
Central Bank Independence Extended Index
QoG Code: cbie_index
Central Bank Independence Extended index reform
QoG Code: cbie_indexref
Central Bank's Limitations on lending to the government
QoG Code: cbie_lending
Central Bank's Limitations on lending to the government reform
QoG Code: cbie_lendingref
Index of central bank independence (Cukierman et al., 1992)
QoG Code: cbie_lvau
Central Bank's Objectives
QoG Code: cbie_obj
Central Bank's Objectives reform
QoG Code: cbie_objref
Central Bank's Monetary policy and conflicts resolution
QoG Code: cbie_policy
Central Bank's Monetary policy and conflicts resolution reform
QoG Code: cbie_policyref
Central Bank's Reporting and disclosure
QoG Code: cbie_report
Central Bank's Reporting and disclosure reform
QoG Code: cbie_reportref
Duty of the People is to Build Country in Constitution
QoG Code: ccp_buildsoc
Corruption Commission Present in Constitution
QoG Code: ccp_cc
Limits on Child Work in Constitution
QoG Code: ccp_childwrk
Meritocratic Recruitment of Civil Servants Mentioned in Constitution
QoG Code: ccp_civil
Reference in Constitution to Democracy
QoG Code: ccp_democ
Equality Before the Law Mentioned in Constitution
QoG Code: ccp_equal
Freedom of Religion in Constitution
QoG Code: ccp_freerel
Human Rights Commission Present in Constitution
QoG Code: ccp_hr
Right to View Government Documents in Constitution
QoG Code: ccp_infoacc
Reference in Constitution to Capitalism
QoG Code: ccp_market
Right to Marry in Constitution
QoG Code: ccp_marriage
Right to Same-Sex Marriages in Constitution
QoG Code: ccp_samesexm
Status of Slavery in Constitution
QoG Code: ccp_slave
Reference in Constitution to Socialism
QoG Code: ccp_socialsm
Right to Strike in Constitution
QoG Code: ccp_strike
New Constitutional System
QoG Code: ccp_syst
Year in which the Constitutional System was Promulgated
QoG Code: ccp_systyear
Duty of People is to Pay Taxes in Constitution
QoG Code: ccp_taxes
Whether the autocratic regime ended in the year
QoG Code: chisols_autend
Whether the autocracy type of the state changed in the year
QoG Code: chisols_auttrans
Whether the state was democratic in the year
QoG Code: chisols_dem
Whether the democracy type of the state changed in the year
QoG Code: chisols_demtrans
Whether the state is a hybrid regime in the year
QoG Code: chisols_hybrid
Whether the state is an indirect military regime in the year
QoG Code: chisols_indmil
Whether the state is a military regime in the year
QoG Code: chisols_mil
Whether the state is mixed in the year
QoG Code: chisols_mixed
Whether the state is a monarchy in the year
QoG Code: chisols_mon
Whether the state was not independent in the year
QoG Code: chisols_nonindep
Whether the state is an oligarchy
QoG Code: chisols_olig
Whether the state is not one of the other Geddes et al types
QoG Code: chisols_other
Whether the state is parliamentary in the year
QoG Code: chisols_parl
Whether the state is a personalist regime in the year
QoG Code: chisols_per
Whether the state was presidential in the year
QoG Code: chisols_pres
Whether the regime type of the state changed in the year
QoG Code: chisols_regtrans
Number of SOLS changes in the year
QoG Code: chisols_solschange
Whether the state is a single-party regime in the year
QoG Code: chisols_sp
Number of leader transitions in the year
QoG Code: chisols_totalldrtrans
Whether the state is characterized by warlordism in the year
QoG Code: chisols_warlord
Freedom of Assembly and Association
QoG Code: ciri_assn
Prevalence of Enforced Disappearance
QoG Code: ciri_disap
Freedom of Domestic Movement
QoG Code: ciri_dommov
Electoral Self-Determination
QoG Code: ciri_elecsd
Freedom of Foreign Movement and Travel
QoG Code: ciri_formov
Independence of the Judiciary
QoG Code: ciri_injud
Extrajudicial Killing
QoG Code: ciri_kill
Physical Integrity Rights
QoG Code: ciri_physint
Political Imprisonment
QoG Code: ciri_polpris
Government Restrictions on Religious Practices
QoG Code: ciri_relfre
Freedom of Speech and Press
QoG Code: ciri_speech
Prevalence of Torture by Government Authorities
QoG Code: ciri_tort
Women's Economic Rights
QoG Code: ciri_wecon
Women's Political Rights
QoG Code: ciri_wopol
Worker Rights Laws
QoG Code: ciri_work_l_s
Worker Rights Practices
QoG Code: ciri_work_p_s
Women's Social Rights Laws
QoG Code: ciri_wosoc_l
Women's Social Rights Practices
QoG Code: ciri_wosoc_p
Number of changes in government per year
QoG Code: cpds_chg
Effective number of parties on the seats level
QoG Code: cpds_enps
Effective number of parties on the votes level
QoG Code: cpds_enpv
Electoral fractionalization of the party system (Rae index)
QoG Code: cpds_frel
Legislative fractionalization of the party system (Rae index)
QoG Code: cpds_frleg
Cabinet composition (Schmidt index)
QoG Code: cpds_govlr
Government support (seat share of all parties in government)
QoG Code: cpds_govsup
Share of seats in parliament: agrarian
QoG Code: cpds_la
Share of seats in parliament: electoral alliance
QoG Code: cpds_lall
Share of seats in parliament: communist
QoG Code: cpds_lcom
Share of seats in parliament: conservative
QoG Code: cpds_lcon
Share of seats in parliament: ethnic
QoG Code: cpds_le
Share of seats in parliament: feminist
QoG Code: cpds_lfe
Share of seats in parliament: green
QoG Code: cpds_lg
Share of seats in parliament: liberal
QoG Code: cpds_ll
Share of seats in parliament: left-socialist
QoG Code: cpds_lls
Share of seats in parliament: monarchist
QoG Code: cpds_lmo
Share of seats in parliament: non-labelled
QoG Code: cpds_lnl
Share of seats in parliament: other
QoG Code: cpds_lo
Share of seats in parliament: protest
QoG Code: cpds_lp
Share of seats in parliament: post-communist
QoG Code: cpds_lpc
Share of seats in parliament: pensioners
QoG Code: cpds_lpen
Share of seats in parliament: personalist
QoG Code: cpds_lper
Share of seats in parliament: right
QoG Code: cpds_lr
Share of seats in parliament: regionalist
QoG Code: cpds_lreg
Share of seats in parliament: religious
QoG Code: cpds_lrel
Share of seats in parliament: social democratic
QoG Code: cpds_ls
Type of Government
QoG Code: cpds_tg
Share of votes: agrarian
QoG Code: cpds_va
Share of votes: electoral alliance
QoG Code: cpds_vall
Share of votes: communist
QoG Code: cpds_vcom
Share of votes: conservative
QoG Code: cpds_vcon
Share of votes: ethnic
QoG Code: cpds_ve
Share of votes: feminist
QoG Code: cpds_vfe
Share of votes: green
QoG Code: cpds_vg
Share of votes: liberal
QoG Code: cpds_vl
Share of votes: left-socialist
QoG Code: cpds_vls
Share of votes: monarchist
QoG Code: cpds_vmo
Share of votes: non-labelled
QoG Code: cpds_vnl
Share of votes: other
QoG Code: cpds_vo
Share of votes: protest
QoG Code: cpds_vp
Share of votes: post-communist
QoG Code: cpds_vpcom
Share of votes: pensioners
QoG Code: cpds_vpen
Share of votes: personalist
QoG Code: cpds_vper
Share of votes: right
QoG Code: cpds_vr
Share of votes: regionalist
QoG Code: cpds_vreg
Share of votes: religious
QoG Code: cpds_vrel
Share of votes: social democratic
QoG Code: cpds_vs
Voter turnout in election
QoG Code: cpds_vt
Number of awarded contracts above 130,000 EUR
QoG Code: cri_contr
Final value of awarded tenders of over 130,000 EUR
QoG Code: cri_cvalue
Number of contracts won by a supplier registered at a foreign address
QoG Code: cri_foreign
Share of contracts with no published call for tender red flag
QoG Code: cri_nocall
Share of contracts with non-open procedure red flag
QoG Code: cri_nonopen
Share of contracts with only one bid in total
QoG Code: cri_singleb
Share of contracts with tax haven red flag
QoG Code: cri_taxhav
Closeness to Political Party
QoG Code: cses_pc
Satisfaction with Democracy
QoG Code: cses_sd
State Fragility Index
QoG Code: cspf_sfi
Electoral Volatility - Parties above 1%
QoG Code: dev_altv1
Electoral Volatility - Parties below 1%
QoG Code: dev_othv1
Electoral Volatility - Parties entering/exiting party system
QoG Code: dev_regv1
Electoral Volatility - Total
QoG Code: dev_tv1
Economic Globalization
QoG Code: dr_eg
Index of Globalization
QoG Code: dr_ig
Political Globalization
QoG Code: dr_pg
Social Globalization
QoG Code: dr_sg
Built-up land footprint of consumption (gha per person)
QoG Code: ef_bul
Carbon footprint of consumption (gha per person)
QoG Code: ef_carb
Cropland footprint of consumption (gha per person)
QoG Code: ef_crop
Ecological footprint of consumption per person (gha per person)
QoG Code: ef_ef
Fish footprint of consumption (gha per person)
QoG Code: ef_fg
Forest product footprint of consumption (gha per person)
QoG Code: ef_for
Grazing footprint of consumption (gha per person)
QoG Code: ef_gl
E-Government Index
QoG Code: egov_egov
E-Participation Index
QoG Code: egov_epar
Human Capital Index
QoG Code: egov_hci
Online Service Index
QoG Code: egov_osi
Telecommunication Infrastructure Index
QoG Code: egov_tii
Bribery Depth
QoG Code: ens_brdep
Bribery Incidence
QoG Code: ens_brinc
Giving gifts to get a construction permit
QoG Code: ens_con
Corruption as a Major Constraint
QoG Code: ens_cor
Giving gifts to get electricity
QoG Code: ens_el
Giving gifts to secure government contract
QoG Code: ens_gcon
Giving gifts in meetings with tax officials
QoG Code: ens_gme
Giving gifts to get an import license
QoG Code: ens_iml
Competing against unregistered or informal firms
QoG Code: ens_infir
Informal Sector as a Major Constraint
QoG Code: ens_info
Operation Years without Formal Registration
QoG Code: ens_inye
Giving gifts to get an operating license
QoG Code: ens_opl
Giving gifts to public officials "to get things done"
QoG Code: ens_oth
Formal Registry before Operations
QoG Code: ens_reg
Giving gifts to get water connection
QoG Code: ens_wat
Agriculture Issue Category
QoG Code: epi_agr
Air Quality Issue Category
QoG Code: epi_air
Biodiversity and Habitat Issue Category
QoG Code: epi_bdh
Climate Change Issue Category
QoG Code: epi_cch
Environmental Health Policy Objective
QoG Code: epi_eh
Environmental Performance Index
QoG Code: epi_epi
Ecosystem Vitality Policy Objective
QoG Code: epi_ev
Forests Issue Category
QoG Code: epi_for
Fisheries Issue Category
QoG Code: epi_fsh
Sanitation and Drinking Water Issue Category
QoG Code: epi_h2o
Heavy Metals Issue Category
QoG Code: epi_hmt
Waste Management Issue Category
QoG Code: epi_wmg
Water Resources Issue Category
QoG Code: epi_wrs
Subjective Happiness
QoG Code: ess_happy
Subjective Health
QoG Code: ess_health
QoG Code: ess_relig
Trust in Legal System
QoG Code: ess_trlegal
Trust in Parliament
QoG Code: ess_trparl
Trust in Political Parties
QoG Code: ess_trpart
Trust in Other People
QoG Code: ess_trpeople
Trust in Police
QoG Code: ess_trpolice
Trust in Politicians
QoG Code: ess_trpolit
Net migration plus statistical adjusted
QoG Code: eu_demcnmigratn
Population at 1st January, Female
QoG Code: eu_demd2janf
Population at 1st January, Male
QoG Code: eu_demd2janm
Population at 1st January, Total
QoG Code: eu_demd2jant
Population density, average population per square km
QoG Code: eu_demd3dens
Deaths - Female
QoG Code: eu_demdeathdf
Deaths - Male.
QoG Code: eu_demdeathdm
Deaths - Total
QoG Code: eu_demdeathdt
Fertility rate, Total
QoG Code: eu_demfrate2
Natural change of population
QoG Code: eu_demgrownnat
Total population change
QoG Code: eu_demgrowt
Live births - Female
QoG Code: eu_demlbirthlf
Live births - Male
QoG Code: eu_demlbirthlm
Live births - Total
QoG Code: eu_demlbirthlt
Mean age of woman at childbirth
QoG Code: eu_demmawc
Life expectancy in age < 1 year, Female
QoG Code: eu_demmlifexpf
Life expectancy in age < 1 year, Male
QoG Code: eu_demmlifexpm
Life expectancy in age < 1 year, Total
QoG Code: eu_demmlifexpt
GDP at current market prices, Euro per inhabitant
QoG Code: eu_eco2gdpeurhab
GDP at current market prices, Million euro
QoG Code: eu_eco2gdpmioeur
Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 0-2 (Female) % of population
QoG Code: eu_edued256402f
Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 0-2 (Male) % of population
QoG Code: eu_edued256402m
Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 0-2 (Total) % of population.
QoG Code: eu_edued256402t
Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 3-4 (Female)
QoG Code: eu_edued256434f
Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 3-4 (Male)
QoG Code: eu_edued256434m
Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 3-4 (Total)
QoG Code: eu_edued256434t
Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 3-8 (Female)
QoG Code: eu_edued256438f
Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 3-8 (Male)
QoG Code: eu_edued256438m
Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 3-8 (Total)
QoG Code: eu_edued256438t
Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 5-8 (Female)
QoG Code: eu_edued256458f
Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 5-8 (Male)
QoG Code: eu_edued256458m
Educational Attainment, 26-64 years, Level 5-8 (Total)
QoG Code: eu_edued256458t
Educational Attainment, 30-34 years, Level 0-2 (Female)
QoG Code: eu_edued303402f
Educational Attainment, 30-34 years, Level 0-2 (Male)
QoG Code: eu_edued303402m
Educational Attainment, 30-34 years, Level 0-2 (Total)
QoG Code: eu_edued303402t
Educational Attainment, 30-34 years, Level 3-4 (Female)
QoG Code: eu_edued303434f
Educational Attainment, 30-34 years, Level 3-4 (Male)
QoG Code: eu_edued303434m
Educational Attainment, 30-34 years, Level 3-4 (Total)
QoG Code: eu_edued303434t
Educational Attainment, 30-34 years, Level 3-8 (Female)
QoG Code: eu_edued303438f
Educational Attainment, 30-34 years, Level 3-8 (Male)
QoG Code: eu_edued303438m
Educational Attainment, 30-34 years, Level 3-8 (Total)
QoG Code: eu_edued303438t
Educational Attainment, 30-34 years, Level 5-8 (Female)
QoG Code: eu_edued303458f
Educational Attainment, 30-34 years, Level 5-8 (Male)
QoG Code: eu_edued303458m
Educational Attainment, 30-34 years, Level 5-8 (Total)
QoG Code: eu_edued303458t
Early leavers from education and training, 18-24 years old (Female)
QoG Code: eu_edueleavf
Early leavers from education and training, 18-24 years old (Male)
QoG Code: eu_edueleavm
Early leavers from education and training, 18-24 years old (Total)
QoG Code: eu_edueleavt
Ratio of students to teachers and academic staff in ISCED levels 1 to 3
QoG Code: eu_edupttr13
Ratio of students to teachers and academic staff in ISCED levels 5 to 8
QoG Code: eu_edupttr58
Ratio of students to teachers and staff in early childhood education
QoG Code: eu_edupttrearly
Population 15-64 with ISCED level 0-2 as % of total population (Female)
QoG Code: eu_edurstterISCED02f
Population 15-64 with ISCED level 0-2 as % of total population (Male)
QoG Code: eu_edurstterISCED02m
Population 15-64 with ISCED level 0-2 as % of total population (Total)
QoG Code: eu_edurstterISCED02t
Population 15-64 with ISCED level 3-4 as % of total population (Female)
QoG Code: eu_edurstterISCED34f
Population 15-64 with ISCED level 3-4 as % of total population (Male)
QoG Code: eu_edurstterISCED34m
Population 15-64 with ISCED level 3-4 as % of total population (Total)
QoG Code: eu_edurstterISCED34t
Population 15-64 with ISCED level 5-8 as % of total population (Female)
QoG Code: eu_edurstterISCED58f
Population 15-64 with ISCED level 5-8 as % of total population (Male)
QoG Code: eu_edurstterISCED58m
Population 15-64 with ISCED level 5-8 as % of total population (Total)
QoG Code: eu_edurstterISCED58t
Employed ICT specialists (% of total employment)
QoG Code: eu_empict
Employment rates: 15-24 Years, Female (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_empy1524f
Employment rates: 15-24 Years, Male (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_empy1524m
Employment rates: 15-24 Years, Total (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_empy1524t
Employment rates: 15-64 Years, Female (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_empy1564f
Employment rates: 15-64 Years, Male (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_empy1564m
Employment rates: 15-64 Years, Total (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_empy1564t
Employment rates: 20-64 Years, Female (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_empy2064f
Employment rates: 20-64 Years, Male (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_empy2064m
Employment rates: 20-64 Years, Total (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_empy2064t
Employment rates: 25-34 Years, Female (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_empy2554f
Employment rates: 25-34 Years, Male (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_empy2554m
Employment rates: 25-34 Years, Total (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_empy2554t
Employment rates: 55-64 Years, Female (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_empy5564f
Employment rates: 55-64 Years, Male (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_empy5564m
Employment rates: 55-64 Years, Total (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_empy5564t
Resident population % not connected to urban \& wastewater treatment plants
QoG Code: eu_envnc
Percentage of people reporting drinking every day
QoG Code: eu_heaalcday
Percentage of people reporting drinking every month
QoG Code: eu_heaalcmon
Percentage of people reporting drinking never or not in last 12 months
QoG Code: eu_heaalcnv
Percentage of people reporting drinking every week
QoG Code: eu_heaalcwk
Dentists, per hundred thousand inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_headenththab
Dentists, number
QoG Code: eu_headentnr
Dentists, inhabitants per dentist
QoG Code: eu_headentp
Curative care beds in hospitals, inhabitants per curative care beds
QoG Code: eu_heahbedcurhabp
Curative care beds in hospitals, number
QoG Code: eu_heahbedcurnr
Curative care beds in hospitals, per hundred thousand inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_heahbedcurphthab
Available beds in hospitals, inhabitants per bed
QoG Code: eu_heahbedhabp
Long-term care beds (not psychiatric) in hospitals, inhabitant per bed
QoG Code: eu_heahbedlthabp
Long-term care beds (not psychiatric) in hospitals, number
QoG Code: eu_heahbedltnr
Long-term care beds (not psychiatric) in hospitals per 100,000 inhab.
QoG Code: eu_heahbedltphthab
Available beds in hospitals, number
QoG Code: eu_heahbednr
Other beds in hospitals, number
QoG Code: eu_heahbedothnr
Other beds in hospitals, per 100,000 inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_heahbedothphthab
Available beds in hospitals, per hundred thousand inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_heahbedphthab
Psychiatric care beds in hospitals, inhabitants per bed
QoG Code: eu_heahbedpsyhabp
Psychiatric care beds in hospitals, number
QoG Code: eu_heahbedpsynr
Psychiatric care beds in hospitals, per 100,000 inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_heahbedpsyphthab
Medical doctors, per 100,000 inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_heamdochthab
Medical doctors, number
QoG Code: eu_heamdocnr
Medical doctors, inhabitants per doctor
QoG Code: eu_heamdocp
Professionally active nurses and midwives, per 100,000 inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_heanurshthab
Professionally active nurses and midwives, number
QoG Code: eu_heanursnr
Professionally active nurses and midwives, inhabitants per nurse/midwife
QoG Code: eu_heanursp
Pharmacists, per 100,000 inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_heapharmhthab
Pharmacists, number
QoG Code: eu_heapharmnr
Pharmacists, inhabitants per pharmacist
QoG Code: eu_heapharmp
Percentage of current smokers and daily smokers
QoG Code: eu_heasmok
Number of immigrants aged less than 18, Female
QoG Code: eu_imm118f
Number of immigrants aged less than 18, Male
QoG Code: eu_imm118m
Number of immigrants aged less than 18, Total
QoG Code: eu_imm118t
Number of immigrants aged 18 to 24, Female
QoG Code: eu_imm1824f
Number of immigrants aged 18 to 24, Male
QoG Code: eu_imm1824m
Number of immigrants aged 18 to 24, Total
QoG Code: eu_imm1824t
Number of immigrants aged 25 to 34, Female
QoG Code: eu_imm2534f
Number of immigrants aged 25 to 34, Male
QoG Code: eu_imm2534m
Number of immigrants aged 25 to 34, Total
QoG Code: eu_imm2534t
Number of immigrants aged 35 to 64, Female
QoG Code: eu_imm3564f
Number of immigrants aged 35 to 64, Male
QoG Code: eu_imm3564m
Number of immigrants aged 35 to 64, Total
QoG Code: eu_imm3564t
Number of immigrants aged more than 65, Female
QoG Code: eu_imm65f
Number of immigrants aged more than 65, Male
QoG Code: eu_imm65m
Number of immigrants aged more than 65, Total
QoG Code: eu_imm65t
Internet use: internet banking
QoG Code: eu_isiubk
Internet use: civic or political participation
QoG Code: eu_isiucpp
Internet use: seeking health information
QoG Code: eu_isiuhlt
Internet use: participating in social networks
QoG Code: eu_isiunet
Internet use: selling goods or services
QoG Code: eu_isiusell
Internet use: never
QoG Code: eu_isiux
Households with broadband access (% of households with Internet access)
QoG Code: eu_ispchhiacc
Severe material deprivation rate (Total)
QoG Code: eu_povmatdepr
Severe material deprivation rate (Female)
QoG Code: eu_povmatdeprf
Severe material deprivation rate (Male)
QoG Code: eu_povmatdeprm
% of people under 60(y) living in households w. very low work intensity
QoG Code: eu_povpoplwoin
Researchers in all sectors as % of total employment - full-time (Female)
QoG Code: eu_resallf
Researchers in all sectors as % of total employment - full-time (Total)
QoG Code: eu_resallt
Researchers in Business Sector as % of total employment - full-time (Female)
QoG Code: eu_resbusf
Researchers in Business Sector as % of total employment - full-time (Total)
QoG Code: eu_resbust
Researchers in Higher Education as % of total employment - full-time (Female)
QoG Code: eu_reseduf
Researchers in Higher Education as % of total employment - full-time (Total)
QoG Code: eu_resedut
Researchers in Government as % of total employment - full-time (Female)
QoG Code: eu_resgovf
Researchers in Government as % of total employment - full-time (Total)
QoG Code: eu_resgovt
Researchers in Non-profits as % of total employment - full-time (Female)
QoG Code: eu_resnonpf
Researchers in Non-profits as % of total employment - full-time (Total)
QoG Code: eu_resnonpt
Employment in Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Mining, Quarry (Female) % of total
QoG Code: eu_sctabf
Employment in Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Mining, Quarry (Male) % of total
QoG Code: eu_sctabm
Employment in Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Mining, Quarry (Female) % of total
QoG Code: eu_sctabt
Employment in Manufacturing (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctcff
Employment in Manufacturing (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctcfm
Employment in Manufacturing (Female/male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctcft
Employment in high-tech manufacturing (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctchtcf
Employment in high-tech manufacturing (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctchtcm
Employment in Medium high-tech manufacturing (Female) % of total
QoG Code: eu_sctchtcmf
Employment in High/Medium High-Tech Manufacturing (Female) % of total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctchtcmhf
Employment in High/medium high-tech manufacturing (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctchtcmhm
Employment in High/Medium High-Tech Manufacturing (Male/Female) % of total
QoG Code: eu_sctchtcmht
Employment in Medium high-tech manufacturing (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctchtcmm
Employment in Medium high-tech manufacturing (Female/male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctchtcmt
Employment in high-tech manufacturing (Female/male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctchtct
Employment in Low-technology manufacturing (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctcltcf
Employment in Low/medium low-tech manufacturing (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctcltclmf
Employment in Low/medium low-tech manufacturing (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctcltclmm
Employment in Low/Medium Low-Tech Manufacturing (Male/Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctcltclmt
Employment in Low-tech manufacturing (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctcltcm
Employment in Medium low-tech manufacturing (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctcltcmf
Employment in Medium low-tech manufacturing (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctcltcmm
Employment in Medium low-tech manufacturing (Female/male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctcltcmt
Employment in Low-tech manufacturing (Female/male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctcltct
Employment in Wholesale, Retail, Food Service (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctgitf
Employment in Wholesale, Retail trade, Food service (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctgitm
Employment in Wholesale, Retail, Food Service (Male/Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctgitt
Employment in Land, Water, Air transport, Warehouse (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_scth52n79f
Employment in Land, Water, Air transport, Warehouse (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_scth52n79m
Employment in Transport, Warehouse (Male/Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_scth52n79t
Employment in high-tech sectors (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_scthtcf
Employment in high-tech sectors (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_scthtcm
Employment in high-tech sectors (Female/male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_scthtct
Employment in Information and communication (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctjf
Employment in Information and communication (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctjm
Employment in Information and communication (Female/male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctjt
Employment in Financial and insurance activities (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctkf
Employment in Knowledge-intensive services (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctkisf
Employment in Knowledge-intensive high-tech serv. (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctkishtcf
Employment in Knowledge-intensive high-tech serv. (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctkishtcm
Employment in Knowledge-Intensive High-Tech Serv. (Male/Female) % total emp.
QoG Code: eu_sctkishtct
Employment in Knowledge-intensive services (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctkism
Employment in Knowledge-intensive market serv. (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctkismktothf
Employment in Knowledge-intensive market serv. (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctkismktothm
Employment in Knowledge-intensive market serv. (Female/male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctkismktotht
Employment in Other knowledge-intensive serv. (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctkisothf
Employment in Other knowledge-intensive serv. (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctkisothm
Employment in Other knowledge-intensive serv. (Female/male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctkisotht
Employment in Knowledge-intensive services (Female/male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctkist
Employment in Financial and insurance activities (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctkm
Employment in Financial and insurance activities (Female/male) % total employm.
QoG Code: eu_sctkt
Employment in Less knowledge-intensive services (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctlkisf
Employment in Less knowledge-intensive services (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctlkism
Employment in Less knowledge-intensive market serv. (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctlkismktf
Employment in Less knowledge-intensive market serv. (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctlkismktm
Employment in Less knowledge-intensive market (Female/male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctlkismktt
Employment in Other less knowledge-intensive serv. (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctlkisothf
Employment in Other less knowledge-intensive serv. (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctlkisothm
Employment in Other Less Knowledge-Intensive Serv. (M/F) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctlkisotht
Employment in Less knowledge-intensive services (Female/male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctlkist
Employment in Professional, scientific and tech (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctmf
Employment in Professional, scientific and tech (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctmm
Employment in Professional, Scientific and Tech (Female/Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctmt
Employment in Admin. & Support Service Activities (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctnf
Employment in Admin. & Support Service Activities (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctnm
Employment in Admin. & Support Service Activities (Female/Male) % total employm.
QoG Code: eu_sctnt
Employment in Education (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctpaf
Employment in Education (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctpam
Employment in Education (Female/male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctpat
Employment in Education (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctpf
Employment in Education (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctpm
Employment in Education (Female/male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctpt
Employment in Health & Social Work Activities (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctqf
Employment in Health & Social Work Activities (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctqm
Employment in Health & Social Work Activities (Female/Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctqt
Employment in Arts, entertainment and recreation (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctrf
Employment in Arts, entertainment and recreation (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctrm
Employment in Arts, entertainment & recreation (Female/male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctrt
Employment in Other service activities (Female) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctsf
Employment in Other service activities (Male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctsm
Employment in Other service activities (Female/male) % total employment
QoG Code: eu_sctst
Severe material and social deprivation rate
QoG Code: eu_sevsocmatdep
Maritime transport, freight loaded and unloaded (1000's tonnes)
QoG Code: eu_trfrldnld
Inland waterways transportation (1000's tonnes)
QoG Code: eu_trinlw
Air transport, freight and mail loaded and unloaded (tonnes)
QoG Code: eu_trldnld
Long-term unemployment 25+ years, Female (% of unemployment)
QoG Code: eu_unemppcunef
Long-term unemployment 25+ years, Male (% of unemployment)
QoG Code: eu_unemppcunem
Long-term unemployment 25+ years, Total (% of unemployment)
QoG Code: eu_unemppcunet
Unemployment rates: 15-24 Years, Female (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_unempy1524f
Unemployment rates: 15-24 Years, Male (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_unempy1524m
Unemployment rates: 15-24 Years, Total (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_unempy1524t
Unemployment rates: 25-74 Years, Female (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_unempy2574f
Unemployment rates: 25-74 Years, Male (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_unempy2574m
Unemployment rates: 25-74 Years, Total (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_unempy2574t
Unemployment rates: Total, Female (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_unempytotf
Unemployment rates: Total, Male (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_unempytotm
Unemployment rates: Total, Female and Male (% of active population)
QoG Code: eu_unempytott
Electoral Volatility in the EP - Parties above 1%
QoG Code: evep_altv
Net change in the agg. vote share for all parties in Class Bloc (EP)
QoG Code: evep_classbloc
Net change in the agg. vote share for all parties in Demarcation Bloc (EP)
QoG Code: evep_dembloc
Electoral Volatility in the EP - Parties below 1%
QoG Code: evep_othv
Electoral Volatility in the EP - Parties entering/exiting party system
QoG Code: evep_regv
Electoral Volatility in the EP - Total
QoG Code: evep_tv
Agricultural land (% of Land area)
QoG Code: fao_luagr
Arable land (% of Agricultural land)
QoG Code: fao_luagrara
Cropland (% of Agricultural land)
QoG Code: fao_luagrcrop
Agriculture area actually irrigated (% of Agricultural land)
QoG Code: fao_luagrirrac
Land area equipped for irrigation (% of Cropland)
QoG Code: fao_luagrirreqcrop
Agriculture area under organic agric. (% of Agricultural land)
QoG Code: fao_luagrorg
Cropland (% of Land area)
QoG Code: fao_lucrop
Forest land (% of Land area)
QoG Code: fao_luforest
Planted forest (% of Forest area)
QoG Code: fao_luforplant
Other naturally regenerated forest (% of Forest area)
QoG Code: fao_luforreg
Cultural Diversity
QoG Code: fe_cultdiv
Ethnic Fractionalization
QoG Code: fe_etfra
Largest Minority
QoG Code: fe_lmin
Plurality Group
QoG Code: fe_plural
Associational and Organizational Rights
QoG Code: fh_aor
Civil Liberties
QoG Code: fh_cl
Electoral Process
QoG Code: fh_ep
Freedom of Expression and Belief
QoG Code: fh_feb
Functioning of Government
QoG Code: fh_fog
Personal Autonomy and Individual Rights
QoG Code: fh_pair
Political Pluralism and Participation
QoG Code: fh_ppp
Political Rights
QoG Code: fh_pr
Rule of Law
QoG Code: fh_rol
Freedom Status
QoG Code: fh_status
Freedom on the Net: Limits on content
QoG Code: fhn_fotnloc
Freedom on the Net: Obstacles to Access
QoG Code: fhn_fotnota
Freedom on the Net: Score
QoG Code: fhn_fotnsc
Freedom on the Net: Status
QoG Code: fhn_fotnst
Freedom on the Net: Violation of Users' rights
QoG Code: fhn_fotnvur
Freedom to Trade Internationally (current)
QoG Code: fi_ftradeint
Freedom to Trade Internationally (panel data)
QoG Code: fi_ftradeint_pd
Economic Freedom of the World Index (current)
QoG Code: fi_index
Economic Freedom of the World Index (panel data)
QoG Code: fi_index_pd
Legal Structure and Security of Property Rights, gender adjusted (current)
QoG Code: fi_legprop
Legal Structure and Security of Property Rights, gender adjusted (panel data)
QoG Code: fi_legprop_pd
Regulation of Credit, Labor and Business (current)
QoG Code: fi_reg
Regulation of Credit, Labor and Business (panel data)
QoG Code: fi_reg_pd
Access to Sound Money (current)
QoG Code: fi_sm
Access to Sound Money (chain_linked)
QoG Code: fi_sm_pd
Size of Government: Expenditures, Taxes and Enterprises (current)
QoG Code: fi_sog
Size of Government: Expenditures, Taxes and Enterprises (panel data)
QoG Code: fi_sog_pd
Adaptive Capacity
QoG Code: gain_cap
Economic Readiness
QoG Code: gain_econ
Ecosystem Services Vulnerability
QoG Code: gain_ecos
Exposure to Climate Change
QoG Code: gain_exp
Food Vulnerability
QoG Code: gain_food
ND-GAIN Country Index
QoG Code: gain_gain
ND-GAIN Country Index, adjusted for GDP
QoG Code: gain_gaingdp
Governance Readiness
QoG Code: gain_gov
Human Habitat Vulnerability
QoG Code: gain_hab
Health Vulnerability
QoG Code: gain_heal
Infrastructural Vulnerability
QoG Code: gain_inf
Readiness for Adaptation Actions
QoG Code: gain_read
Readiness for Adaptation Actions, adjusted for GDP
QoG Code: gain_readgdp
Sensitivity to Climate Change
QoG Code: gain_sens
Social Readiness
QoG Code: gain_soc
Vulnerability to Climate Change
QoG Code: gain_vuln
Vulnerability to Climate Change, adjusted for GDP
QoG Code: gain_vulngdp
Water Vulnerability
QoG Code: gain_wat
Data Governance International Indicator
QoG Code: gdg_int
Data Governance Participatory Indicator
QoG Code: gdg_part
Data Governance Regulatory Indicator
QoG Code: gdg_regul
Data Governance Responsible Indicator
QoG Code: gdg_resp
Data Governance Strategic Indicator
QoG Code: gdg_strat
Data Governance Structural Indicator
QoG Code: gdg_struc
Total Data Governance Score
QoG Code: gdg_total
Women ambassadors received to all postings (main and side accreditations)
QoG Code: gendip_afr
Women ambassadors received as share of all postings
QoG Code: gendip_afrp
Women ambassadors sent to all postings (main and side accreditations)
QoG Code: gendip_afs
Women ambassadors sent as share of all postings
QoG Code: gendip_afsp
Ambassadors received to main postings
QoG Code: gendip_mar
Ambassadors sent to main postings
QoG Code: gendip_mas
Women ambassadors received to main postings
QoG Code: gendip_mfr
Women ambassadors received to main postings as share of main postings received
QoG Code: gendip_mfrp
Women ambassadors sent to main postings
QoG Code: gendip_mfs
Women ambassadors sent to main postings as share of main postings sent
QoG Code: gendip_mfsp
Ambassadors received to side accreditations
QoG Code: gendip_nar
Ambassadors sent to side accreditations
QoG Code: gendip_nas
Women ambassadors received to side accreditations
QoG Code: gendip_nfr
Women ambassadors received to side accreditations as share of side acc. received
QoG Code: gendip_nfrp
Women ambassadors sent to side accreditations
QoG Code: gendip_nfs
Women ambassadors sent to side accreditations as share of side acc. sent
QoG Code: gendip_nfsp
Ambassadors received to all postings (main and side accreditations)
QoG Code: gendip_rec
Ambassadors sent to all postings (main and side accreditations)
QoG Code: gendip_send
Expenditure on defense (% of total gen. gov. exp.)
QoG Code: gfs_def
Expenditure on economic affairs (% of total gen. gov. exp.)
QoG Code: gfs_ecaf
Expenditure on education (% of total gen. gov. exp.)
QoG Code: gfs_educ
Expenditure on environment protection (% of total gen. gov. exp.)
QoG Code: gfs_envr
Expenditure on general public services (% of total gen. gov. exp.)
QoG Code: gfs_gps
Expenditure on housing and community amenities (% of total gen. gov. exp.)
QoG Code: gfs_hca
Expenditure on health (% of total gen. gov. exp.)
QoG Code: gfs_heal
Expenditure on public order and safety (% of total gen. gov. exp.)
QoG Code: gfs_pos
Expenditure on recreation, culture and religion (% of total gen. gov. exp.)
QoG Code: gfs_rcr
Expenditure on social protection (% of total gen. gov. exp.)
QoG Code: gfs_sp
Global Gender Gap Educational Attainment Subindex
QoG Code: gggi_eas
Overall Global Gender Gap Index
QoG Code: gggi_ggi
Global Gender Gap Health and Survival Subindex
QoG Code: gggi_hss
Global Gender Gap Political Empowerment Subindex
QoG Code: gggi_pes
Global Gender Gap Economic Participation and Opportunity Subindex
QoG Code: gggi_pos
Average District Magnitude
QoG Code: gol_adm
QoG Code: gol_dist
Effective Number of Electoral Parties
QoG Code: gol_enep
Effective Number of Electoral Parties 1
QoG Code: gol_enep1
Effective Number of Electoral Parties (Others)
QoG Code: gol_enepo
Effective Number of Parliamentary or Legislative Parties
QoG Code: gol_enpp
Effective Number of Parliamentary or Legislative Parties, other corrected
QoG Code: gol_enpp1
Effective Number of Parliamentary or Legislative Parties (Others)
QoG Code: gol_enppo
Effective Number of Presidential Candidates
QoG Code: gol_enpres
Electoral System Type-3 classes
QoG Code: gol_est
Electoral System Type-12 classes
QoG Code: gol_est_spec
QoG Code: gol_inst
Mixed Type
QoG Code: gol_mix
Multi-Tier Type
QoG Code: gol_mt
Number of Seats
QoG Code: gol_nos
Presidential Electoral System Type
QoG Code: gol_pest
Electoral Formula used in an Electoral Tier
QoG Code: gol_pr
Presidential Election
QoG Code: gol_preel
Upper Seats
QoG Code: gol_upseat
Upper Tier
QoG Code: gol_uptier
Economic Complexity Index (SITC product classification)
QoG Code: gpcr_eci
Forecasted annualized rate of growth for following decade
QoG Code: gpcr_growth
Ongoing Conflict
QoG Code: gpi_conf
Global Peace Index
QoG Code: gpi_gpi
QoG Code: gpi_mil
Safety and Security
QoG Code: gpi_ss
Revenue Forgone (% of GDP)
QoG Code: gted_rfgdp
Revenue Forgone (% of Tax Revenue)
QoG Code: gted_rftax
Revenue Forgone (in USD)
QoG Code: gted_rfusd
Global Terrorism Index
QoG Code: gti_gti
Alignment Executive/Legislative Chamber (lower)
QoG Code: h_alignl1
Alignment Lower/Upper Legislative Chamber
QoG Code: h_alignl1l2
Alignment Executive/Legislative Chamber (upper)
QoG Code: h_alignl2
Legislative Fractionalization (lower)
QoG Code: h_lflo
Legislative Fractionalization (upper)
QoG Code: h_lfup
Colonial Origin
QoG Code: ht_colonial
The Region of the Country
QoG Code: ht_region
Categorical Open Budget Index
QoG Code: ibp_cat
Oversight by Supreme Audit Institution and Legislature
QoG Code: ibp_leg
Open Budget Index
QoG Code: ibp_obi
Public Participation in the Budget Process
QoG Code: ibp_pub
ICRG Indicator of Quality of Government
QoG Code: icrg_qog
QoG Code: ictd_grants
Consolidated Non-Tax Revenue
QoG Code: ictd_nontax
Revenue (excluding social contributions)
QoG Code: ictd_revexsc
Revenue (including social contributions)
QoG Code: ictd_revinsc
Total Resource Revenue
QoG Code: ictd_revres
Social Contributions
QoG Code: ictd_soccon
Taxes on Corporations and Other Enterprises
QoG Code: ictd_taxcorp
Taxes (excluding social contributions)
QoG Code: ictd_taxexsc
Taxes on Goods and Services
QoG Code: ictd_taxgs
Taxes on Income, Profits, and Capital Gains
QoG Code: ictd_taxinc
Taxes on Individuals
QoG Code: ictd_taxind
Indirect Taxes
QoG Code: ictd_taxindirect
Taxes (including social contributions)
QoG Code: ictd_taxinsc
Non-resource Tax (excluding social contributions)
QoG Code: ictd_taxnresexsc
Non-Resource Tax (including social contributions)
QoG Code: ictd_taxnresinsc
Other Taxes
QoG Code: ictd_taxother
Taxes on Payroll and Workforce
QoG Code: ictd_taxpaywf
Taxes on Property
QoG Code: ictd_taxprop
Resource Taxes
QoG Code: ictd_taxres
Taxes on International Trade and Transactions
QoG Code: ictd_taxtrade
Electoral System Family
QoG Code: ideaesd_esf
Electoral System for the National Legislature
QoG Code: ideaesd_esnl
Electoral System for the President
QoG Code: ideaesd_esp
Legislative Size (Directly Elected)
QoG Code: ideaesd_lsde
Legislative Size (Voting Members)
QoG Code: ideaesd_lsvm
Number of Tiers
QoG Code: ideaesd_tiers
EU Parliamentary Election: Compulsory Voting
QoG Code: ideavt_eucv
EU Parliamentary Election: Voter Turnout
QoG Code: ideavt_euvt
Parliamentary Election: Compulsory Voting
QoG Code: ideavt_legcv
Parliamentary Election: Voter Turnout
QoG Code: ideavt_legvt
Presidential Election: Compulsory Voting
QoG Code: ideavt_prescv
Presidential Election: Voter Turnout
QoG Code: ideavt_presvt
Proportion of diabetes-related deaths in people under 60 y (%)
QoG Code: idf_death
Age-adjusted comparative prevalence of diabetes (%)
QoG Code: idf_dia
Projected diabetes prevalence in 2030 (%) in adults
QoG Code: idf_dia2030
Projected diabetes prevalence in 2045 (%) in adults
QoG Code: idf_dia2045
Diabetes-related health expenditure per person
QoG Code: idf_hepp
Projected diabetes-related health expenditure per person in 2030
QoG Code: idf_hepp2030
Projected diabetes-related health expenditure per person in 2045
QoG Code: idf_hepp2045
Age-adjusted comparative prevalence of impaired fasting glucose (%) in adults
QoG Code: idf_ifg
Projected prevalence of impaired fasting glucose (%) among adults in 2030
QoG Code: idf_ifg2030
Projected prevalence of impaired fasting glucose (%) among adults in 2045
QoG Code: idf_ifg2045
Age-adjusted comparative prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance (%) in adults
QoG Code: idf_igt
Projected prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance (%) among adults in 2030
QoG Code: idf_igt2030
Projected prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance (%) among adults in 2045
QoG Code: idf_igt2045
Proportion of people with undiagnosed diabetes (%)
QoG Code: idf_undia
DGE Model-based Informal Output
QoG Code: ied_dge
MIMIC Model-based Informal Output
QoG Code: ied_mimic
Healthy Life Years, Female, Age 1-2 years
QoG Code: ihme_hle_0102f
Healthy Life Years, Male, Age 1-2 years
QoG Code: ihme_hle_0102m
Healthy Life Years, Both sexes, Age 1-2 years
QoG Code: ihme_hle_0102t
Healthy Life Years, Female, Age 2-4 years
QoG Code: ihme_hle_0204f
Healthy Life Years, Male, Age 2-4 years
QoG Code: ihme_hle_0204m
Healthy Life Years, Both sexes, Age 2-4 years
QoG Code: ihme_hle_0204t
Life Expectancy, Female, Age 1-2 years
QoG Code: ihme_lifexp_0102f
Life Expectancy, Male, Age 1-2 years
QoG Code: ihme_lifexp_0102m
Life Expectancy, Both sexes, Age 1-2 years
QoG Code: ihme_lifexp_0102t
Life Expectancy, Female, Age 2-4 years
QoG Code: ihme_lifexp_0204f
Life Expectancy, Male, Age 2-4 years
QoG Code: ihme_lifexp_0204m
Life Expectancy, Both sexes, Age 2-4 years
QoG Code: ihme_lifexp_0204t
Accountability and Transparency Score
QoG Code: iiag_acc
Business Environment Score
QoG Code: iiag_be
Anti-corruption Score
QoG Code: iiag_corr
Education Score
QoG Code: iiag_edu
Foundations for Economic Opportunity Score
QoG Code: iiag_feo
Gender Component for Participation, Rights and Inclusion Score
QoG Code: iiag_gen
Overall Governance Score
QoG Code: iiag_gov
Human Development Score
QoG Code: iiag_hd
Health Score
QoG Code: iiag_he
Inclusion and Equality Score
QoG Code: iiag_ie
Infrastructure Score
QoG Code: iiag_inf
Public Administration Score
QoG Code: iiag_pa
Participation Score
QoG Code: iiag_par
Participation, Rights and Inclusion Score
QoG Code: iiag_pri
Rights Score
QoG Code: iiag_rig
Rule of Law and Justice Score
QoG Code: iiag_rolf
Rural Economy Score
QoG Code: iiag_rs
Sustainable Environment Score
QoG Code: iiag_se
Social Protection Score
QoG Code: iiag_sp
Security and Rule of Law Score
QoG Code: iiag_srol
Security and Safety Score
QoG Code: iiag_ssaf
Number of Seats (Lower and Single Houses)
QoG Code: ipu_l_s
Share of Women (Lower and Single Houses)
QoG Code: ipu_l_sw
Number of Women (Lower and Single Houses)
QoG Code: ipu_l_w
Number of Seats (Upper House)
QoG Code: ipu_u_s
Share of Women (Upper House)
QoG Code: ipu_u_sw
Number of Women (Upper House)
QoG Code: ipu_u_w
Number of COVID-19 cases reported
QoG Code: jht_ccc
Number of COVID-19 deaths reported
QoG Code: jht_ccd
Atkinson Coefficient (epsilon=0.5)
QoG Code: lis_atk05
Atkinson Coefficient (epsilon=1)
QoG Code: lis_atk1
Children Living in Single-Mother Families (%)
QoG Code: lis_clsmf
Children Poverty Rates among Single-Mother (50%)
QoG Code: lis_cprsmf
Children Poverty Rates among Two-Parent Families (50%)
QoG Code: lis_cprtpf
Distribution of Children by Income Group (above 150%)
QoG Code: lis_dc150
Distribution of Children by Income Group (50-75%)
QoG Code: lis_dc5075
Distribution of Children by Income Group (75-150%)
QoG Code: lis_dc75150
Gini Coefficient
QoG Code: lis_gini
Mean Equivalized Income
QoG Code: lis_meaneqi
Median Equivalized Income
QoG Code: lis_medeqi
Percentile Ratio (80/20)
QoG Code: lis_pr8020
Percentile Ratio (90/10)
QoG Code: lis_pr9010
Percentile Ratio (90/50)
QoG Code: lis_pr9050
Relative Poverty Rates among Children (40%)
QoG Code: lis_rprc40
Relative Poverty Rates among Children (50%)
QoG Code: lis_rprc50
Relative Poverty Rates among Children (60%)
QoG Code: lis_rprc60
Relative Poverty Rates among Elderly (40%)
QoG Code: lis_rpre40
Relative Poverty Rates among Elderly (50%)
QoG Code: lis_rpre50
Relative Poverty Rates among Elderly (60%)
QoG Code: lis_rpre60
Relative Poverty Rates - Total Population (40%)
QoG Code: lis_rprt40
Relative Poverty Rates - Total Population (50%)
QoG Code: lis_rprt50
Relative Poverty Rates - Total Population (60%)
QoG Code: lis_rprt60
Real GDP per Capita
QoG Code: mad_gdppc
Real GDP per Capita (year 1000)
QoG Code: mad_gdppc1000
Real GDP per Capita (year 1300)
QoG Code: mad_gdppc1300
Real GDP per Capita (year 1400)
QoG Code: mad_gdppc1400
Real GDP per Capita (year 1500)
QoG Code: mad_gdppc1500
Real GDP per Capita (year 1600)
QoG Code: mad_gdppc1600
Real GDP per Capita (year 1700)
QoG Code: mad_gdppc1700
Real GDP per Capita (year 1800)
QoG Code: mad_gdppc1800
Real GDP per Capita (year 1900)
QoG Code: mad_gdppc1900
Multidimensional Index of Bureaucratic Underrepresentation
QoG Code: mibu_ibu
First Multiparty Election
QoG Code: nelda_fme
Media Bias before Election
QoG Code: nelda_mbbe
Was More Than One Party Legal
QoG Code: nelda_mtop
Number of Elections, Total
QoG Code: nelda_noe
Number of Elections, Constituent Assembly
QoG Code: nelda_noea
Number of Elections, Executive
QoG Code: nelda_noee
Number of Elections, Legislative
QoG Code: nelda_noel
Was Opposition Allowed
QoG Code: nelda_oa
Riots and Protests after Election
QoG Code: nelda_rpae
Violence and Civilian Deaths before Election
QoG Code: nelda_vcdbe
Child Health Indicator
QoG Code: nrmi_chi
Natural Resource Protection Indicator
QoG Code: nrmi_nrpi
Current account balance
QoG Code: oecd_bop_t1
CPI: all items
QoG Code: oecd_cpi_t1a
CPI: all items non food non energy
QoG Code: oecd_cpi_t1b
CPI: food
QoG Code: oecd_cpi_t1c
CPI: energy
QoG Code: oecd_cpi_t1d
Employment rates for age group 15-24
QoG Code: oecd_emplage_t1a
Employment rates for age group 25-54
QoG Code: oecd_emplage_t1b
Employment rates for age group 55-64
QoG Code: oecd_emplage_t1c
Employment rates: Women
QoG Code: oecd_emplgndr_t1a
Employment rates: Men
QoG Code: oecd_emplgndr_t1b
Employment rates: Total
QoG Code: oecd_emplgndr_t1c
Real GDP growth
QoG Code: oecd_evogdp_t1
Real value added: agriculture, fishing, hunting and forestry
QoG Code: oecd_evova_t1a
Real value added: industry including energy
QoG Code: oecd_evova_t1b
Real value added: construction
QoG Code: oecd_evova_t1c
Real value added: trade, repairs, transport, accommodation and food serv.
QoG Code: oecd_evova_t1d
Real value added: Information and communication
QoG Code: oecd_evova_t1e
Real value added: financial and insurance activities
QoG Code: oecd_evova_t1f
Real value added: real estate activities
QoG Code: oecd_evova_t1g
Real value added in professional, scientific, technical, administration
QoG Code: oecd_evova_t1h
Real value added in public administration, defence, education human health
QoG Code: oecd_evova_t1i
Real value added in other services activities
QoG Code: oecd_evova_t1j
Total FDI Index
QoG Code: oecd_fdindex_t1a
Primary sector
QoG Code: oecd_fdindex_t1b
QoG Code: oecd_fdindex_t1c
QoG Code: oecd_fdindex_t1d
QoG Code: oecd_fdindex_t1e
QoG Code: oecd_fdindex_t1f
QoG Code: oecd_fdindex_t1g
QoG Code: oecd_fdindex_t1h
Financial services
QoG Code: oecd_fdindex_t1i
Business services
QoG Code: oecd_fdindex_t1j
General government net lending
QoG Code: oecd_govdefct_t1
General government revenues
QoG Code: oecd_govdefct_t2
Real effective exchange rates
QoG Code: oecd_intlcomp_t1
Gross fixed capital formation
QoG Code: oecd_invrates_t1
Long-term interest rates
QoG Code: oecd_ltintrst_t1
GDP per hour worked
QoG Code: oecd_prodincom_g1
Levels of GDPpc & labour productivity (% gap in USD)
QoG Code: oecd_prodincom_g2a
Purchasing power parities
QoG Code: oecd_rtsconv_t1a
Indices of price levels
QoG Code: oecd_rtsconv_t1b
GDP per capita
QoG Code: oecd_sizegdp_t1
Public social expenditure
QoG Code: oecd_socexpnd_t1a
Trade balance of services
QoG Code: oecd_svctrade_t1
Imports of services
QoG Code: oecd_svctrade_t2
Exports of services
QoG Code: oecd_svctrade_t3
Taxes on the average worker
QoG Code: oecd_taxapw_t1
International imports in goods and services
QoG Code: oecd_tradegdp_t1a
International exports in goods and services
QoG Code: oecd_tradegdp_t1b
Unemployment rates: Women
QoG Code: oecd_unemplrt_t1a
Unemployment rates: Men
QoG Code: oecd_unemplrt_t1b
Unemployment rates: Total
QoG Code: oecd_unemplrt_t1c
Value added: agriculture, hunting, fishing and forestry
QoG Code: oecd_valaddac_t1a
Value added: industry including energy
QoG Code: oecd_valaddac_t1b
Value added: construction
QoG Code: oecd_valaddac_t1c
Value added: trade, repairs, transport, accommodation and food services
QoG Code: oecd_valaddac_t1d
Value added: Information and communication
QoG Code: oecd_valaddac_t1e
Value added: financial and insurance activities
QoG Code: oecd_valaddac_t1f
Value added: real estate activities
QoG Code: oecd_valaddac_t1g
Value added in professional, scientific, technical, administration
QoG Code: oecd_valaddac_t1h
Value added in public administration, defence, education human health
QoG Code: oecd_valaddac_t1i
Value added in other services activities
QoG Code: oecd_valaddac_t1j
The Ocean Health Index
QoG Code: ohi_ohi
Official entrance age to early childhood education (years)
QoG Code: opri_oaeece
Official entrance age to primary education (years)
QoG Code: opri_oaepe
Official entrance age to compulsory education (years)
QoG Code: opri_oeace
Official entrance age to lower secondary education (years)
QoG Code: opri_oeals
Official entrance age to post-secondary non-tertiary education (years)
QoG Code: opri_oeapsnt
Official entrance age to upper secondary education (years)
QoG Code: opri_oeaus
Repetition rate in lower secondary general education (all grades), female (%)
QoG Code: opri_reprlsef
Repetition rate in lower secondary general education (all grades), male (%)
QoG Code: opri_reprlsem
Repetition rate in lower secondary general education (all grades) both sexes %)
QoG Code: opri_reprlset
Repetition rate in primary education (all grades), female (%)
QoG Code: opri_reprpef
Repetition rate in primary education (all grades), male (%)
QoG Code: opri_reprpem
Repetition rate in primary education (all grades), both sexes (%)
QoG Code: opri_reprpet
Survival rate to Grade 4 of primary education, female (%)
QoG Code: opri_surg4pef
Survival rate to Grade 4 of primary education, male (%)
QoG Code: opri_surg4pem
Survival rate to Grade 4 of primary education, both sexes (%)
QoG Code: opri_surg4pet
Survival rate to Grade 5 of primary education, female (%)
QoG Code: opri_surg5pef
Survival rate to Grade 5 of primary education, male (%)
QoG Code: opri_surg5pem
Survival rate to Grade 5 of primary education, both sexes (%)
QoG Code: opri_surg5pet
Survival rate to the last grade of primary education, female (%)
QoG Code: opri_surlgpef
Survival rate to the last grade of primary education, male (%)
QoG Code: opri_surlgpem
Survival rate to the last grade of primary education, both sexes (%)
QoG Code: opri_surlgpet
Theoretical duration of primary education (years)
QoG Code: opri_tdurce
Theoretical duration of early childhood education (years)
QoG Code: opri_tdurece
Theoretical duration of lower secondary education (years)
QoG Code: opri_tdurls
Theoretical duration of post-secondary non-tertiary education (years)
QoG Code: opri_tdurpsnt
Theoretical duration of upper secondary education (years)
QoG Code: opri_tdurused
Teachers in lower secondary education, female (number)
QoG Code: opri_tilsef
Teachers in lower secondary education, both sexes (number)
QoG Code: opri_tilset
Teachers in primary education, female (number)
QoG Code: opri_tipef
Teachers in primary education, both sexes (number)
QoG Code: opri_tipet
Teachers in pre-primary education, female (number)
QoG Code: opri_tiprepef
Teachers in pre-primary education, both sexes (number)
QoG Code: opri_tiprepet
Teachers in post-secondary non-tertiary education, female (number)
QoG Code: opri_tipsntf
Teachers in post-secondary non-tertiary education, both sexes (number)
QoG Code: opri_tipsntt
Teachers in secondary education, female (number)
QoG Code: opri_tisef
Teachers in secondary education, both sexes (number)
QoG Code: opri_tiset
Teachers in upper secondary education, female (number)
QoG Code: opri_tiusef
Teachers in upper secondary education, both sexes (number)
QoG Code: opri_tiuset
Mean years of schooling (ISCED 1 or higher), population 25+ years, female
QoG Code: opri_yearschoolf
Mean years of schooling (ISCED 1 or higher), population 25+ years, male
QoG Code: opri_yearschoolm
Mean years of schooling (ISCED 1 or higher), population 25+ years, both sexes
QoG Code: opri_yearschoolt
Regime Durability
QoG Code: p_durable
Revised Combined Polity Score
QoG Code: p_polity2
Electoral Integrity Rating
QoG Code: pei_eir_1
Electoral Integrity Rating, second election in a year
QoG Code: pei_eir_2
Perception of Electoral Integrity Index
QoG Code: pei_peii_1
Cummulative Party System Innovation
QoG Code: psi_cpsi1
Cummulative Party System Innovation of a second election in a year
QoG Code: psi_cpsi2
Exact date of the election
QoG Code: psi_edate1
Exact date of the second election in a year
QoG Code: psi_edate2
Party System Innovation (overall vote share of new parties in given election)
QoG Code: psi_psi1
Party System Innovation of a second election in a year
QoG Code: psi_psi2
Capital services at constant 2017 national prices (2017=1)
QoG Code: pwt_cs
Capital services levels at current PPPs (USA=1)
QoG Code: pwt_csppp
Share of government consumption at current PPPs
QoG Code: pwt_gc
Human Capital Index
QoG Code: pwt_hci
Share of merchandise exports at current PPPs
QoG Code: pwt_me
Share of merchandise imports at current PPPs
QoG Code: pwt_mi
Price level of capital formation, price level of USA GDPo in 2017=1
QoG Code: pwt_plcf
Price level of the capital services, price level of USA=1
QoG Code: pwt_plcs
Price level of exports, price level of USA GDPo in 2017=1
QoG Code: pwt_ple
Price level of government consumption, price level of USA GDPo in 2017=1
QoG Code: pwt_plgc
Price level of household consumption, price level of USA GDPo in 2017=1
QoG Code: pwt_plhc
Price level of imports, price level of USA GDPo in 2017=1
QoG Code: pwt_pli
Population (in millions)
QoG Code: pwt_pop
Real GDP at constant 2017 national prices (in million US$)
QoG Code: pwt_rgdp
Share of residual trade and GDP statistical discrepancy at current PPPs
QoG Code: pwt_rt
Share of gross capital formation at current PPPs
QoG Code: pwt_sgcf
Share of household consumption at current PPPs
QoG Code: pwt_shhc
Share of labour compensation in GDP at current national prices
QoG Code: pwt_slcgdp
TFP at constant national prices (2017=1)
QoG Code: pwt_tfp
TFP level at current PPPs (USA=1)
QoG Code: pwt_tfpppp
Exchange rate, national currency/USD (market+estimated)
QoG Code: pwt_xr
Entry at the lowest level only
QoG Code: qs20_close1
Entry via examination
QoG Code: qs20_close2
Special Laws
QoG Code: qs20_close3
Closedness Index
QoG Code: qs20_close_pca
Political Interference
QoG Code: qs20_impar1
Political Interference, lower limit of 95% credible interval
QoG Code: qs20_impar1_lowci
Political Interference, upper limit of 95% credible interval
QoG Code: qs20_impar1_upci
QoG Code: qs20_impar2
Impartiality, lower limit of 95% credible interval
QoG Code: qs20_impar2_lowci
Impartiality, upper limit of 95% credible interval
QoG Code: qs20_impar2_upci
QoG Code: qs20_proff1
Patronage, lower limit of 95% credible interval
QoG Code: qs20_proff1_lowci
Patronage, upper limit of 95% credible interval
QoG Code: qs20_proff1_upci
QoG Code: qs20_proff2
Merit, lower limit of 95% credible interval
QoG Code: qs20_proff2_lowci
Merit, upper limit of 95% credible interval
QoG Code: qs20_proff2_upci
QoG Code: qs20_proff3
Tenure, lower limit of 95% credible interval
QoG Code: qs20_proff3_lowci
Tenure, upper limit of 95% credible interval
QoG Code: qs20_proff3_upci
Professionalism Index
QoG Code: qs20_proff_pca
Inward Remittances Flow
QoG Code: rd_inw
Personal remittances, received (% of GDP)
QoG Code: rd_inw_gdp
Outward Remittances Flow
QoG Code: rd_outw
Press Freedom Index
QoG Code: rsf_pfi
Press Freedom Index (methodology for 2013-2021)
QoG Code: rsf_pfi1321
Press Freedom Index: Sociocultural Context Component
QoG Code: rsf_sci
Press Freedom Index: Safety Component
QoG Code: rsf_si
State History Index, with the discounting rates 0%
QoG Code: sai_statehiste0
State History Index, with the discounting rates 1%
QoG Code: sai_statehiste01
State History Index, with the discounting rates 10%
QoG Code: sai_statehiste1
Normalized Values State History Index, with the discounting rates 0%
QoG Code: sai_statehisten0
Normalized Values State History Index, with the discounting rates 1%
QoG Code: sai_statehisten01
Normalized Values State History Index, with the discounting rates 10%
QoG Code: sai_statehisten1
QoG Code: sgi_cb24
QoG Code: sgi_co24
Diagonal Accountability
QoG Code: sgi_da24
Democratic Government
QoG Code: sgi_dg24
Economic Policies: Overall Score
QoG Code: sgi_ec
Economic Policies: Budgets
QoG Code: sgi_ecbg
Economic Policies: Economy
QoG Code: sgi_ecec
Economic Policies: Global Financial System
QoG Code: sgi_ecgf
Economic Policies: Labor Markets
QoG Code: sgi_eclm
Economic Policies: Research, Innovation and Infrastructure
QoG Code: sgi_ecri
Economic Policies: Taxes
QoG Code: sgi_ectx
Environmental Policy Performance Index
QoG Code: sgi_en
Environmental Policy Performance: Environment
QoG Code: sgi_enen
Environmental Policy Performance: Global Environmental Protection
QoG Code: sgi_enge
Environmental Sustainability
QoG Code: sgi_envs24
Economic Sustainability
QoG Code: sgi_es24
Good Governance
QoG Code: sgi_go
Good Governance: Executive Accountability
QoG Code: sgi_goea
Good Governance: Executive Capacity
QoG Code: sgi_goec
Governing with Foresight
QoG Code: sgi_gwf24
Horizontal Accountability
QoG Code: sgi_ha24
Policy Performance
QoG Code: sgi_pp
Robust Democracy
QoG Code: sgi_qd
Robust Democracy: Access to Information
QoG Code: sgi_qdai
Robust Democracy: Civil Rights and Political Liberties
QoG Code: sgi_qdcr
Robust Democracy: Electoral Process
QoG Code: sgi_qdep
Robust Democracy: Rule of Law
QoG Code: sgi_qdrl
Robust Democracy: Rule of Law - Corruption Prevention
QoG Code: sgi_qdrlc
QoG Code: sgi_sm24
Social Policies: Overall Score
QoG Code: sgi_so
Social Policies: Education
QoG Code: sgi_soed
Social Policies: Families
QoG Code: sgi_sofa
Social Policies: Global Inequalities
QoG Code: sgi_sogi
Social Policies: Health
QoG Code: sgi_sohe
Social Policies: Integration Policy
QoG Code: sgi_soin
Social Policies: Pensions
QoG Code: sgi_sope
Social Policies: Social Inclusion
QoG Code: sgi_sosi
Social Policies: Safe Living Conditions
QoG Code: sgi_sosl
Sustainable Policymaking
QoG Code: sgi_sp24
Social Sustainability
QoG Code: sgi_ss24
Vertical Accountability
QoG Code: sgi_va24
Basic Human Needs (SPI)
QoG Code: spi_bn
Foundations of Wellbeing (SPI)
QoG Code: spi_fob
Opportunity (SPI)
QoG Code: spi_opp
Social Progress Index
QoG Code: spi_ospi
Corruption Perceptions Index
QoG Code: ti_cpi
Corruption Perceptions Index - max range
QoG Code: ti_cpi_max
Corruption Perceptions Index - min range
QoG Code: ti_cpi_min
Standard Error for Corruption Perceptions Index
QoG Code: ti_se
Top 10% income share
QoG Code: top_top10_income_share
Top 1% income share
QoG Code: top_top1_income_share
Number of extrasystemic armed conflicts
QoG Code: ucdp_type1
Number of interstate armed conflicts
QoG Code: ucdp_type2
Number of internal armed conflicts
QoG Code: ucdp_type3
Number of internationalized internal armed conflicts
QoG Code: ucdp_type4
Human Development Index
QoG Code: undp_hdi
Gross intake ratio to last grade of lower secondary general educ., female (%)
QoG Code: une_girlglsf
Gross intake ratio to last grade of lower secondary general education, male (%)
QoG Code: une_girlglsm
Gross intake ratio to last grade of lower secondary general edu. both sexes (%)
QoG Code: une_girlglst
Gross intake ratio to the last grade of primary education, female (%)
QoG Code: une_girlgpf
Gross intake ratio to the last grade of primary education, male (%)
QoG Code: une_girlgpm
Gross intake ratio to the last grade of primary education, both sexes (%)
QoG Code: une_girlgpt
QoG Code: van_comp
Index of Democratization
QoG Code: van_index
QoG Code: van_part
Academic Freedom Index
QoG Code: vdem_academ
Political corruption index
QoG Code: vdem_corr
Deliberative democracy index
QoG Code: vdem_delibdem
Deliberative component index
QoG Code: vdem_dl_delib
Electoral component index
QoG Code: vdem_edcomp_thick
Egalitarian component index
QoG Code: vdem_egal
Egalitarian democracy index
QoG Code: vdem_egaldem
Election vote buying
QoG Code: vdem_elvotbuy
Executive bribery and corrupt exchanges
QoG Code: vdem_exbribe
Public sector corrupt exchanges
QoG Code: vdem_excrptps
Executive corruption index
QoG Code: vdem_execorr
Executive embezzlement and theft
QoG Code: vdem_exembez
Public sector theft
QoG Code: vdem_exthftps
Legislature corrupt activities
QoG Code: vdem_gcrrpt
Women political empowerment index
QoG Code: vdem_gender
Judicial corruption decision
QoG Code: vdem_jucorrdc
Liberal democracy index
QoG Code: vdem_libdem
Liberal component index
QoG Code: vdem_liberal
Media corrupt
QoG Code: vdem_mecorrpt
Participatory component index
QoG Code: vdem_partip
Participatory democracy index
QoG Code: vdem_partipdem
Electoral democracy index
QoG Code: vdem_polyarchy
Public sector corruption index
QoG Code: vdem_pubcorr
Percent of age coverage
QoG Code: warc_acov
Cabinet Age Representation Index (35 or under)
QoG Code: warc_agi35
Cabinet Age Representation Index (40 or under)
QoG Code: warc_agi40
Cabinet Age Representation Index ((41 to 60)
QoG Code: warc_agi4160
Cabinet Age Representation Index (over 61 years)
QoG Code: warc_agi61
Percent of women ministers aged 35 or under
QoG Code: warc_fem35
Percent of women ministers aged 40 or under
QoG Code: warc_fem40
Percent of women ministers aged 61 or over
QoG Code: warc_fem61
Age of cabinet leader
QoG Code: warc_leadage
Gender of leader
QoG Code: warc_leadgen
Mean age of cabinet members
QoG Code: warc_meanage
Median age of cabinet members
QoG Code: warc_medianage
Percent of ministers aged 35 or under
QoG Code: warc_min35
Percent of ministers aged 40 or under
QoG Code: warc_min40
Percent of cabinet members aged 41 to 60
QoG Code: warc_min4160
Percent of cabinet members aged 61 or over
QoG Code: warc_min61
Percentage of women ministers
QoG Code: warc_wmin
Control of Corruption, Estimate
QoG Code: wbgi_cce
Control of Corruption, Number of Sources
QoG Code: wbgi_ccn
Control of Corruption, Standard Error
QoG Code: wbgi_ccs
Government Effectiveness, Estimate
QoG Code: wbgi_gee
Government Effectiveness, Number of Sources
QoG Code: wbgi_gen
Government Effectiveness, Standard Error
QoG Code: wbgi_ges
Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism, Estimate
QoG Code: wbgi_pve
Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism, Number of Sources
QoG Code: wbgi_pvn
Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism, Standard Error
QoG Code: wbgi_pvs
Rule of Law, Estimate
QoG Code: wbgi_rle
Rule of Law, Number of Sources
QoG Code: wbgi_rln
Rule of Law, Standard Error
QoG Code: wbgi_rls
Regulatory Quality, Estimate
QoG Code: wbgi_rqe
Regulatory Quality, Number of Sources
QoG Code: wbgi_rqn
Regulatory Quality, Standard Error
QoG Code: wbgi_rqs
Voice and Accountability, Estimate
QoG Code: wbgi_vae
Voice and Accountability, Number of Sources
QoG Code: wbgi_van
Voice and Accountability, Standard Error
QoG Code: wbgi_vas
Access to electricity (% of population)
QoG Code: wdi_acel
Access to electricity, rural (% of rural population)
QoG Code: wdi_acelr
Access to electricity, urban (% of urban population)
QoG Code: wdi_acelu
Armed forces personnel (% of total labor force)
QoG Code: wdi_afp
Armed forces personnel, total
QoG Code: wdi_afpt
Age dependency ratio (% of working-age pop.)
QoG Code: wdi_agedr
Agricultural irrigated land (% of total agricultural land)
QoG Code: wdi_agrland
Arable land (% of land area)
QoG Code: wdi_araland
Land area (sq. km)
QoG Code: wdi_area
Arms exports (SIPRI trend indicator values)
QoG Code: wdi_armexp
Arms imports (SIPRI trend indicator values)
QoG Code: wdi_armimp
Proportion of people living below 50 percent of median income (%)
QoG Code: wdi_belmedinc
CPIA building human resources rating
QoG Code: wdi_bhr
Birth rate, crude (per 1,000 people)
QoG Code: wdi_birth
Completeness of birth registration (%)
QoG Code: wdi_birthreg
Completeness of birth registration, rural (%)
QoG Code: wdi_birthregr
Completeness of birth registration, urban (%)
QoG Code: wdi_birthregu
Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total)
QoG Code: wdi_birthskill
Battle-related deaths (number of people)
QoG Code: wdi_brdeath
Bribery incidence (% of firms experiencing at least one bribe request)
QoG Code: wdi_bribfirm
Fixed broadband subscriptions (per 100 people)
QoG Code: wdi_broadb
New business density (new registrations per 1,000 people ages 15-64)
QoG Code: wdi_busden
Current health expenditure (% of GDP)
QoG Code: wdi_chexppgdp
CO2 emissions (metric tons per capita)
QoG Code: wdi_co2
Death rate, crude (per 1,000 people)
QoG Code: wdi_death
Central government debt, total (% of GDP)
QoG Code: wdi_debt
Domestic general government health expenditure (% of GDP)
QoG Code: wdi_dgovhexp
Domestic private health expenditure (% of current health expenditure)
QoG Code: wdi_dprivhexp
School enrollment, primary, private (% of total primary)
QoG Code: wdi_eduprp
School enrollment, secondary, private (% of total secondary)
QoG Code: wdi_eduprs
CPIA efficiency of revenue mobilization rating (1=low to 6=high)
QoG Code: wdi_effrevmob
External health expenditure (% of current health expenditure)
QoG Code: wdi_ehexpp
Employers, total (% of total employment) (modeled ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_emp
Employment in agriculture (% of total employment) (modeled ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_empagr
Employment in agriculture, female (% female employment) (modeled ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_empagrf
Employment in agriculture, male (% male employment) (modeled ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_empagrm
Employers, female (% of female employment) (modeled ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_empf
Employment in industry (% of total employment) (modeled ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_empind
Employment in industry, female (% female employment) (modeled ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_empindf
Employment in industry, male (% of male employment) (modeled ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_empindm
Employers, male (% of male employment) (modeled ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_empm
Employment to population ratio, 15+, female (%) (modeled ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_empprfilo
Employment to population ratio, 15+, female (%) (national est.)
QoG Code: wdi_empprfne
Employment to population ratio, 15+, total (%) (modeled ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_empprilo
Employment to population ratio, 15+, male (%) (modeled ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_empprmilo
Employment to population ratio, 15+, male (%) (national est.)
QoG Code: wdi_empprmne
Employment to population ratio, 15+, total (%) (national est.)
QoG Code: wdi_empprne
Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, female % (modeled ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_emppryfilo
Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, female % (national est.)
QoG Code: wdi_emppryfne
Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, total % (modeled ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_emppryilo
Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, male % (modeled ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_empprymilo
Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, male % (national est.)
QoG Code: wdi_empprymne
Employment to population ratio, ages 15-24, total % (national est.)
QoG Code: wdi_emppryne
Employment in services (% of total employment) (modeled ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_empser
Employment in services, female (% of female employment) (modeled ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_empserf
Employment in services, male (% of male employment) (modeled ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_empserm
Renewable energy consumption (% of total final energy consumption)
QoG Code: wdi_enerenew
CPIA equity of public resource use rating (1=low to 6=high)
QoG Code: wdi_eqpubres
Government expenditure on education, total (% of GDP)
QoG Code: wdi_expedu
Government expenditure on education, total (% of government expenditure)
QoG Code: wdi_expeduge
Expenditure on primary education (% of government expenditure on edu.)
QoG Code: wdi_expedup
Expenditure on secondary education (% of government expenditure on edu.)
QoG Code: wdi_expedus
Expenditure on tertiary education (% of government expenditure on edu.)
QoG Code: wdi_expedut
Military expenditure (% of GDP)
QoG Code: wdi_expmil
Military expenditure (% of general government expenditure)
QoG Code: wdi_expmilge
Exports of goods and services (% of GDP)
QoG Code: wdi_export
Government expenditure per student, primary (% of GDP per capita)
QoG Code: wdi_expstup
Government expenditure per student, secondary (% of GDP per capita)
QoG Code: wdi_expstus
Government expenditure per student, tertiary (% of GDP per capita)
QoG Code: wdi_expstut
Foreign direct investment, net inflows (% of GDP)
QoG Code: wdi_fdiin
Foreign direct investment, net outflows (% of GDP)
QoG Code: wdi_fdiout
Fertility rate, total (births per woman)
QoG Code: wdi_fertility
Firms with female participation in ownership (% of firms)
QoG Code: wdi_firfown
Firms with female top manager (% of firms)
QoG Code: wdi_firftopm
Firms expected to give gifts in meetings w. tax officials (% of firms)
QoG Code: wdi_firgifttax
Prevalence of severe food insecurity in the population (%)
QoG Code: wdi_foodins
Forest area (% of land area)
QoG Code: wdi_forest
Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added (% of GDP)
QoG Code: wdi_gdpagr
GDP per capita (constant 2015 US dollar)
QoG Code: wdi_gdpcapcon2015
GDP per capita (current US dollar)
QoG Code: wdi_gdpcapcur
GDP per capita growth (annual %)
QoG Code: wdi_gdpcapgr
GDP per capita, PPP (constant 2021 international dollar)
QoG Code: wdi_gdpcappppcon2021
GDP per capita, PPP (current international dollar)
QoG Code: wdi_gdpcappppcur
GDP growth (annual %)
QoG Code: wdi_gdpgr
Industry (including construction), value added (% of GDP)
QoG Code: wdi_gdpind
GDP, PPP (constant 2021 international dollar)
QoG Code: wdi_gdppppcon2021
GDP, PPP (current international dollar)
QoG Code: wdi_gdppppcur
CPIA gender equality rating
QoG Code: wdi_gendeqr
School enrollment, primary (% gross)
QoG Code: wdi_gerp
School enrollment, primary, female (% gross)
QoG Code: wdi_gerpf
School enrollment, primary, male (% gross)
QoG Code: wdi_gerpm
School enrollment, preprimary (% gross)
QoG Code: wdi_gerpp
School enrollment, preprimary, female (% gross)
QoG Code: wdi_gerppf
School enrollment, preprimary, male (% gross)
QoG Code: wdi_gerppm
School enrollment, secondary (% gross)
QoG Code: wdi_gers
School enrollment, secondary, female (% gross)
QoG Code: wdi_gersf
School enrollment, secondary, male (% gross)
QoG Code: wdi_gersm
School enrollment, tertiary (% gross)
QoG Code: wdi_gert
School enrollment, tertiary, female (% gross)
QoG Code: wdi_gertf
School enrollment, tertiary, male (% gross)
QoG Code: wdi_gertm
Gini index
QoG Code: wdi_gini
GNI, Atlas method (current US dollar)
QoG Code: wdi_gniatlcur
GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US dollar)
QoG Code: wdi_gnicapatlcur
GNI per capita (constant 2015 US dollar)
QoG Code: wdi_gnicapcon2015
GNI per capita growth (annual %)
QoG Code: wdi_gnicapgr
GNI per capita, PPP (constant 2021 international dollar)
QoG Code: wdi_gnicappppcon2021
GNI per capita, PPP (current international dollar)
QoG Code: wdi_gnicappppcur
GNI (constant 2015 US dollar)
QoG Code: wdi_gnicon2015
GNI (current US dollar)
QoG Code: wdi_gnicur
GNI growth (annual %)
QoG Code: wdi_gnigr
GNI, PPP (constant 2021 international dollar)
QoG Code: wdi_gnipppcon2021
GNI, PPP (current international dollar)
QoG Code: wdi_gnipppcur
Intentional homicides (per 100,000 people)
QoG Code: wdi_homicides
Intentional homicides, female (per 100,000 female)
QoG Code: wdi_homicidesf
Intentional homicides, male (per 100,000 male)
QoG Code: wdi_homicidesm
People with basic handwashing facilities (% of population)
QoG Code: wdi_hwf
People with basic handwashing facilities, rural (% of rural population)
QoG Code: wdi_hwfr
People with basic handwashing facilities, urban (% of urban population)
QoG Code: wdi_hwfu
Internally displaced persons, new displacement-disasters (number)
QoG Code: wdi_idpdis
Internally displaced persons, new displacement-conflict & violence (number)
QoG Code: wdi_idpvc
Internally displaced persons, total displaced by conflict-violence (number)
QoG Code: wdi_idpvp
Imports of goods and services (% of GDP)
QoG Code: wdi_import
Income share held by highest 10%
QoG Code: wdi_incsh10h
Income share held by lowest 10%
QoG Code: wdi_incsh10l
Income share held by second 20%
QoG Code: wdi_incsh202
Income share held by third 20%
QoG Code: wdi_incsh203
Income share held by fourth 20%
QoG Code: wdi_incsh204
Income share held by highest 20%
QoG Code: wdi_incsh20h
Income share held by lowest 20%
QoG Code: wdi_incsh20l
Inflation, consumer prices (annual %)
QoG Code: wdi_inflation
Informal payments to public officials (% of firms)
QoG Code: wdi_infpay
Interest payments (% of expense)
QoG Code: wdi_interexp
Individuals using the Internet (% of population)
QoG Code: wdi_internet
Interest payments (% of revenue)
QoG Code: wdi_interrev
Real interest rate (%)
QoG Code: wdi_intrate
Labor force with advanced education % of total working-age pop.
QoG Code: wdi_lfpedua
Labor force with advanced education % of female working-age pop.
QoG Code: wdi_lfpeduaf
Labor force with advanced education % of male working-age pop.
QoG Code: wdi_lfpeduam
Labor force with basic education % of total working-age pop. basic edu.
QoG Code: wdi_lfpedub
Labor force with basic education % of female working-age pop. basic edu.
QoG Code: wdi_lfpedubf
Labor force with basic education % of male working-age pop. w. basic edu.
QoG Code: wdi_lfpedubm
Labor force with intermediate education % of total working-age pop.
QoG Code: wdi_lfpedui
Labor force with intermediate education % of female working-age pop.
QoG Code: wdi_lfpeduif
Labor force with intermediate education % of male working-age pop.
QoG Code: wdi_lfpeduim
Labor force, female (% of total labor force)
QoG Code: wdi_lfpf
Labor force participation rate (% female ages 15+) (modeled ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_lfpfilo15
Labor force participation rate (% of female ages 15+) (national est.)
QoG Code: wdi_lfpfne15
Labor force participation rate (% of total ages 15+) (modeled ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_lfpilo15
Labor force participation rate (% of male ages 15+) (modeled ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_lfpmilo15
Labor force participation rate (% of male ages 15+) (national est.)
QoG Code: wdi_lfpmne15
Labor force participation rate (% of total ages 15+) (national est.)
QoG Code: wdi_lfpne15
Labor force participation rate, total (% of total pop. ages 15-64) (ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_lfpr
Labor force participation rate, female (% of female pop. ages 15-64) (ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_lfprf
Labor force participation rate, male (% of male pop. ages 15-64) (ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_lfprm
Labor force participation rate 15-24, female (%) (modeled ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_lfpyfilo
Labor force participation rate 15-24, female (%) (national est.)
QoG Code: wdi_lfpyfne
Labor force participation rate 15-24, total (%) (modeled ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_lfpyilo
Labor force participation rate 15-24, male (%) (modeled ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_lfpymilo
Labor force participation rate 15-24, male (%) (national est.)
QoG Code: wdi_lfpymne
Labor force participation rate 15-24, total (%) (national est.)
QoG Code: wdi_lfpyne
Life expectancy at birth, total (years)
QoG Code: wdi_lifexp
Life expectancy at birth, female (years)
QoG Code: wdi_lifexpf
Life expectancy at birth, male (years)
QoG Code: wdi_lifexpm
Literacy rate, adult total (% of people ages 15 and above)
QoG Code: wdi_litrad
Literacy rate, adult female (% of females ages 15 and above)
QoG Code: wdi_litradf
Literacy rate, adult male (% of males ages 15 and above)
QoG Code: wdi_litradm
Literacy rate, youth total (% of people ages 15-24)
QoG Code: wdi_litry
Literacy rate, youth female (% of females ages 15-24)
QoG Code: wdi_litryf
Literacy rate, youth male (% of males ages 15-24)
QoG Code: wdi_litrym
Lifetime risk of maternal death (%)
QoG Code: wdi_lrmd
Net migration
QoG Code: wdi_migration
Mobile cellular subscriptions (per 100 people)
QoG Code: wdi_mobile
Mortality rate, adult, female (per 1,000 female adults)
QoG Code: wdi_mortf
Mortality rate, infant (per 1,000 live births)
QoG Code: wdi_mortinf
Mortality rate, infant, female (per 1,000 live births)
QoG Code: wdi_mortinff
Mortality rate, infant, male (per 1,000 live births)
QoG Code: wdi_mortinfm
Mortality rate, adult, male (per 1,000 male adults)
QoG Code: wdi_mortm
Mortality rate, neonatal (per 1,000 live births)
QoG Code: wdi_mortnn
Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000 live births)
QoG Code: wdi_mortu5
Mortality rate, under-5, female (per 1,000 live births)
QoG Code: wdi_mortu5f
Mortality rate, under-5, male (per 1,000 live births)
QoG Code: wdi_mortu5m
School enrollment, primary (% net)
QoG Code: wdi_nerp
School enrollment, primary, female (% net)
QoG Code: wdi_nerpf
School enrollment, primary, male (% net)
QoG Code: wdi_nerpm
Adjusted net enrollment rate, primary (% of primary school children)
QoG Code: wdi_nerpr
Adjusted net enrollment rate, primary female (% of primary school children)
QoG Code: wdi_nerprf
Adjusted net enrollment rate, primary male (% of primary school children)
QoG Code: wdi_nerprm
School enrollment, secondary (% net)
QoG Code: wdi_ners
School enrollment, secondary, female (% net)
QoG Code: wdi_nersf
School enrollment, secondary, male (% net)
QoG Code: wdi_nersm
Oil rents (% of GDP)
QoG Code: wdi_oilrent
Out-of-pocket expenditure (% of current health expenditure)
QoG Code: wdi_ophexp
Policy and institutions for environmental sustainability
QoG Code: wdi_piesr
Population, total
QoG Code: wdi_pop
Population ages 0-14 (% of total population)
QoG Code: wdi_pop14
Population ages 15-64 (% of total population)
QoG Code: wdi_pop1564
Population ages 65 and above (% of total population)
QoG Code: wdi_pop65
Population density (people per sq. km of land area)
QoG Code: wdi_popden
Population, female (% of total population)
QoG Code: wdi_popf
Population growth (annual %)
QoG Code: wdi_popgr
Rural population (% of total population)
QoG Code: wdi_poprul
Rural population growth (annual %)
QoG Code: wdi_poprulgr
Urban population (% of total population)
QoG Code: wdi_popurb
Urban population growth (annual %)
QoG Code: wdi_popurbagr
Poverty gap at USD 2.15 a day (2017 PPP) (%)
QoG Code: wdi_povgap215
Poverty gap at USD 3.65 a day (2017 PPP) (%)
QoG Code: wdi_povgap365
Average precipitation in depth (mm per year)
QoG Code: wdi_precip
CPIA property rights and rule-based governance rating
QoG Code: wdi_prrbgr
CPIA public sector management and institution cluster average
QoG Code: wdi_psm
Part time employment, total (% of total employment)
QoG Code: wdi_pte
Part time employment, female (% of total female employment)
QoG Code: wdi_ptef
Part time employment, male (% of total male employment)
QoG Code: wdi_ptem
CPIA quality of public administration rating
QoG Code: wdi_qpubadm
Refugee population by country or territory of asylum
QoG Code: wdi_refasy
Refugee population by country or territory of origin
QoG Code: wdi_refori
Self-employed, total (% of total employment) (modeled ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_semp
Self-employed, female (% of female employment) (modeled ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_sempf
Self-employed, male (% of male employment) (modeled ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_sempm
Prevalence of current tobacco use, females (% of female adults)
QoG Code: wdi_smokf
Prevalence of current tobacco use, males (% of male adults)
QoG Code: wdi_smokm
CPIA social protection rating
QoG Code: wdi_spr
Statistical performance indicators (SPI): Overall score (scale 0-100)
QoG Code: wdi_statper
Services, value added (constant 2015 US dollar)
QoG Code: wdi_sva2015
Services, value added (annual % growth)
QoG Code: wdi_svapg
Services, value added (% of GDP)
QoG Code: wdi_svapgdp
CPIA transparency-accountability-corruption in public sector rating (1-6)
QoG Code: wdi_tacpsr
Tax revenue (% of GDP)
QoG Code: wdi_taxrev
Fixed telephone subscriptions (per 100 people)
QoG Code: wdi_tele
Trade (% of GDP)
QoG Code: wdi_trade
Trade in services (% of GDP)
QoG Code: wdi_tradeserv
Unemployment with advanced education (% of total labor force)
QoG Code: wdi_unempedua
Unemployment with advanced education (% of female labor force)
QoG Code: wdi_unempeduaf
Unemployment with advanced education (% of male labor force)
QoG Code: wdi_unempeduam
Unemployment with basic education (% of total labor force)
QoG Code: wdi_unempedub
Unemployment with basic education (% of female labor force)
QoG Code: wdi_unempedubf
Unemployment with basic education (% of male labor force)
QoG Code: wdi_unempedubm
Unemployment with intermediate education (% of total labor force)
QoG Code: wdi_unempedui
Unemployment with intermediate education (% of female labor force)
QoG Code: wdi_unempeduif
Unemployment with intermediate education (% of male labor force)
QoG Code: wdi_unempeduim
Unemployment, female (% of female labor force) (modeled ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_unempfilo
Unemployment, female (% of female labor force) (national est.)
QoG Code: wdi_unempfne
Unemployment, total (% of total labor force) (modeled ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_unempilo
Unemployment, male (% of male labor force) (modeled ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_unempmilo
Unemployment, male (% of male labor force) (national est.)
QoG Code: wdi_unempmne
Unemployment, total (% of total labor force) (national est.)
QoG Code: wdi_unempne
Unemployment, youth female (% of female labor force 15-24)(modeled ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_unempyfilo
Unemployment, youth female (% of female labor force 15-24)(nation est.)
QoG Code: wdi_unempyfne
Unemployment, youth total (% of total labor force 15-24)(modeled ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_unempyilo
Unemployment, youth male (% of male labor force 15-24)(modeled ILO)
QoG Code: wdi_unempymilo
Unemployment, youth male (% of male labor force 15-24)(national est.)
QoG Code: wdi_unempymne
Unemployment, youth total (% of total labor force 15-24)(national est.)
QoG Code: wdi_unempyne
Proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments (%)
QoG Code: wdi_wip
Women who were first married by age 15 (% of women ages 20-24)
QoG Code: wdi_wofm15
Women Business and the Law Index Score (scale 1-100)
QoG Code: wdi_wombuslawi
Active labour market policies
QoG Code: wef_alp
Strength of auditing and reporting standards
QoG Code: wef_audit
Burden of government regulation
QoG Code: wef_bgr
Budget transparency
QoG Code: wef_bt
Credit gap
QoG Code: wef_cg
Innovation capability
QoG Code: wef_ci
Incidence of corruption
QoG Code: wef_cor
Debt dynamics
QoG Code: wef_ddyn
Digital skills among active population
QoG Code: wef_dsap
Efficiency of air transport services
QoG Code: wef_eair
Ease of finding skilled employees
QoG Code: wef_efs
QoG Code: wef_elec
Percentage of population with access to electricity
QoG Code: wef_elr
E-Participation Index
QoG Code: wef_epi
Efficiency of seaport services
QoG Code: wef_eport
Efficiency of train services
QoG Code: wef_erail
Fixed-broadband Internet subscriptions
QoG Code: wef_fis
Global Competitiveness Index
QoG Code: wef_gci
Gross domestic product (billions, PPP)
QoG Code: wef_gdpp2
Growth of innovative companies
QoG Code: wef_gic
Ease of hiring foreign labour
QoG Code: wef_hfl
Hiring and firing practices
QoG Code: wef_hfp
Homicide rate per 100,000 people
QoG Code: wef_hom
QoG Code: wef_infl
Intellectual property protection
QoG Code: wef_ipr
Internet users
QoG Code: wef_iu
Judicial independence
QoG Code: wef_ji
Cooperation in labour-employer relations
QoG Code: wef_ler
School life expectancy
QoG Code: wef_lse
Extent of market dominance
QoG Code: wef_md
Mobile-cellular telephone subscriptions
QoG Code: wef_mobile
Organized crime
QoG Code: wef_oc
Prevalence of non-tariff barriers
QoG Code: wef_pntb
Pay and productivity
QoG Code: wef_pp
Property rights
QoG Code: wef_pr
Transport infrastructure
QoG Code: wef_qoi
Quality of road infrastructure
QoG Code: wef_qroad
Quality of vocational training
QoG Code: wef_qvt
Reliability of police services
QoG Code: wef_rps
Skillset of secondary-education graduates
QoG Code: wef_shg
Financing of SMEs
QoG Code: wef_smec
Scientific publications. H Index
QoG Code: wef_sp
Skillset of university graduates
QoG Code: wef_sug
Terrorism incidence
QoG Code: wef_ti
University-industry collaboration in R&D
QoG Code: wef_uic
Venture capital availability
QoG Code: wef_vca
Flexibility of wage determination
QoG Code: wef_wbp
Water infrastructure
QoG Code: wef_wi
Ratio of wage and salaried female workers to male workers
QoG Code: wef_wlf
Workers' rights
QoG Code: wef_wr
Number of years the leader in office continuously
QoG Code: wgov_leadexp
Number of cabinet ministers
QoG Code: wgov_min
Average age in cabinet ministers
QoG Code: wgov_minage
Number of women in cabinet ministers
QoG Code: wgov_minfem
Number of people with military titles in cabinet ministers
QoG Code: wgov_minmil
Average tenure for cabinet ministers
QoG Code: wgov_minten
Adjusted retention rate for cabinet ministers
QoG Code: wgov_mret
Total number of government positions (inc. unoccupied and multiple positions)
QoG Code: wgov_tot
Average age in government positions
QoG Code: wgov_totage
Number of women in government positions
QoG Code: wgov_totfem
Number of people with military titles in government positions
QoG Code: wgov_totmil
Average tenure for people in government positions
QoG Code: wgov_totten
Adjusted retention rate for people in government positions
QoG Code: wgov_tret
Alcohol consumption per capita (in litres)
QoG Code: who_alcohol10
Prevalence of anaemia in pregnant women (aged 15-49)(%)
QoG Code: who_anpreg
Population using at least basic drinking water services (%), Rural
QoG Code: who_dwrur
Population using at least basic drinking water services (%), Total
QoG Code: who_dwtot
Population using at least basic drinking water services (%), Urban
QoG Code: who_dwurb
Healthy Life Expectancy, Female (Years)
QoG Code: who_halef
Healthy Life Expectancy, Male (Years)
QoG Code: who_halem
Healthy Life Expectancy, Total (Years)
QoG Code: who_halet
Homicide Rate, Female
QoG Code: who_homf
Homicide Rate, Male
QoG Code: who_homm
Homicide Rate, Total
QoG Code: who_homt
Infant mortality rate, Female
QoG Code: who_infmortf
Infant mortality rate, Male
QoG Code: who_infmortm
Infant mortality rate, Total
QoG Code: who_infmortt
Life Expectancy, Female (Years)
QoG Code: who_lef
Life Expectancy, Male (Years)
QoG Code: who_lem
Life Expectancy, Total (Years)
QoG Code: who_let
Maternal Mortality Rate (per 100 000 live births)
QoG Code: who_matmort
Adult Mortality Rate (per 1000 population), Female
QoG Code: who_mrf
Adult Mortality Rate (per 1000 population), Male
QoG Code: who_mrm
Adult Mortality Rate (per 1000 population), Total
QoG Code: who_mrt
Estimated road traffic death rate (100,000 population)
QoG Code: who_roadtrd
Rural population using basic sanitation services (%)
QoG Code: who_sanitrur
Total population using basic sanitation services (%)
QoG Code: who_sanittot
Urban population using basic sanitation services (%)
QoG Code: who_saniturb
Suicide Rate (per 100,000 population), Female
QoG Code: who_suif
Suicide Rate (per 100,000 population), Male
QoG Code: who_suim
Suicide Rate (per 100,000 population), Total
QoG Code: who_suit
Absence of Corruption
QoG Code: wjp_abs_cor
ADRs are Accessible, Impartial, and Effective
QoG Code: wjp_adr
Civil Justice
QoG Code: wjp_civ_just
Civil Justice is Free of Corruption
QoG Code: wjp_cj_cor
Civil Justice is not Subject to Unreasonable Delays
QoG Code: wjp_cj_delay
Civil Justice is Free of Discrimination
QoG Code: wjp_cj_discr
Civil Justice is Effectively Enforced
QoG Code: wjp_cj_ef_enf
Civil Justice is Free of Improper Government Influence
QoG Code: wjp_cj_fr_govin
Criminal Justice
QoG Code: wjp_crim_jus
Criminal System is Free of Corruption
QoG Code: wjp_crsys_cor
Criminal System is Impartial
QoG Code: wjp_crsys_discr
Criminal System is Free of Improper Government Influence
QoG Code: wjp_crsys_govinfl
Executive Branch do not use Public Office for Private Gain
QoG Code: wjp_exec_br
Fundamental Rights
QoG Code: wjp_fund_right
Government Officials Sanctioned for Misconduct
QoG Code: wjp_gov_of_mis
Constraints on Government Powers
QoG Code: wjp_gov_pow
Government Powers Limited by Auditing and Review
QoG Code: wjp_gov_pow_aud
Government Powers Limited by the Judiciary
QoG Code: wjp_gov_pow_jud
Government Powers Limited by the Legislature
QoG Code: wjp_gov_pow_leg
Government Powers is Subject to Non-Gov. Checks
QoG Code: wjp_gov_pow_ngov
Judicial Branch do not use Public Office for Private Gain
QoG Code: wjp_jud_br
Legislative branch do not use Public Office for Private Gain
QoG Code: wjp_leg_br
Open Government
QoG Code: wjp_op_gov
Order and Security
QoG Code: wjp_ord_secur
WJP Rule of Law Index: Overall Score
QoG Code: wjp_overall
Police and the Military do not use Public Office for Private Gain
QoG Code: wjp_pol_mil
Access and Afford Civil Justice
QoG Code: wjp_ppl_civ_jus
Effective Regulatory Enforcement
QoG Code: wjp_regul_enforc
Transition of Power is Subject to the Law
QoG Code: wjp_trans_pow
Total Fertility Rate (live births per woman)
QoG Code: wpp_fertrate
Projected Total Fertility Rate in 2030 (live births per woman)
QoG Code: wpp_fertrate_2030
Projected Total Fertility Rate in 2050 (live births per woman)
QoG Code: wpp_fertrate_2050
Median Age, as of 1 July (years)
QoG Code: wpp_medianage
Projected Median Age in 2030 (years)
QoG Code: wpp_medianage_2030
Projected Median Age in 2050 (years)
QoG Code: wpp_medianage_2050
Net Migration Rate (per 1,000 population)
QoG Code: wpp_netmig
Projected Net Migration Rate in 2030 (per 1,000 population)
QoG Code: wpp_netmig_2030
Projected Net Migration Rate in 2050 (per 1,000 population)
QoG Code: wpp_netmig_2050
Total Population, as of 1 January (thousands)
QoG Code: wpp_pop
Projected Total Population in 2030 (thousands)
QoG Code: wpp_pop_2030
Projected Total Population in 2050 (thousands)
QoG Code: wpp_pop_2050
Population Density, as of 1 July (persons per square km)
QoG Code: wpp_popden
Projected Population Density in 2030 (persons per square km)
QoG Code: wpp_popden_2030
Projected Population Density in 2050 (persons per square km)
QoG Code: wpp_popden_2050
Population Sex Ratio, as of 1 July (males per 100 females)
QoG Code: wpp_sexratio
Projected Population Sex Ratio in 2030 (males per 100 females)
QoG Code: wpp_sexratio_2030
Projected Population Sex Ratio in 2050 (males per 100 females)
QoG Code: wpp_sexratio_2050
World Trade Uncertainty Index
QoG Code: wui_wtui
World Uncertainty Index
QoG Code: wui_wui
Autonomy Index
QoG Code: wvs_auton
Confidence: Armed Forces
QoG Code: wvs_confaf
Confidence: Churches
QoG Code: wvs_confch
Confidence: The Civil Services
QoG Code: wvs_confcs
Confidence: Education System
QoG Code: wvs_confedu
Confidence: The Environmental Protection Movement (mean)
QoG Code: wvs_confenv
Confidence: The Government
QoG Code: wvs_confgov
Confidence: Health Care System
QoG Code: wvs_confhcs
Confidence: Justice System/Courts
QoG Code: wvs_confjs
Confidence: Labour Unions
QoG Code: wvs_conflu
Confidence: Parliament
QoG Code: wvs_confpar
Confidence: The Police
QoG Code: wvs_confpol
Confidence: The Political Parties
QoG Code: wvs_confpp
Confidence: The Press
QoG Code: wvs_confpr
Confidence: Social Security System
QoG Code: wvs_confsss
Confidence: Television
QoG Code: wvs_conftv
Confidence: The United Nations
QoG Code: wvs_confun
Importance of democracy
QoG Code: wvs_demimp
Democraticness in own country
QoG Code: wvs_democ
Willingness to fight for country
QoG Code: wvs_fight
Belief in: God
QoG Code: wvs_godbel
Importance of God
QoG Code: wvs_godimp
Feeling of happiness
QoG Code: wvs_hap
Important in life: Politics
QoG Code: wvs_imppol
Important in life: Religion
QoG Code: wvs_imprel
Justifiable: someone accepting a bribe
QoG Code: wvs_jabribe
Justifiable: cheating on taxes
QoG Code: wvs_jacot
Men make better political leaders than women do
QoG Code: wvs_menpol
Post-Materialist index 12-item
QoG Code: wvs_pmi12
Post-Materialist index 4-item
QoG Code: wvs_pmi4
Interest in politics
QoG Code: wvs_polint
Political system: Having the army rule
QoG Code: wvs_psarmy
Political system: Having a democratic political system
QoG Code: wvs_psdem
Political system: Having experts make decisions
QoG Code: wvs_psexp
Political system: Having a strong leader
QoG Code: wvs_pssl
The only acceptable religion is my religion
QoG Code: wvs_relacc
Whenever science and religion conflict, religion is always right
QoG Code: wvs_relsci
Satisfaction with financial situation of household
QoG Code: wvs_satfin
Satisfaction with your life
QoG Code: wvs_satlif
We depend too much on science and not enough on faith
QoG Code: wvs_screl
State of health (subjective)
QoG Code: wvs_subh
Most people can be trusted
QoG Code: wvs_trust
Work is a duty towards society
QoG Code: wvs_wduty
People who don't work turn lazy
QoG Code: wvs_wlazy
Female to male wage ratio in the private sector (using mean)
QoG Code: wwbi_fmwrprmean
Female to male wage ratio in the private sector (using median)
QoG Code: wwbi_fmwrprmedian
Female to male wage ratio in the public sector (using mean)
QoG Code: wwbi_fmwrpumean
Female to male wage ratio in the public sector (using median)
QoG Code: wwbi_fmwrpumedian
Females as a share of private paid employees
QoG Code: wwbi_fsprpemp
Females, as a share of public paid employees
QoG Code: wwbi_fspuemp
Mean age of private paid employees
QoG Code: wwbi_meanageprpe
Mean age of public paid employees
QoG Code: wwbi_meanagepupe
Median age of private paid employees
QoG Code: wwbi_medianageprpe
Median age of public paid employees
QoG Code: wwbi_medianagepupe
Pay compression ratio in private sector
QoG Code: wwbi_paycomppr
Pay compression ratio in public sector
QoG Code: wwbi_paycomppu
Share of private paid employees with health insurance
QoG Code: wwbi_prpemphi
Share of private paid employees with social security
QoG Code: wwbi_prpempss
Share of private paid employees with union membership
QoG Code: wwbi_prpempum
Public sector employment as a share of formal employment
QoG Code: wwbi_psefemp
Public sector employment as a share of total employment
QoG Code: wwbi_psemptot
Public sector employment as a share of total employment by gender (Female)
QoG Code: wwbi_psemptotf
Public sector employment as a share of total employment by gender (Male)
QoG Code: wwbi_psemptotm
Public sector employment as a share of total employment by location (Rural)
QoG Code: wwbi_psemptotr
Public sector employment as a share of total employment by location (Urban)
QoG Code: wwbi_psemptotu
Public sector employment as a share of paid employment
QoG Code: wwbi_psepemp
Public sector employment as a share of paid employment by gender (Female)
QoG Code: wwbi_psepempf
Public sector employment as a share of paid employment by gender (Male)
QoG Code: wwbi_psepempm
Public sector employment as a share of paid employment by location (Rural)
QoG Code: wwbi_psepempr
Public sector employment as a share of paid employment by location (Urban)
QoG Code: wwbi_psepempu
Share of public paid employees with health insurance
QoG Code: wwbi_pupemphi
Share of public paid employees with social security
QoG Code: wwbi_pupempss
Share of public paid employees with union membership
QoG Code: wwbi_pupempum
Rural residents as a share of private paid employees
QoG Code: wwbi_rrespripemp
Rural resident as a share of public paid employees
QoG Code: wwbi_rrespubpemp
Individuals with no education as a share of private paid employees
QoG Code: wwbi_sprpempn
Individuals with primary education as a share of private paid employees
QoG Code: wwbi_sprpempp
Individuals with secondary education as a share of private paid employees
QoG Code: wwbi_sprpemps
Individuals with tertiary education as a share of private paid employees
QoG Code: wwbi_sprpempt
Individuals with no education as a share of public paid employees
QoG Code: wwbi_spupempn
Individuals with primary education as a share of public paid employees
QoG Code: wwbi_spupempp
Individuals with secondary education as a share of public paid employees
QoG Code: wwbi_spupemps
Individuals with tertiary education as a share of public paid employees
QoG Code: wwbi_spupempt
Share of total employees with tertiary edu. working in public sector
QoG Code: wwbi_tertiarypubsec
Age Representation Index (30 or under)
QoG Code: yri_agi30
Age Representation Index (35 or under)
QoG Code: yri_agi35
Age Representation Index (40 or under)
QoG Code: yri_agi40
Age Representation Index (41 to 60)
QoG Code: yri_agi4160
Age Representation Index (61 or over)
QoG Code: yri_agi61
Female Representation in Parliament (under 30 years)
QoG Code: yri_fem30
Female Representation in Parliament (under 35 years)
QoG Code: yri_fem35
Female Representation in Parliament (under 40 years)
QoG Code: yri_fem40
Female Representation in Parliament (41 to 60 years)
QoG Code: yri_fem4160
Female Representation in Parliament (over 61 years)
QoG Code: yri_fem61
Mean age of MPs
QoG Code: yri_meanage
Median age of MPs
QoG Code: yri_medianage
Percent MPs aged 30 or under
QoG Code: yri_mp30
Percent MPs aged 35 or under
QoG Code: yri_mp35
Percent MPs aged 40 or under
QoG Code: yri_mp40
Percent MPs aged 41 to 60
QoG Code: yri_mp4160
Percent MPs aged 61 or over
QoG Code: yri_mp61