Standard Cross-section

Version: 2025

Accountability sub-index
QoG Code: aii_acc
Elections sub-index
QoG Code: aii_elec
Public management sub-index
QoG Code: aii_pubm
Rule of law sub-index
QoG Code: aii_rol
Log Settler Mortality
QoG Code: ajr_settmort
Member of an Alliance
QoG Code: atop_ally
Consultancy Obligation
QoG Code: atop_consult
Defensive Obligation
QoG Code: atop_defensive
Neutrality Obligation
QoG Code: atop_neutrality
Non-Aggression Obligation
QoG Code: atop_nonagg
Number of Alliances
QoG Code: atop_number
Offensive Obligation
QoG Code: atop_offensive
Commitment start
QoG Code: atop_transyr
Global Militarization Index
QoG Code: bicc_gmi
Heavy Weapons Index
QoG Code: bicc_hw
Military Expenditure Index
QoG Code: bicc_milexp
Military Personnel Index
QoG Code: bicc_milper
Democratic transition
QoG Code: bmr_demtran
No. of chambers in parliament
QoG Code: br_chpar
Is the country a colony
QoG Code: br_col
No. of coups
QoG Code: br_coup
Is the country a democracy
QoG Code: br_dem
Whether an election was postponed
QoG Code: br_elecpost
No. of failed coups
QoG Code: br_fcoup
Is the country a monarchy
QoG Code: br_mon
Is the monarch female
QoG Code: br_monf
New constitution implemented
QoG Code: br_newconst
Is the president female
QoG Code: br_presf
Did the main regime change
QoG Code: br_regch
No. of successful coups
QoG Code: br_scoup
Full suffrage
QoG Code: br_suff
Anti-Corruption Policy
QoG Code: bti_acp
Approval of Democracy
QoG Code: bti_aod
Basic Administration
QoG Code: bti_ba
Conflict Intensity
QoG Code: bti_ci
Civil Rights
QoG Code: bti_cr
Civil Society Participation
QoG Code: bti_csp
Civil Society Traditions
QoG Code: bti_cst
Democracy Status
QoG Code: bti_ds
Equal Opportunity
QoG Code: bti_eo
Economic Output Strength
QoG Code: bti_eos
Economic Performance
QoG Code: bti_ep
Effective Power to Govern
QoG Code: bti_epg
Free and Fair Elections
QoG Code: bti_ffe
Freedom of Expression
QoG Code: bti_foe
Governance Index
QoG Code: bti_gi
Governance Performance
QoG Code: bti_gp
International Cooperation
QoG Code: bti_ic
Interest Groups
QoG Code: bti_ig
Independent Judiciary
QoG Code: bti_ij
Level of Difficulty
QoG Code: bti_lod
Economy Status
QoG Code: bti_mes
Prosecution of Office Abuse
QoG Code: bti_poa
Political Participation
QoG Code: bti_pp
Private Property
QoG Code: bti_prp
Party System
QoG Code: bti_ps
Rule of Law
QoG Code: bti_rol
Social Capital
QoG Code: bti_sc
Socio-Economic Barriers
QoG Code: bti_seb
Socio-Economic Level
QoG Code: bti_sel
State Identity
QoG Code: bti_si
Separation of Powers
QoG Code: bti_sop
Social Safety Nets
QoG Code: bti_ssn
QoG Code: bti_st
QoG Code: bti_su
Welfare Regime
QoG Code: bti_wr
Component 2: Objectives
QoG Code: cbi_cobj
Regional Diffusion for CBI
QoG Code: cbi_difreg
Central bank independence in the constitution
QoG Code: cbie_cbiconstitution
Central Bank's Objectives
QoG Code: cbie_obj
Central Bank's Objectives reform
QoG Code: cbie_objref
Right to Marry in Constitution
QoG Code: ccp_marriage
Right to Strike in Constitution
QoG Code: ccp_strike
New Constitutional System
QoG Code: ccp_syst
Whether the state is an oligarchy
QoG Code: chisols_olig
Number of SOLS changes in the year
QoG Code: chisols_solschange
Number of leader transitions in the year
QoG Code: chisols_totalldrtrans
Freedom of Domestic Movement
QoG Code: ciri_dommov
Electoral Self-Determination
QoG Code: ciri_elecsd
Independence of the Judiciary
QoG Code: ciri_injud
Extrajudicial Killing
QoG Code: ciri_kill
Physical Integrity Rights
QoG Code: ciri_physint
Political Imprisonment
QoG Code: ciri_polpris
Freedom of Speech and Press
QoG Code: ciri_speech
Women's Economic Rights
QoG Code: ciri_wecon
Women's Political Rights
QoG Code: ciri_wopol
Worker Rights Laws
QoG Code: ciri_work_l_s
Worker Rights Practices
QoG Code: ciri_work_p_s
Women's Social Rights Laws
QoG Code: ciri_wosoc_l
Women's Social Rights Practices
QoG Code: ciri_wosoc_p
Type of Government
QoG Code: cpds_tg
Share of votes: agrarian
QoG Code: cpds_va
Share of votes: communist
QoG Code: cpds_vcom
Share of votes: conservative
QoG Code: cpds_vcon
Share of votes: ethnic
QoG Code: cpds_ve
Share of votes: feminist
QoG Code: cpds_vfe
Share of votes: green
QoG Code: cpds_vg
Share of votes: liberal
QoG Code: cpds_vl
Share of votes: monarchist
QoG Code: cpds_vmo
Share of votes: non-labelled
QoG Code: cpds_vnl
Share of votes: other
QoG Code: cpds_vo
Share of votes: protest
QoG Code: cpds_vp
Share of votes: post-communist
QoG Code: cpds_vpcom
Share of votes: pensioners
QoG Code: cpds_vpen
Share of votes: personalist
QoG Code: cpds_vper
Share of votes: right
QoG Code: cpds_vr
Share of votes: regionalist
QoG Code: cpds_vreg
Share of votes: religious
QoG Code: cpds_vrel
Voter turnout in election
QoG Code: cpds_vt
Satisfaction with Democracy
QoG Code: cses_sd
State Fragility Index
QoG Code: cspf_sfi
Economic Globalization
QoG Code: dr_eg
Index of Globalization
QoG Code: dr_ig
Political Globalization
QoG Code: dr_pg
Social Globalization
QoG Code: dr_sg
E-Government Index
QoG Code: egov_egov
E-Participation Index
QoG Code: egov_epar
Human Capital Index
QoG Code: egov_hci
Online Service Index
QoG Code: egov_osi
Bribery Depth
QoG Code: ens_brdep
Bribery Incidence
QoG Code: ens_brinc
Agriculture Issue Category
QoG Code: epi_agr
Air Quality Issue Category
QoG Code: epi_air
Forests Issue Category
QoG Code: epi_for
Fisheries Issue Category
QoG Code: epi_fsh
Heavy Metals Issue Category
QoG Code: epi_hmt
Subjective Happiness
QoG Code: ess_happy
Subjective Health
QoG Code: ess_health
QoG Code: ess_relig
Trust in Legal System
QoG Code: ess_trlegal
Trust in Parliament
QoG Code: ess_trparl
Trust in Political Parties
QoG Code: ess_trpart
Trust in Other People
QoG Code: ess_trpeople
Trust in Police
QoG Code: ess_trpolice
Trust in Politicians
QoG Code: ess_trpolit
Net migration plus statistical adjusted
QoG Code: eu_demcnmigratn
Population at 1st January, Female
QoG Code: eu_demd2janf
Population at 1st January, Male
QoG Code: eu_demd2janm
Population at 1st January, Total
QoG Code: eu_demd2jant
Deaths - Female
QoG Code: eu_demdeathdf
Deaths - Male.
QoG Code: eu_demdeathdm
Deaths - Total
QoG Code: eu_demdeathdt
Fertility rate, Total
QoG Code: eu_demfrate2
Natural change of population
QoG Code: eu_demgrownnat
Total population change
QoG Code: eu_demgrowt
Live births - Female
QoG Code: eu_demlbirthlf
Live births - Male
QoG Code: eu_demlbirthlm
Live births - Total
QoG Code: eu_demlbirthlt
Mean age of woman at childbirth
QoG Code: eu_demmawc
Life expectancy in age < 1 year, Male
QoG Code: eu_demmlifexpm
Life expectancy in age < 1 year, Total
QoG Code: eu_demmlifexpt
Dentists, number
QoG Code: eu_headentnr
Dentists, inhabitants per dentist
QoG Code: eu_headentp
Curative care beds in hospitals, number
QoG Code: eu_heahbedcurnr
Available beds in hospitals, number
QoG Code: eu_heahbednr
Other beds in hospitals, number
QoG Code: eu_heahbedothnr
Medical doctors, number
QoG Code: eu_heamdocnr
Pharmacists, per 100,000 inhabitants
QoG Code: eu_heapharmhthab
Pharmacists, number
QoG Code: eu_heapharmnr
Internet use: internet banking
QoG Code: eu_isiubk
Internet use: never
QoG Code: eu_isiux
Cropland (% of Agricultural land)
QoG Code: fao_luagrcrop
Cropland (% of Land area)
QoG Code: fao_lucrop
Forest land (% of Land area)
QoG Code: fao_luforest
Planted forest (% of Forest area)
QoG Code: fao_luforplant
Cultural Diversity
QoG Code: fe_cultdiv
Ethnic Fractionalization
QoG Code: fe_etfra
Largest Minority
QoG Code: fe_lmin
Plurality Group
QoG Code: fe_plural
Civil Liberties
QoG Code: fh_cl
Electoral Process
QoG Code: fh_ep
Functioning of Government
QoG Code: fh_fog
Political Rights
QoG Code: fh_pr
Rule of Law
QoG Code: fh_rol
Freedom Status
QoG Code: fh_status
Freedom on the Net: Score
QoG Code: fhn_fotnsc
Freedom on the Net: Status
QoG Code: fhn_fotnst
Adaptive Capacity
QoG Code: gain_cap
Economic Readiness
QoG Code: gain_econ
Exposure to Climate Change
QoG Code: gain_exp
Food Vulnerability
QoG Code: gain_food
ND-GAIN Country Index
QoG Code: gain_gain
Governance Readiness
QoG Code: gain_gov
Human Habitat Vulnerability
QoG Code: gain_hab
Health Vulnerability
QoG Code: gain_heal
Infrastructural Vulnerability
QoG Code: gain_inf
Sensitivity to Climate Change
QoG Code: gain_sens
Social Readiness
QoG Code: gain_soc
Water Vulnerability
QoG Code: gain_wat
Total Data Governance Score
QoG Code: gdg_total
Average District Magnitude
QoG Code: gol_adm
QoG Code: gol_dist
Electoral System Type-12 classes
QoG Code: gol_est_spec
QoG Code: gol_inst
Mixed Type
QoG Code: gol_mix
Multi-Tier Type
QoG Code: gol_mt
Number of Seats
QoG Code: gol_nos
Presidential Election
QoG Code: gol_preel
Upper Seats
QoG Code: gol_upseat
Upper Tier
QoG Code: gol_uptier
Ongoing Conflict
QoG Code: gpi_conf
Global Peace Index
QoG Code: gpi_gpi
QoG Code: gpi_mil
Safety and Security
QoG Code: gpi_ss
Revenue Forgone (% of GDP)
QoG Code: gted_rfgdp
Revenue Forgone (in USD)
QoG Code: gted_rfusd
Global Terrorism Index
QoG Code: gti_gti
Colonial Origin
QoG Code: ht_colonial
The Region of the Country
QoG Code: ht_region
Open Budget Index
QoG Code: ibp_obi
QoG Code: ictd_grants
Consolidated Non-Tax Revenue
QoG Code: ictd_nontax
Total Resource Revenue
QoG Code: ictd_revres
Social Contributions
QoG Code: ictd_soccon
Taxes on Goods and Services
QoG Code: ictd_taxgs
Taxes on Individuals
QoG Code: ictd_taxind
Indirect Taxes
QoG Code: ictd_taxindirect
Other Taxes
QoG Code: ictd_taxother
Taxes on Payroll and Workforce
QoG Code: ictd_taxpaywf
Taxes on Property
QoG Code: ictd_taxprop
Resource Taxes
QoG Code: ictd_taxres
Electoral System Family
QoG Code: ideaesd_esf
Legislative Size (Directly Elected)
QoG Code: ideaesd_lsde
Legislative Size (Voting Members)
QoG Code: ideaesd_lsvm
Number of Tiers
QoG Code: ideaesd_tiers
Presidential Election: Voter Turnout
QoG Code: ideavt_presvt
Life Expectancy, Female, Age 1-2 years
QoG Code: ihme_lifexp_0102f
Life Expectancy, Male, Age 1-2 years
QoG Code: ihme_lifexp_0102m
Life Expectancy, Both sexes, Age 1-2 years
QoG Code: ihme_lifexp_0102t
Life Expectancy, Female, Age 2-4 years
QoG Code: ihme_lifexp_0204f
Life Expectancy, Male, Age 2-4 years
QoG Code: ihme_lifexp_0204m
Life Expectancy, Both sexes, Age 2-4 years
QoG Code: ihme_lifexp_0204t
Business Environment Score
QoG Code: iiag_be
Anti-corruption Score
QoG Code: iiag_corr
Education Score
QoG Code: iiag_edu
Overall Governance Score
QoG Code: iiag_gov
Human Development Score
QoG Code: iiag_hd
Health Score
QoG Code: iiag_he
Infrastructure Score
QoG Code: iiag_inf
Public Administration Score
QoG Code: iiag_pa
Participation Score
QoG Code: iiag_par
Rights Score
QoG Code: iiag_rig
Rule of Law and Justice Score
QoG Code: iiag_rolf
Rural Economy Score
QoG Code: iiag_rs
Social Protection Score
QoG Code: iiag_sp
Security and Rule of Law Score
QoG Code: iiag_srol
Security and Safety Score
QoG Code: iiag_ssaf
Share of Women (Upper House)
QoG Code: ipu_u_sw
Gini Coefficient
QoG Code: lis_gini
Mean Equivalized Income
QoG Code: lis_meaneqi
Median Equivalized Income
QoG Code: lis_medeqi
Percentile Ratio (80/20)
QoG Code: lis_pr8020
Percentile Ratio (90/10)
QoG Code: lis_pr9010
Percentile Ratio (90/50)
QoG Code: lis_pr9050
Real GDP per Capita
QoG Code: mad_gdppc
Real GDP per Capita (year 1000)
QoG Code: mad_gdppc1000
Real GDP per Capita (year 1300)
QoG Code: mad_gdppc1300
Real GDP per Capita (year 1400)
QoG Code: mad_gdppc1400
Real GDP per Capita (year 1500)
QoG Code: mad_gdppc1500
Real GDP per Capita (year 1600)
QoG Code: mad_gdppc1600
Real GDP per Capita (year 1700)
QoG Code: mad_gdppc1700
Real GDP per Capita (year 1800)
QoG Code: mad_gdppc1800
Real GDP per Capita (year 1900)
QoG Code: mad_gdppc1900
First Multiparty Election
QoG Code: nelda_fme
Media Bias before Election
QoG Code: nelda_mbbe
Was More Than One Party Legal
QoG Code: nelda_mtop
Number of Elections, Total
QoG Code: nelda_noe
Number of Elections, Executive
QoG Code: nelda_noee
Number of Elections, Legislative
QoG Code: nelda_noel
Was Opposition Allowed
QoG Code: nelda_oa
Child Health Indicator
QoG Code: nrmi_chi
Current account balance
QoG Code: oecd_bop_t1
CPI: all items
QoG Code: oecd_cpi_t1a
CPI: all items non food non energy
QoG Code: oecd_cpi_t1b
CPI: food
QoG Code: oecd_cpi_t1c
CPI: energy
QoG Code: oecd_cpi_t1d
Employment rates for age group 15-24
QoG Code: oecd_emplage_t1a
Employment rates for age group 25-54
QoG Code: oecd_emplage_t1b
Employment rates for age group 55-64
QoG Code: oecd_emplage_t1c
Employment rates: Women
QoG Code: oecd_emplgndr_t1a
Employment rates: Men
QoG Code: oecd_emplgndr_t1b
Employment rates: Total
QoG Code: oecd_emplgndr_t1c
Real GDP growth
QoG Code: oecd_evogdp_t1
Real value added: construction
QoG Code: oecd_evova_t1c
Total FDI Index
QoG Code: oecd_fdindex_t1a
Primary sector
QoG Code: oecd_fdindex_t1b
QoG Code: oecd_fdindex_t1c
QoG Code: oecd_fdindex_t1d
QoG Code: oecd_fdindex_t1e
QoG Code: oecd_fdindex_t1f
QoG Code: oecd_fdindex_t1g
QoG Code: oecd_fdindex_t1h
Financial services
QoG Code: oecd_fdindex_t1i
Business services
QoG Code: oecd_fdindex_t1j
General government net lending
QoG Code: oecd_govdefct_t1
General government revenues
QoG Code: oecd_govdefct_t2
Real effective exchange rates
QoG Code: oecd_intlcomp_t1
Gross fixed capital formation
QoG Code: oecd_invrates_t1
Long-term interest rates
QoG Code: oecd_ltintrst_t1
GDP per hour worked
QoG Code: oecd_prodincom_g1
Purchasing power parities
QoG Code: oecd_rtsconv_t1a
Indices of price levels
QoG Code: oecd_rtsconv_t1b
GDP per capita
QoG Code: oecd_sizegdp_t1
Public social expenditure
QoG Code: oecd_socexpnd_t1a
Trade balance of services
QoG Code: oecd_svctrade_t1
Imports of services
QoG Code: oecd_svctrade_t2
Exports of services
QoG Code: oecd_svctrade_t3
Taxes on the average worker
QoG Code: oecd_taxapw_t1
Unemployment rates: Women
QoG Code: oecd_unemplrt_t1a
Unemployment rates: Men
QoG Code: oecd_unemplrt_t1b
Unemployment rates: Total
QoG Code: oecd_unemplrt_t1c
Value added: industry including energy
QoG Code: oecd_valaddac_t1b
Value added: construction
QoG Code: oecd_valaddac_t1c
Value added: Information and communication
QoG Code: oecd_valaddac_t1e
Value added: real estate activities
QoG Code: oecd_valaddac_t1g
Value added in other services activities
QoG Code: oecd_valaddac_t1j
The Ocean Health Index
QoG Code: ohi_ohi
Regime Durability
QoG Code: p_durable
Revised Combined Polity Score
QoG Code: p_polity2
Electoral Integrity Rating
QoG Code: pei_eir_1
Exact date of the election
QoG Code: psi_edate1
Human Capital Index
QoG Code: pwt_hci
Population (in millions)
QoG Code: pwt_pop
Entry at the lowest level only
QoG Code: qs20_close1
Entry via examination
QoG Code: qs20_close2
Special Laws
QoG Code: qs20_close3
Closedness Index
QoG Code: qs20_close_pca
Political Interference
QoG Code: qs20_impar1
QoG Code: qs20_impar2
QoG Code: qs20_proff1
QoG Code: qs20_proff2
QoG Code: qs20_proff3
Professionalism Index
QoG Code: qs20_proff_pca
Inward Remittances Flow
QoG Code: rd_inw
Outward Remittances Flow
QoG Code: rd_outw
Press Freedom Index
QoG Code: rsf_pfi
QoG Code: sgi_cb24
QoG Code: sgi_co24
Diagonal Accountability
QoG Code: sgi_da24
Democratic Government
QoG Code: sgi_dg24
Economic Policies: Budgets
QoG Code: sgi_ecbg
Economic Policies: Economy
QoG Code: sgi_ecec
Economic Policies: Taxes
QoG Code: sgi_ectx
Environmental Sustainability
QoG Code: sgi_envs24
Economic Sustainability
QoG Code: sgi_es24
Good Governance
QoG Code: sgi_go
Governing with Foresight
QoG Code: sgi_gwf24
Horizontal Accountability
QoG Code: sgi_ha24
Policy Performance
QoG Code: sgi_pp
Robust Democracy
QoG Code: sgi_qd
Robust Democracy: Rule of Law
QoG Code: sgi_qdrl
QoG Code: sgi_sm24
Social Policies: Education
QoG Code: sgi_soed
Social Policies: Families
QoG Code: sgi_sofa
Social Policies: Health
QoG Code: sgi_sohe
Social Policies: Pensions
QoG Code: sgi_sope
Sustainable Policymaking
QoG Code: sgi_sp24
Social Sustainability
QoG Code: sgi_ss24
Vertical Accountability
QoG Code: sgi_va24
Basic Human Needs (SPI)
QoG Code: spi_bn
Opportunity (SPI)
QoG Code: spi_opp
Social Progress Index
QoG Code: spi_ospi
Top 10% income share
QoG Code: top_top10_income_share
Top 1% income share
QoG Code: top_top1_income_share
Human Development Index
QoG Code: undp_hdi
QoG Code: van_comp
Index of Democratization
QoG Code: van_index
QoG Code: van_part
Academic Freedom Index
QoG Code: vdem_academ
Political corruption index
QoG Code: vdem_corr
Deliberative democracy index
QoG Code: vdem_delibdem
Deliberative component index
QoG Code: vdem_dl_delib
Electoral component index
QoG Code: vdem_edcomp_thick
Egalitarian component index
QoG Code: vdem_egal
Egalitarian democracy index
QoG Code: vdem_egaldem
Election vote buying
QoG Code: vdem_elvotbuy
Public sector corrupt exchanges
QoG Code: vdem_excrptps
Executive corruption index
QoG Code: vdem_execorr
Executive embezzlement and theft
QoG Code: vdem_exembez
Public sector theft
QoG Code: vdem_exthftps
Legislature corrupt activities
QoG Code: vdem_gcrrpt
Women political empowerment index
QoG Code: vdem_gender
Judicial corruption decision
QoG Code: vdem_jucorrdc
Liberal democracy index
QoG Code: vdem_libdem
Liberal component index
QoG Code: vdem_liberal
Media corrupt
QoG Code: vdem_mecorrpt
Participatory component index
QoG Code: vdem_partip
Participatory democracy index
QoG Code: vdem_partipdem
Electoral democracy index
QoG Code: vdem_polyarchy
Public sector corruption index
QoG Code: vdem_pubcorr
Percent of age coverage
QoG Code: warc_acov
Age of cabinet leader
QoG Code: warc_leadage
Gender of leader
QoG Code: warc_leadgen
Mean age of cabinet members
QoG Code: warc_meanage
Median age of cabinet members
QoG Code: warc_medianage
Percentage of women ministers
QoG Code: warc_wmin
Rule of Law, Estimate
QoG Code: wbgi_rle
Rule of Law, Standard Error
QoG Code: wbgi_rls
Regulatory Quality, Estimate
QoG Code: wbgi_rqe
Armed forces personnel, total
QoG Code: wdi_afpt
Arable land (% of land area)
QoG Code: wdi_araland
Land area (sq. km)
QoG Code: wdi_area