Variable: Public management sub-index

QoG Code: (aii_pubm)

Dataset: Africa Integrity Indicators


Public Management. This sub-index from 0 to 100 is composed of:

  1. In law, civil servants are required to report cases of alleged corruption.
  2. In law, civil servants who report cases of corruption are protected from recrimination or other negative consequences.
  3. In law, there are formal rules to prevent conflicts of interest, nepotism, cronyism, and patronage in all branches of government.
  4. In practice, civil servants' work is not compromised by political interference.
  5. In practice, civil servants are appointed and evaluated according to professional criteria.
  6. In law, there are restrictions for civil servants entering the private sector after leaving the government.

Type of variable: Continuous

Downloaded by QoG on: 2024-11-05
Last updated by source: 2024-05-28


Quality of Government

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Standard time-series: 53

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