Variable: Practice: mechanisms for citizens to report police misconduct/abuse are effect.

QoG Code: (aii_q18)

Dataset: Africa Integrity Indicators


Sub-score (0-100). Question no. 18. In practice, the mechanism for citizens to report police misconduct or abuse of force is effective.

A 100 score is earned where all the following conditions are met:
1) the body has a functioning system in place to receive citizens' allegations of police misconduct or abuse of force,
2) it investigates most of the allegations within one week of being reported, and
3) it exercises its own initiative to start investigations when/if needed.

A 50 score is earned where any of the following conditions apply:
1) the system to receive citizens' allegations may not work for several days at a time,
2) not all cases reported are investigated or investigations take more than one week to start, or
3) none or only a minority of the investigations are self-started by the body.

A 0 score is earned where at least one of the following conditions are met:
1) there's no system to receive citizens' allegations, or
2) cases reported are rarely investigated.

Type of variable: Continuous

Downloaded by QoG on: 2023-12-04
Last updated by source: 2023-07-04



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This variable has information from the year 2013 to the year 2022