Sub-score (0-100). Question no. 54. In law, it is legal to report accurate news even if it damages the reputation of a public figure.
A 100 score is earned where all the following conditions are met:
1) it is legal to report accurate information on public figures regardless of the damage to their reputations,
2) journalists can only be convicted if malice is proved (a story was published even though the journalist knew it was false or didn't try to verify it).
Note: Public figures include anyone in a position of responsibility in the government or civil service; political leaders; and leaders of civil society organizations, religious groups, trade unions, or large businesses.
A 0 score is earned where no such law exists, or a law exists but it doesn't include all the conditions described in 100. A 0 score is also earned where the law establishes the presumption of bad faith for all comments deemed defamatory and/or the burden of proof falls to journalists.
Type of variable: Continuous
Downloaded by QoG on: 2024-11-05
Last updated by source: 2024-05-28
Dataset | No. Countries |
Standard time-series: | 53 |