
This category includes indicators on the freedom of the media in a given country (freedom of the press, regulation of the media) as well as the public access and confidence in the media.

Freedom of Expression
QoG Code: bti_foe
E-Government Index
QoG Code: egov_egov
E-Participation Index
QoG Code: egov_epar
Human Capital Index
QoG Code: egov_hci
Online Service Index
QoG Code: egov_osi
Freedom on the Net: Score
QoG Code: fhn_fotnsc
Freedom on the Net: Status
QoG Code: fhn_fotnst
Corruption Perception: Media
QoG Code: gcb_pmedia
Media Bias before Election
QoG Code: nelda_mbbe
Press Freedom Index
QoG Code: rsf_pfi
Media corrupt
QoG Code: vdem_mecorrpt
Confidence: The Press
QoG Code: wvs_confpr
Confidence: Television
QoG Code: wvs_conftv