Rule of Law. This sub-index from 0 to 100 is composed of:
In law, citizens have a right to request public information from state bodies.
In practice, citizen requests for public information are effective.
In practice, citizens can access legislative processes and documents.
In law, senior officials of the three branches of government (including heads of state and government, ministers, members of Parliament, judges, etc.) are required to disclose records of their assets and disclosures are public.
In practice, the asset disclosure process for senior officials of the three branches of government (heads of state and government, ministers, members of Parliament, judges, etc.) is effective.
In law, members of the civil service are required to disclose records of their assets and the disclosures are public.
In practice, the asset disclosure process for members of the civil service is effective.
In law, political parties are required to regularly disclose public donations (funds sourced from the government).
In practice, political parties regularly disclose public donations (funds that are sourced from the government) and the disclosures are easily available to the public.
In law, political parties are required to regularly disclose private donations.
In practice, political parties regularly disclose private donations and the disclosures are easily available to the public.
In practice, media organizations (print, broadcast, online) disclose the identities of their owners to the public.
In practice, journalists and editors adhere to strict, professional practices in their reporting.
In law, it is legal to report accurate news even if it damages the reputation of a public figure.
In practice, there is no prior government restraint (pre-publication censoring) and the government doesn't promote the media's self-censorship.
In practice, there is no prior government restraint (pre-publication censoring) of citizen-created content online and the government doesn't promote the self-censorship of citizens online (in blogs, social media, etc.).
In practice, the government does not block (or require ICT firms to block) online content.
In practice, ministries and autonomous agencies have websites.
In practice, the public services regulatory agencies and the national ombudsman (when and if there is one) have websites.
Type of variable: Continuous
Downloaded by QoG on: 2024-11-05 Last updated by source: 2024-05-28