Variable: Number of climate change mitigation laws and policies

QoG Code: (ccl_nmitlp)

Dataset: Climate Change Laws of the World


Cumulative sum of laws (legislative acts) and policies (executive provisions) related to climate change mitigation.

Mitigation laws and policies refer to a legislative or executive disposition focused on curbing a country's greenhouse gases emissions in one sector or more. Measures can be directly related to emissions reductions, such as laws establishing a national carbon budget or cap and trade system, or indirectly related, such as laws or policies establishing relevant institutions or providing additional funding for research and development into low carbon technologies. Laws and policies addressing forests and land use are included as long as they explicitly support climate change mitigation through activities that reduce emissions and increase carbon removals. General forest management and conservation laws are not included, even if they may have implicit consequences for climate change mitigation.

Type of variable: Continuous



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Environmental Indicators - 2021 Original Dataset

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This variable has information from the year 1947 to the year 2021