Variable: Number of national ENGOs

QoG Code: (engo_nengo)

Dataset: Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations


National environmental non-governmental organizations (ENGOs) registered in a country.

The data on registered national ENGOs comes from the archives of the International Union for Conservationof Nature (IUCN) for the time period 1973-2006 from 181 countries. While the IUCN covers most countries, it is an umbrella organization where membership is not mandatory and ENGOs do not have to register. As a result, some ENGOs that have not registered with the IUCN may have been omitted. Therefore the variable becomes a proxy for the political leverage of ENGOs.

Type of variable: Continuous



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Environmental Indicators - 2021 Original Dataset

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This variable has information from the year 1973 to the year 2008