Variable: Terrestrial biome protection (National weights)

QoG Code: (epi_tbn)

Dataset: Environmental Performance Index Data 2022


EPI derives the terrestrial biome protection indicators by first calculating the proportions of the area of each of a country's biome types that are covered by protected areas and then constructing a weighted sum of the protection percentages for all biomes within that country. For the terrestrial biome protection (national weights) indicator, protection percentages are weighted according to the prevalence of each biome type within that country. This indicator evaluates a country's efforts to achieve 17% protection for all biomes within its borders, as per Aichi Target 11.

Original source: World Database on Protected Areas.

When using this variable, please cite both EPI and the original source.

Type of variable: Continuous

Last updated by source: 2022-06-06



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This variable has information from the year 1995 to the year 2020