Variable: Belief that climate change is natural (%)

QoG Code: (ess_ccnthum_p)

Dataset: European Social Survey - Wave 1-11


Percent of replies "(1) Entirely by natural processes" and "(2) Mainly by natural processes" to D22: "Do you think that climate change is caused by natural processes, human activity, or both?". (1) Entirely by natural processes, (2) Mainly by natural processes, (3) About equally by natural processes and human activity, (4) Mainly by human activity, (5) Entirely by human activity, (55) I don't think climate change is happening, (77) Refusal, (88) Don't know. A higher score means that there are more people who believe that climate change is happening due to natural rather than human-induced causes. A lower score means that there are fewer people who believe that these are natural processes that are behind climate change.

Type of variable: Continuous

Last updated by source: 2024-06-20



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