Variable: Economic Influences over Broadcast Media Content (1993-1995)

QoG Code: (fhp_mceib3)

Dataset: Freedom of the Press


Economic Influences over Media Content: Broadcast Media (1993-1995): The third sub-category examines the economic environment for the media. This includes the structure of media ownership; transparency and concentration of ownership; the costs of establishing media as well as of production and distribution; the selective withholding of advertising or subsidies by the state or other actors; the impact of corruption and bribery on content; and the extent to which the economic situation in a country impacts the development of the media. The scale of the variable is 0-20. 0 indicates more freedom.

Type of variable: Discrete

Downloaded by QoG on: 2023-11-09
Last updated by source: 2017-04-28



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This variable has information from the year 1993 to the year 1995