The regulatory indicator of the Global Data Governance dataset measures whether the government constructs a legal and regulatory regime around various types of data. Specifically, policymakers enact rules regarding the collection, use, and reuse of data for data subjects, data controllers, and/or data users. Regimes related to data may include aws and/or executive orders, directives, decrees, regulations, administrative codes, proclamations, etc., so long as it is mandatory, binding, and enforceable
This variable is compiled from the following indicators: Personal Data Protection Law, Open Data Law for the proactive release of government information, Freedom of Information Act, Right to be protected from Automated Decision-Making, and Right of Data Portability
It is measured on a scale of 0-100.
Type of variable: Discrete
Downloaded by QoG on: 2023-10-23
Last updated by source: 2022-07-21
Dataset | No. Countries |
Standard cross-section: | 68 |