Variable: Business Freedom
QoG Code: (hf_business)
The business freedom score encompasses 10 components, all weighted equally, based on objective data from the World Bank's Doing Business study (in 2005-2006; previously other data sources were being used):
- Starting a business - procedures (number)
- Starting a business - time (days)
- Starting a business - cost (% of income per capita)
- Starting a business - minimum capital (% of income per capita)
- Obtaining a license - procedures (number)
- Obtaining a license - time (days)
- Obtaining a license - cost (% of income per capita)
- Closing a business - time (years)
- Closing a business - cost (% of estate)
- Closing a business - recovery rate (cents on the dollar)
Each of these raw components is converted into a scale graded from 0 to 100, where 100 represents the maximum degree of business freedom.
Type of variable: Continuous
Last updated by source: 2021-01-29
Private Economy
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