Variable: Support for government action to make people comply (%)

QoG Code: (issp_15ap)

Dataset: The International Social Survey Programme. Environment Module


Percent of replies for 15a: "If you had to choose, which one of the following would be closest to your views? (2) Government should pass laws to make ordinary people protect the environment, even if it interferes with people’s rights to make their own decisions". Other replies include (1) Government should let ordinary people decide for themselves how to protect the environment, even if it means they don’t always do the right thing, and (8) Can't choose.

In Environment III (2010) - question 15a.
In Environment II (2000) - question 13a.
In Environment I (1993) - question 18a.

The higher the score the higher the belief that the government should pass laws to make people protect the environment. The lower the score the lower the belief that the government should pass laws to make people protect the environment.

Type of variable: Continuous

Last updated by source: 2019-06-13



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