Variable: Priority of future energy sources - fossil fuels (%)

QoG Code: (issp_18p)

Dataset: The International Social Survey Programme. Environment Module


Percent of replies (1) Coal, oil and natural gas to 18: "To which of the following should [COUNTRY] give priority in order to meet its future energy needs?". Other replies include: (2) Nuclear power, (3) Solar, wind or water power, (4) Fuels made from crop, (5) None of them.

In Environment III (2010) - question 18.
In Environment II (2000) - question not part of the survey.
In Environment I (1993) - question not part of survey.

The higher the score the higher the percentage of people that prefers fossil fuels over other sources. The lower the score the lower the percentage of people that prefers fossil fuels over other sources.

Type of variable: Continuous

Last updated by source: 2019-06-13



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