Variable: Attitudes towards global environmental justice (mean)

QoG Code: (issp_19bm)

Dataset: The International Social Survey Programme. Environment Module


Average reply to 19b: "How much do you agree or disagree with each of these statements? Poorer countries should be expected to make less effort than richer countries to protect the environment". (1) Agree strongly, (2) Agree, (3) Neither agree nor disagree, (4) Disagree, (5) Disagree strongly. Replies (8) Can't choose are deleted.

In Environment III (2010) - question 19b.
In Environment II (2000) - question 16b.
In Environment I (1993) - question not part of the survey.

A higher score means that fewer people think that poorer countries should do less than rich countries to protect the environment. A lower score means that more people think that poorer countries should do less than rich countries to protect the environment.

Type of variable: Continuous

Last updated by source: 2019-06-13



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