Country-level weighted averages of Candidate- or Party-specific Voting - SMD (upper house) (jw_smdvote2) and Candidate- or Party-specific Voting - MMD (upper house) (jw_mmdvote2), where the weights are the percentage of members that originate from each tier. This variable thus reflects the value of votes for the average member sitting in the upper house. The Vote variables focus attention on the distinction between casting votes for either parties or individual candidates. The variables equal (in order of increasing personal vote incentives): (0) where voters have only one vote for a party; (1) where voters can vote for a party or a candidate (as in open lists), where voters have multiple votes for multiple candidates (as in runoff or single-transferable vote systems), or where votes for a party or candidate are observationally equivalent (as in single-member districts); (2) where voters have one vote for an individual candidate.
Type of variable: Continuous
Downloaded by QoG on: 2024-10-11
Last updated by source: 2012-03-24
Dataset | No. Countries |
Standard time-series: | 23 |