Variable: District Magnitude of Average Legislator (lower/only house)

QoG Code: (jw_mcand)

Dataset: Electoral Systems and the Personal Vote


In keeping with the emphasis on the incentives faced by individual legislators, this variable measures the district magnitude considering the viewpoint of the average legislator in the lower house. It is scored as a weighted average of the various district sizes, where weights are computed as the number of legislators running in the district of each magnitude divided by the total number of seats. For example: A country with 300 seats divided among one national district with 200 members and 100 single-member districts has a magnitude for the average legislator of [(200200) + (1001)]/300, which yields a figure of 133.67.

Type of variable: Continuous

Downloaded by QoG on: 2024-10-11
Last updated by source: 2012-03-24


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Dataset No. Countries
Standard time-series: 124

This variable has information for these countries:

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This variable has information from the year 1978 to the year 2005