Variable: Party Control over Ballot - MMD (upper house)

QoG Code: (jw_mmdballot2)

Dataset: Electoral Systems and the Personal Vote


Ballot for multi-member district tiers in elections to the upper house. The ballot variables focus on the amount of party control over candidates' access to a competitive position on the ballot. The variables equal (in order of increasing personal vote incentives): (0) where parties control access to ballots as well as the order in which individuals will fill the seats that the party wins (closed list multi-member districts, open list multi-member districts with little or no de facto change in list order); (1) where parties control access to the ballot, but not the order in which candidates will receive seats (open lists where intra-party preference votes seem to have a significant influence on which candidates are selected, and single-member districts where parties control access to the list); (2) where there are few or no impediments to individual candidates' ability to appear on the ballot (single-member districts where parties do not control access, e.g. allowing independent candidates and/or use primaries to select candidates).

Type of variable: Continuous

Downloaded by QoG on: 2022-12-07
Last updated by source: 2012-03-24


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