UV radiation. Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is the portion of solar radiation with wavelengths of 200-400 nanometers (nm). UV Radiation was measured as the number of times in each 1-degree cell that the monthly average exceeded the climatological mean +1 standard deviation. These values were summed across the 12 months to provide a single value, ranging from 0-19.
For more details on the variable construction, see the original sources:
Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC).
J. Afflerbach et al. (2015). (https://github.com/OHI-Science/ohiprep/tree/master/globalprep/Pressures_UV)
When using this variable, please cite both the OHI project and the original sources.
Type of variable: Continuous
Last updated by source: 2024-12-03