Variable: CBD Survey: Mariculture

QoG Code: (ohi_maricul)

Dataset: The Ocean Health Index Data


CBD Survey: Mariculture. A resilience measure based on questions 158(d) and 159(a-l) from The Convention on Biological Diversity country questionnaire (Third National Report to the CBD, from 2005).

Question 158: Which of the following statements can best describe the current status of marine and coastal protected areas in your country:
d) A national system or network of marine and coastal protected areas is under development?

Question 159: Is your country applying the following techniques aimed at minimizing adverse impacts of mariculture on marine and coastal biodiversity?
a) Application of environmental impact assessments for mariculture developments;
b) Development and application of effective site selection methods in the framework of integrated marine and coastal area management;
c) development of effective methods for effluent and waste control;
d) Development of appropriate genetic resource management plans at the hatchery level;
e) Development of controlled hatchery and genetically sound reproduction methods in order to avoid seed collection from nature;
f) If seed collection from nature cannot be avoided, development of environmentally sound practices for spat collecting operations, including use of selective fishing gear to avoid by-catch;
g) Use of native species and subspecies in mariculture;
h) Implementation of effective measures to prevent the inadvertent release of mariculture species and fertile polypoids;
i) Use of proper methods of breeding and proper places of releasing in order to protect genetic diversity;
j) Minimizing the use of antibiotics through better husbandry techniques;
k) Use of selective methods in commercial fishing to avoid or minimize bycatch;
l) Considering traditional knowledge, where applicable, as a source to develop sustainable mariculture techniques.

For more details on the variable construction, see the original source:

Convention on Biological Diversity, CBD (

When using this variable, please cite both the OHI project and the original source.

Type of variable: Continuous

Last updated by source: 2024-12-03



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This variable has information from the year 2015 to the year 2015