Variable: CBD Survey: Tourism

QoG Code: (ohi_tour)

Dataset: The Ocean Health Index Data


CBD Survey: Tourism. A resilience measure based on questions 79, 80, and 82 from The Convention on Biological Diversity country questionnaire (Third National Report to the CBD, from 2005).

Question 79: Has your country established mechanisms to assess, monitor and measure the impact of tourism on biodiversity?
a) No;
b) No, but mechanisms are under development;
c) Yes, mechanisms are in place (please specify below);
d) Yes, existing mechanisms are under review.

Question 80: Has your country provided educational and training programmes to the tourism operators so as to increase their awareness of the impacts of tourism on biodiversity and upgrade the technical capacity at the local level to minimize the impacts?
a) No;
b) No, but programmes are under development;
c) Yes, programmes are in place (please describe below).

Question 82: Does your country provide indigenous and local communities with capacity-building and financial resources to support their participation in tourism policy-making, development planning, product development and management?
a) No;
b) No, but relevant programmes are being considered;
c) Yes, some programmes are in place;
d) Yes, comprehensive programmes are in place.

For more details on the variable construction, see the original sources:

Convention on Biological Diversity, CBD (

When using this variable, please cite both the OHI project and the original source.

Type of variable: Continuous

Last updated by source: 2024-12-03



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This variable has information from the year 2015 to the year 2015