Variable: Strength of Placement Mandates for Gender Quota

QoG Code: (qar_plstr)

Dataset: Quota Adoption and Reform over Time (QAROT), Version 1, 1947-2015


Placement mandates as coded “strong” if they specify an order that meets or exceeds the threshold set by the quota. For example, if a quota with a 30% threshold requires that women are on every third position on a party list (33%), the placement mandate would be coded strong. Alternatively, placement mandates are coded “weak” if they are not specific (e.g., “place in winnable positions”) or require a lower share of women than the legislated threshold (e.g., every 10 candidates for a 15% quota). Coded only for country-years where a quota with placement mandates was present.

Type of variable: Continuous

Downloaded by QoG on: 2023-10-20
Last updated by source: 2017-08-16


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