Gender Equality

This category includes variables related to the differences of access and opportunities between women and men by country, such as access to education, overall employment and employment by specific sectors, and indexes that shine a light on the general differences in treatment between men and women.

Is the monarch female
QoG Code: br_monf
Is the president female
QoG Code: br_presf
Equal Opportunity
QoG Code: bti_eo
Abortion is available on request
QoG Code: cai_request
Women's Economic Rights
QoG Code: ciri_wecon
Women's Political Rights
QoG Code: ciri_wopol
Women's Social Rights Laws
QoG Code: ciri_wosoc_l
Women's Social Rights Practices
QoG Code: ciri_wosoc_p
Total fertility rate
QoG Code: eu_agemoth1
Number of deaths of females, all ages
QoG Code: eu_death_totalf
Number of deaths of males, all ages
QoG Code: eu_death_totalm
Fertility rate, Total
QoG Code: eu_demfrate2
Mean age of woman at childbirth
QoG Code: eu_demmawc
Fertility rate, total
QoG Code: eu_frate_total
Fertility rate, at age 15
QoG Code: eu_frate_y15
Fertility rate, at age 30
QoG Code: eu_frate_y30
Fertility rate, at age 35
QoG Code: eu_frate_y35
Number of deaths by HIV, female
QoG Code: eu_hea_hiv_f
Number of deaths by HIV, male
QoG Code: eu_hea_hiv_m
Mean age of women at childbirth
QoG Code: eu_nmarpct
Unemployment rate for + 15 years, male
QoG Code: eu_unemp_ge15m
Unemployment rate for + 25 years, male
QoG Code: eu_unemp_ge25m
Gender Inequality Index
QoG Code: gii_gii
Share of Women (Upper House)
QoG Code: ipu_u_sw
Total fertility rates
QoG Code: oecd_fertility_t1
Gender of Respondent
QoG Code: per_d1
Adopted Gender Quota
QoG Code: qar_adqu
Effective Gender Quota
QoG Code: qar_efqu
Implemented Gender Quota
QoG Code: qar_imqu
Type of Gender Quota
QoG Code: qar_typ
Median income: female population
QoG Code: swm_scb_incmedfem
Median income: male population
QoG Code: swm_scb_incmedmal
Share of women in municipal assembly
QoG Code: swm_scb_mafem
Infant mortality rate, Total
QoG Code: who_infmortt