Variable: KOLFU: Not hiring the most qualified person.

QoG Code: (swm_kfu_corr3)

Dataset: Politics, Institutions and Services in Swedish Municipalities



Not hiring the most qualified person.

"A civil servant has been employed despite not being the most qualified candidate."

In your opinion, to what extent have the following occurred in your municipality during this mandate period? On a scale of 1 "Not at all" to 7 "To a very large extent."

Source: KOLFU 2012
Note: Values have been transferred to cover all years within the mandate period 2010/2014. Gathered from The QoG Dataset of Swedish Municipalities, version 15Jan14. Original variable names: q53_1, q53_2, q53_3, q53_4, q53_5.

Type of variable: Categorical


Labour Market Bureaucratic Structure

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