Labour Market

This category includes variables about employment, unemployment and union density rate, in general, as well as in subgroups of the population.

Right to Strike in Constitution
QoG Code: ccp_strike
Worker Rights Laws
QoG Code: ciri_work_l_s
Worker Rights Practices
QoG Code: ciri_work_p_s
Employment rate for +25 years, Male
QoG Code: eu_emp_ge25m
Employment rate for +65 years, Male
QoG Code: eu_emp_ge65m
Unemployment rate for + 15 years, male
QoG Code: eu_unemp_ge15m
Unemployment rate for + 25 years, male
QoG Code: eu_unemp_ge25m
Labor Freedom
QoG Code: hf_labor
Employment rates for age group 15-24
QoG Code: oecd_emplage_t1a
Employment rates for age group 25-54
QoG Code: oecd_emplage_t1b
Employment rates for age group 55-64
QoG Code: oecd_emplage_t1c
Employment rates: Women
QoG Code: oecd_emplgndr_t1a
Employment rates: Men
QoG Code: oecd_emplgndr_t1b
Employment rates: Total
QoG Code: oecd_emplgndr_t1c
Average hours actually worked
QoG Code: oecd_hourswkd_t1
Long-term unemployment
QoG Code: oecd_ltunemp_t1
Practising nurses
QoG Code: oecd_nurse_g1
Incidence of part-time employment
QoG Code: oecd_ptempl_t1
Gini index of regional unemployment rates
QoG Code: oecd_regdispunemp_g1
Share of Researchers per 1,000 people
QoG Code: oecd_research_t1
Self-employment rates: Women
QoG Code: oecd_selfempl_t1a
Self-employment rates: Men
QoG Code: oecd_selfempl_t1b
Self-employment rates: Total
QoG Code: oecd_selfempl_t1c
Unemployment rates: Women
QoG Code: oecd_unemplrt_t1a
Unemployment rates: Men
QoG Code: oecd_unemplrt_t1b
Unemployment rates: Total
QoG Code: oecd_unemplrt_t1c
Employment, binary
QoG Code: per_d5a
Unemployment, detailed
QoG Code: per_d5b
Employment, sector
QoG Code: per_d5c
Employment, combined categories
QoG Code: per_d5combined
Type of Employment
QoG Code: per_d5d
Female Retirement Age
QoG Code: sc_penagef
Male Retirement Age
QoG Code: sc_penagem
Unemployment coverage
QoG Code: sc_uecov
Number in labour force
QoG Code: sied_alabforc
Number of employees
QoG Code: sied_employes
Working age population
QoG Code: sied_popu1564
Number in labour force
QoG Code: sied_slabforc
Number in labour force
QoG Code: sied_ulabforc
KOLFU: Former politician hired
QoG Code: swm_kfu_corr2
Economically Active Daytime Population
QoG Code: swm_scb_econactdaypop
Mean income, municipal citizens
QoG Code: swm_scb_incmean
Median income: female population
QoG Code: swm_scb_incmedfem
Median income: male population
QoG Code: swm_scb_incmedmal
Median income: total population
QoG Code: swm_scb_incmedtot
Municipal owned companies: No of employees
QoG Code: swm_scb_muncompemp
No of municipal employed in: Total
QoG Code: swm_skl_emptot
Minimum Wage Setting
QoG Code: vi_mws
National Minimum Wage
QoG Code: vi_nmw
Right to Strike, market
QoG Code: vi_rsm
Union Density Rate
QoG Code: vi_udr
Coordination of wage-setting
QoG Code: vi_wcoord
Hiring and firing practices
QoG Code: wef_hfp
Workers' rights
QoG Code: wef_wr
Confidence: Labour Unions
QoG Code: wvs_conflu
Work is a duty towards society
QoG Code: wvs_wduty
Mean age of private paid employees
QoG Code: wwbi_meanageprpe
Mean age of public paid employees
QoG Code: wwbi_meanagepupe
Median age of private paid employees
QoG Code: wwbi_medianageprpe
Median age of public paid employees
QoG Code: wwbi_medianagepupe
Pay compression ratio in public sector
QoG Code: wwbi_paycomppu