Variable: Minimum Wage Setting

QoG Code: (vi_mws)

Dataset: The ICTWSS database version 6.0


Minimum Wage Setting.

  1. No statutory minimum wage, no sectoral or national agreements.
  2. Minimum wages are set by (sectoral) collective agreement or tripartite wage boards in (some) sectors.
  3. Minimum wages are set by national (cross-sectoral or inter-occupational) agreement (autonomous agreement) between unions and employers.
  4. National minimum wage is set by agreement (as in 1 or 2) but extended and made binding by law or Ministerial decree.
  5. National minimum wage is set through tripartite negotiations.
  6. National minimum wage is set by government after (non-binding) tripartite consultations.
  7. Minimum wage set by judges or expert committee, as in award-system.
  8. Minimum wage is set by government, bound by a fixed rule (index-based minimum wage).
  9. Minimum wage is set by government based on a fixed rule (index-based minimum wage) or target (growth, employment, poverty), but government can (and sometimes does) take a discretionary decision.
  10. Minimum wage is set by government, without a fixed rule.

Type of variable: Categorical


Labour Market

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