Variable: Minimum Wage Setting
QoG Code: (vi_mws)
Minimum Wage Setting.
- No statutory minimum wage, no sectoral or national agreements.
- Minimum wages are set by (sectoral) collective agreement or tripartite wage boards in (some) sectors.
- Minimum wages are set by national (cross-sectoral or inter-occupational) agreement (autonomous agreement) between unions and employers.
- National minimum wage is set by agreement (as in 1 or 2) but extended and made binding by law or Ministerial decree.
- National minimum wage is set through tripartite negotiations.
- National minimum wage is set by government after (non-binding) tripartite consultations.
- Minimum wage set by judges or expert committee, as in award-system.
- Minimum wage is set by government, bound by a fixed rule (index-based minimum wage).
- Minimum wage is set by government based on a fixed rule (index-based minimum wage) or target (growth, employment, poverty), but government can (and sometimes does) take a discretionary decision.
- Minimum wage is set by government, without a fixed rule.
Type of variable: Categorical
Labour Market
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